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34 Cards in this Set

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What did Booker T. Washington encourage students to seek in school?
What stereotype was used to justify not giving woman training?
All of the above
Plussy V. Ferguson, what did the supreme court decide?
Separate but equal
What did Du Bois encourage students to learn?
Liberal arts
First action of Spanish American was where?
What was one result of the Spanish American war?
Puerto Rico and Guam are U.S.
Why did Roosevelt's opponents disapprove of the Panama Canal?
Opposed his involvement in war
Which of the following demonstrated enforcement of Monroe Doctrine?
Boundary dispute with Venezuela to arbitration.
Federal Roosevelt worked to protect what?
the environment
Name of the act that drafted men into the military.
Selective service act.
Name of the act that banned alcohol.
Volstead act
Under terms of the Sussex pledge, the German government promised what?
U-boats would warn ships before attacking
Violent act in Bosnia that triggered world war 1
Assassination of Archduke
In 1932, Mancuria was taken over by who?
Tojo and the japanese
Term used to describe Germany, Japan, and Italy's alliance in WWI
Axis powers
Blitzkrieg was used mostly on who?
Division between North and South Korea?
38th Parallel
American's thought invasion by Korea was initiated by who?
Soviet Union
Final resolution of Korea war?
Line remained about the same
U.S. policy of resistance to communism in Russia
One advantage of North Vietnam was their _____
tunnel system
Nationalist leader leading vietnam
Ho Chi Minn
Martin Luther King Jr showed leadership potential by organizing what?
Montgomery bus boycott
Tension between students and national guard resulted in 4 being shot where?
Kent state
Why was NAACP founded?
Fight racial discrimination through courts.
We fought gulf war because Iraq invaded what country?
Carter won election by presenting himself as a ______
Washington outsider
As Watergate evidence went against Nixon, he _____
Baby boom followed WWII and Korean war contributed to what?
Rise of student population
Fighting North Vietnamese used ______
Saturation bombing
What fear added to to the fascism in Italy?
Communist resolution
Russia signed non aggression pact with who?
After war, Soviet quickly took control of _____
Several European countries
Both Mussolini and Hitler saw expansion as a way to increase ______
National pride