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31 Cards in this Set

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List the five main wars in chronological order.

The Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, The Korean War, The Vietnam War.

Describe the foreign policy of Richard Nixon/Gerald Ford (1968-1974)

"Detente": tried not to win the war, but to control it

Describe the foreign policy of Jimmy Carter (1976-1980)

Complicated relationship with Soviets because their practices violated human rights

Describe the foreign policy of Ronald Reagan (1980-1988)

Aggressive strategy towards communism during first term, however in second term when Gorbachev took over relations became diplomatic (almost friendly)

Describe the foreign policy of George Bush (1988-1992)

Bush simply continued Reagan's peaceful ideas, the cold war then ends

Which Russian leader criticized Stalin and was late replaced by Brezhnev?


Who is the father of containment?

George F. Kennan

How did Reagan help end the Cold War/the U.S.S.R.?

Reagan spent loads of money on American military. When the USSR tried to keep up, they failed and lost power + control

What foreign policy is John Foster Dulles, vice president under Eisenhower, associated with?

Massive Retaliation + Brinkmanship

(against containment)

Describe the foreign policy of Harry Truman (1945-1953)


Describe the foreign policy of Dwight

D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)

Brinkmanship, massive retaliation, "cold war thaw", peaceful coexistence

Describe the foreign policy of John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)

Hard line, maximum toughness

What major event caused Jimmy Carter to lose support?

Iranian Hostage Crisis. The US failed miserably trying to rescue 52 Americans being held in Iran.

What are three techniques student protesters used to voice their opinions?

The teach-in movement, draft resistance, violence

How was the presidency, the morale of troops, and the American public affected by student protests of the Vietnam war?

Support for Johnson's handling of the war decrease. Troops begin to question the war and morale declines. American public started looking for a way out of the war.

What event sent the US into the Vietnam War?

The Gulf of Tonkin incident: an attack on US navy vessels

Describe the events of the Vietnam War.

A civil war breaks out between the North (communist) and South (non-communist). The US feared the spread of communism so we sent troops to South Vietnam.

What is the importance of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution of 1964?

It gave Johnson the authorization, without a formal declaration of war, to us military force in Southeast Asia.

Who were the Vietcong?

Farmers by day, guerrillas by night. Very patient North Vietnamese who were willing to accept many casualties.

How did the US make the Vietnam War a "high-tech war"?

Saturation bombing, chemical defoliant, napalm, rocket launchers and grenades

What was the Tet Offensive?

A major turning point in the war. Vietcong suffers great losses. US realizes war is hopeless and protests begin.

What were the results of the Tet Offensive?

Troops are withdrawn from south Vietnam, and the Civil War is declared over.

What was the Loyalty Review Program?

Background checks on government employees. 1,500 people lost their jobs.

What was the House Un-American Activities Committee?

Looked into radical activities of prominent Americans (actors, political leaders, etc.)

Name three events that occurred from 1948-1950 that contributed to the second Red Scare of America.

1948: Berlin Blockade

1949: Soviets test their own A-bomb

1950: China falls to communism

What is containment?

Cold War policy of the United States designed to prevent communism from expanding beyond its current boundaries

What was the Truman Doctrine?

Aimed to put down communist rebellion in Greece and Turkey by giving money to the countries.

What was the Marshall Plan?

Also known as the European Recovery Plan. Restored war-torn nations to prevent communism from taking over western Europe.

What was the Berlin Airlift?

Provided 200,00 flights of supplies to people trapped in western Berlin.

What was N.A.T.O.?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization: 1.5 billion dollar mutual defense alliance to protect against communism in Northern + Western Europe. Each nation contributes troops to prepare for a communist invasion.

Summarize the Korean War.

North Korea attacks South Korea in 1950, troops are sent in. Weeks later, fighting starts, and Americans + allies are pushed back to the Pusan Peninsula. Allied forces then attacked at Inchon which cut off supply lines and recaptured Seoul. Then, Chinese forces attacked, eventually pushing allies back down the peninsula. Allied forces slowly begin to make their way up the peninsula and an armistice is signed in 1953.