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96 Cards in this Set

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Term that refers to when a politician favors one region of the country over another
The section of the Country that had the most businesses and Industry
The section of the Country that was primarly Agricultural
The Section of the Country where most immigrants resided
The section of the Country that most resisted social changes
The section of the country that had the most railroads tracks and canals
The section of the country that relied on free labor
The section of the country that had an agrucultural ecomnomy
The section of the country that had a factory based economy
Running water
Most industries were located in the North because of what power source
Fugutive slave Law
Law that required anyone that knew of a escaped slave to return him to his master.
What section of the country was mostly urban?
Cotton was a main crop of which Section of the Country?
Cyrus McCormick
Inventor of the Mechanical Reaper
Eli Whitmey
Inventor of the Cotton Gin
John Deere
Inventor of the steel plow
Robert Fulton
Inventor of the steamboat
The first steamboat
It enabled goods to be sent upstream cheaper and quicker because roads were in poor condition
How did the steamboat help the economy ?
Wilmont Provisio
a proposal to outlaw slavery in the area added to the United States in the Mexican Cession
Eli Whitney
Inventor of the concept of interchangable parts
Samuel F.B. Morse
Inventor of the telegraph
Morse Code
Code used by telegraph
Cotton Gin
Technological advancement (invention) that allowed for the prolonging of slavery by making the use of slave labor more economically rewarding. It mechanically separated seeds from cotton balls
Industrial Revolution
A period of Rapid Growth of Business and Industry in the United States
A complete and basic Change. Today we live in a technological one because computers and tech advances have affected every part of our lives.
Immigrant group that came to the united states because of a potato famine in their country
Immigrant group that came to the united states to seek farmland, settled in the midwest
Political party that supported approving the constitution/strong central government
Anti Federalist
Supported strong state governments and limited federal power
Know Nothing party
Anti Immigration party
Free soilers
Anti expansion of slavery party
Political party that wanted to get rid of slavery everywhere
National Republicans
Anti Jackson Party
Party that supported Andrew Jackson and the common man
Election in which Jackson supporters felt they were cheated
Legal immigrants must be what age to apply for citizenship?
5 years
Legal immigrants must live in the United States how long before applying for citizenship?
The United States Constitution
To be a citizen Legal imigrants must agree to support what American document?
Legal immigrants must understand written and spoken...
U.S. History and government
Legal immigrants must show basic knowledge of ...
Naturalization Court
To be a citizen legal immigrants must go before what body to take an oath of allegiance to the U.S.
Natural Born
A citizen that is born in the United States
Naturalized Citizen
A person that becomes a citizen by going through the immigration process
All legal citzens must be able to support themselves......
Popular Soverginty
The Idea that people should decide for themselves wheather or not their state would be free or a slave state
Kansas Nebraska Act
Law passed that determined that the last of the Louisiana Territory would use Popular Soverginty as a way to determine how they entered the Union
Compromise of 1850
Compromise that determined that California would enter as a free state and the Southwest would decide to be slave state or not by popular vote
Natural born citizens and naturalized citizens
The right to vote are enjoyed only by whom in America?
Natural born Citizens
The right to hold elective office including the presidency is enjoyed only by whom in America?
Protection of the U.S. Government
Everyone enjoys what right in America even if they are here legally or illegally here
Natural born citizens and Natualized Citizens
Only ____ and ______ are obligated to be loyal to the United States Government.
Natural born citizens, naturalized Citizens and legal Aliens
These groups have the right to benefits of public policy such as welfare and education
Nullification Crisis
Crisis that occured when South Carolina threatened to succeed from the Union because the federal government wanted to enforce a high tariff on imported goods
The power of a state to ignore a law passed by the federal government if they felt it was unconstitutional or unfair.
Missouri Compromise
Allowed Missouri to come in as a slave state and brought Maine in as a free state prohibited the expansion of slavery North of Missouri's Southern border
Inidan Removal Act
Bill passed by Andrew Jackson that called for the removal of American Indians west of the Mississippi River
Age of Jackson
Period of time Named for Andrew Jackson
The National Bank
Jackson wanted to kill this institution by vetoing it charter renewal. He later removed federal monies from it because he felt it was unconstitutional and did not favor the common man.It resulted in economic dispair in the country
State Banks
Jackson removed the federal government money from the national bank to the ...
Common Man
Jackson has been called the champion of the .....
Kitchen Cabinet
Group of unoffical advisors of President Jackson
The Spoils system
After Jackson was elected he replaced all his cabinet members with his friends this became known as ....
Andrew Jackson
The hero of the battle of New Orleans
increased the power of the president
Jackson's lasting influence on the presidency is that he
Nicholas Biddle
The head of the national bank and the enemy of Jackson
Protective Tariff
A tax put on goods coming into a country to force people in a country to buy goods produced in that country
To ban trade with a country or countries
Embargo Act
Banned trade with all foreign countries. (Jefferson)
Alexander Hamilton
Opponet of Jefferson, he supported protective tariffs to protect American industry
to make loans to buisiness and industry
Hamilton wanted a National bank for what reason?
gave too much power to the Federal Government. He was a Anti Federalist
Why was Jefferson against a national bank?
National Bank
A bank established to keep our nations money
McCulloh vs Maryland
Mary land tried to pass a tax that would limit the national banks operation in Maryland, the Cashier of the National bank in Maryland refused to pay the tax and the case went to the supreme Court.The court decided that a National bank was Constitutional
He thought a national bank was an unconstitutional extention of the power of the federal government. He thought that states should have the right to control the bank.
Cumberland Road
The first National Road. Built in Maryland.
Erie Canal
Connected the great lakes to the Hudson River (Buffalo to Albany) and made New Yark a major port city.
Immigrants with picks and shovels
Who dug the Erie Canal?
Peter Cooper
built "Tom Thumb" a small powerful steam locamotive
Industry that gave rise to the coal industry
Dorothea Dix
Helped to have mentally ill people treated in professional facilities not jailed as criminals
Common School Movement
Movement that said all school children should be taught in a common place.
Horace Mann
leader of the common school movement
Expansion of voting to more people
Greater insurance that the majority rule
What are two major componets of Jacksonian Democracy?
Free soilers, abolitionist, whigs and democrats came to gether and formed which political party
Steam powered Engines
What technological advancement allowed peole to bulid factories most anywhere?
Richard Arkwright
Inventor of the water frame used for spinning thread
the importation of slaves were banned
Why did slave domestic slave trade increase in the early 1800's?
unsafe, workers appeared to be under the control of the machines instead of in control of the machines
what were working conditions in the mills like?
William Lloyd Garrison
A abolistionist newspaper publisher who wrote the liberator
Harper's Ferry
John Brown's attemp to gain weapons for slaves to fight for their freedom
John Brown
An abolitionist that went on a raid to kill slavery promoters
Fredrick Douglass
Editor of the North Star, he was an escaped slave who taught himself to read and write.
Harriet Tubman
The leader of the undergroud railroad.
Lowelll System
Practice of factories to hire young girls to work
Rhode Island System
Practice of hiring families to work in the factories