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55 Cards in this Set

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John Locke
Applied reason and logic to government. Stated all people have natural rights and if the government violates these rights, the people have the right to overthrow the government

Thomas Jefferson
third president who didn't believe in a strong federal government--thought the states should have more rights

objected the Constitution because they thought it gave the central government too much power at the expense of the states

Concurrent Powers
powers shared by the state and Federal government (taxes, enforcing laws, etc.)

the withdrawing of the South from the Union
The Abolitionist Movement

the movement to end slavery

Radical Reconstruction
the south was divided into five districts under Union control. African Americans granted citizenship status and suffrage

14th Amendment
defines citizenship; guarantees all citizens "equal protection of the laws"
16th Amendment
gave Congress the power to collect income tax (Wilson)
18th Amendment
banned the making, selling, and transporting of alcoholic beverages in the United States
push factors of immigration
religious persecution & mandatory military service

pull factors of immigration
work in industry, greater political and religious freedoms, better future for children

Samuel Gompers
leader of the American Federation of Labor, he ran it like a business.... thought better education would result in less crime
The Jungle
a novel written by Upton Sinclair which reveals the despair of immigrations working in Chicago's stockyards and the unsanitary conditions in the industry
W.E.B. DuBois
African American activist that approached the problem radically. Thought African Americans should fight immediately for their rights

Theodore Roosevelt
Progressivism President. Believed in using military action to benefit the U.S. Square Deal & Big Stick Diplomacy

Howard Taft
Progressive Republican President following Roosevelt, dollar diplomacy

people who believed they needed to reform the government to reform society-- wanted to give people more control over their government and make the government more effective and efficient at serving its citizens

New Freedom
President Wilson's program which placed strict government controls on corporations

Big Stick Diplomacy
depended on a strong military to achieve America's goals

Moral Diplomacy
America would no longer use the military to get what they wanted, but would work to promote "human rights, national integrity, and opportunity"

the policy by which strong nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories

Guerrilla Warfare
nontraditional warfare generally involving small bands of fighters attacking behind enemy lines

The Triple Entente
France, Russia, & Great Britain (WWI)

Zimmerman Telegram
a telegram from Germany to Mexico, promising to help the Mexicans take back U.S. land if they joined their side in the war

Treaty of Versailles
a treaty created at the end of the war that had many problems (Ireland didn't gain independence, too harsh towards Germany, no self-determination) so the Americans did not pass it

Red Scare
the fear that communists both inside and outside of the U.S. were working to destroy American life

advocate of major industries being controlled by the government rather than by individual people or companies

Natural Rights
aspects of life that should be granted to every person, without discrimination

supporters of the constitution and a strong central government

a division of power between the states and the nation

Articles of Confederation
the first federal constitution-- gave the federal government only limited powers

The Election of 1860
southerners felt Lincoln would not be adequately account for the needs/wishes of the South

main goal of the Union in 1861
preserve the union

13th Amendment
abolished slavery throughout the United States

15th Amendment
guarantees that the right to vote cannot be denied on the basis of race

17th Amendment
instituted the direct election of senators

19th Amendment
gave women the right to vote

Gilded Age
the 19th century because troubling issues lurked under the prosperity

Plessy v. Ferguson
a court case in which the government upheld segregation as long as states upheld "separate but equal" facilities

Rise of labor unions
worked for higher wages, safer working conditions, and reasonable working hours-- Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor

Booker T. Washington
African American rights activist-- thought rights will be gained over time if the African Americans gain respect of the whites and show their worthiness

Square Deal
Theodore Roosevelt's plan to keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor

Temperance Movement
promoted the practice of abstaining from alcohol

Woodrow Wilson
Progressive Democratic President-- New Freedom

Platt Amendment
restricted the rights of newly independent Cubans and effectively brought Cuba within the U.S. sphere

Dollar Diplomacy
Taft's aim to increase investment in businesses and banks throughout Central America and the Caribbean, rather than use military force to achieve American goals

Social Darwinism
the view that life consisted of a struggle in which only the fittest survive --> applied Darwin's theory of evolution & principle of natural selection to society

glorification of the military

The Triple Alliance
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy (WWI)

League of Nations
a world organization established after WWI to promote peaceful cooperation between countries-- ineffective without the U.S.

Sedition Act of 1918
banned speaking out against the war effort and, therefore, violated freedom of speech

Influenza epidemic of 1918
flu that broke out and spread all over the world, killing millions, at the end of WWI. Made humans think there was a cloud of doom over the world

a person that believes laws and a government are unnecessary (accused Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti)

a person who believes in a society in which all property is publicly owned and people work and are paid according to their abilities and needs