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62 Cards in this Set

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Name the man who helped rid the Panama Canal of infectious diseases

William Gorgas

Whose assassination sparked World War I?

Archduke Ferdinand

Name the common type of housing for settlers on the prairie

sod houses

Who designed and built the Brooklyn Bridge?

Washington and John Roebling

Give the name for American infantrymen during World War I


What was the purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act?

regulated shipping rated charged by the railroads

Who developed hundreds of uses for the peanut

George Washington Carver

Name the founder of the Union Oil Company

Lyman Stewart

Name the President who sent the Great White Fleet around the world

President Theodore Roosevelt

What was the purpose of the Dawes Act?

It offered land and citizenship to any Indian willing to take up farming

Name the battle where George Custer was killed

Little Bighorn

Name the was that came about because of a conflict in Cuba

Spanish-American War

Name the person who sponsored the Pendleton Civil Service Act

Chester Arthur

Who led the American expeditionary force during World War I?

General John Pershing

Who helped produce the first practical commercial typewriter?

Christopher Sholes

Name the only President to be inaugurated by his father

Calvin Coolidge

World War I years


Name Dwight L. Moody's song leader

Ira David Sankey

Name the occupation of Louis Sullivan


Name the three Central Powers

Germany, Bulgaria, and Austria-Hungary

Name the document that promised land to Mexico in return for helping

Zimmerman Note

Name the father of modern psychology

Sigmund Freud

Name the document written by the Spanish ambassador to Cuba that infuriated the American people

Delome Letter

The President that served two non-consecutive terms

Grover Cleveland

The document that provided for examination for political office seekers

Pendleton Civil Service Act

The city in which Dwight L. Moody found the Moody Bible Institute


The first inter-racial hospital in the United States

Providence hospital

The President who suffered under the Teapot Dome scandal

Warren G. Harding

The American battleship that blew up in the harbor at Havana, Cuba

U.S.S. Maine

The amendment that made income tax legal

16th Amendment

The political party that supported a free silver policy

Populist Party

Yellow journalism=

is the printing of sensational stories intended to excite the reader

What promoted free trade in China?

Open Door Policy

The year Titanic sank from being struck by an iceberg


imperialist =

a person who wants to control governments

The event where the United States was determined to enforce the Monroe Doctrine without relying on Britain

Boundary Dispute

The war where President Theodore Roosevelt won a Nobel Peace Prize

Russo-Japanese War

The chief of the Apache Indian tribe


The dates of the Progressive Era


The best known hero of World War 1

Alvin York

Dwight L. Moody's former profession

Shoe salesman

The most popular American poet in the late 19th and 20th centuries

James Whitcomb Riley

The document that opened the Great Plains for settlement

Homestead Act

The first automobile produced on an assembly line

Model T

The father of modern socialism

Karl Marx

The nickname of Robert La Follette

Battlin' Bob

The two men who worked together to control yellow fever

Dr. Walter Reed and Dr. Carlos Finlay

The President during World War 1

Woodrow Wilson

The complete due date World War 1 ended

November 11, 1918

The amendment that prohibited the sale and consumption of alcohol

18th Amendment

The event that was a for evolutionists

Scopes or Monkey Trial

The leader of the Rough Riders

Theodore Roosevelt

Who wrote corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Theodore Roosevelt

The philanthropist who made hid fortune in the steel business

Andrew Carnegie

Who wrote the song "Blessed Assurance"?

Fanny Crosby

Who invented the incandescent light bulb?

Thomas Edison

How much did the United States purchase the Philippines for?

$20 million

The nickname for Charles Lindbergh

The Lone Eagle

What is Charles Lindbergh remembered for?

first nonstop transatlantic flight

The founder of Grange

Oliver H. Kelly

Who became President after the assassination of President William McKinley?

Theodore Roosevelt

Whose death led to the Pendleton Civil Service Act?

James Garfield