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42 Cards in this Set

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The name of the set of counting numbers, their opposites and zero.
A term in a mathematical expression that does not have a variable.
Symbols used to represent unspecified numbers or values.
The name for quantities being multiplied.
The product of 2 and a number to the sixth power.
Write a verbal expression for the algebraic expression: 1/2x - 12
one half times a number less twelve
Write a verbal expression for the algebraic expression: 4(x + 3) - 16
Four times the sum of a number and three less sixteen.
Write an algebraic expression for the verbal expression: a number increased by 10.
x + 10
Write an algebraic expression for the verbal expression: Eight less than the product of a number and seven.
7x - 8
Write an algebraic expression for the verbal expression: The quotient of one and three times a number less sixteen.
1/3x - 16
Evaluate 5x + (7y - z) for x = -2, y = 3, z = 4 (no calculator)
1) 4x + 20
2) 52 square units
The word that describes the property: for any number a, the sum of a and 0 is a. For example, 3 + 0 = 3.
Additive Identity
The word that describes the property: for any number a, the product of a and1 is a. For example, 4(1) = 4.
Multiplicative identity
The word that describes the property: A number and its opposite sum to 0. For example, 5 + -5 = 0
Additive Inverse
The word that describes the property: For every number a/b, where b does not equal 0, there is exactly one number b/a such that the product of a/b and b/a is 1. For example, (3/4)(4/3) = 1.
Multiplicative inverse or reciprocal.
The property that states that the order in which you add or multiply numbers does not matter. For example, 2 x 3 = 3 x 2.
Commutative Property
The property that states that when adding or multiplying three or more numbers changing the grouping does not change the sum or product. For example, (2 + 5) + 7 = 2 + (5 + 7)
Associative Property
State the distributive property using variables a, b and c.
a(b + c) = ab + ac
A group of 6 adults and 3 children are going to watch the SeaHawks play at the Superbowl. Tickets are $120. Write an expression that demonstrates the distributive property for this scenario. (You do not need to solve the equation)
$120(6 + 3) = $120(6) + $120(3)
the name for terms in an expression that contain the same variables raised to the same power.
Like Terms
Simplify (3 + x)2 – 7x + 13
-5x + 13
Kenji is picking up his take-out orders for the group. Show how to use the distributive property to do mental math to determine his total cost. (No calculator). Four sandwiches at $2.49 each and 3 drinks at $1.01 each
4(2.50) - 4(.01) + 3(1.00) + 3(.01) = 10.00 - .04 + 3.00 + .03 = 12.99
The perimeter of an octagon (8-sided figure) is 128 inches. Find the length of one side.
128/8 = 16 inches
The length of a rectangle is 4 inches greater than its width.
1) Draw a picture of the figure and label its dimensions.
2) Write an expression to find the area.
3) Find the area if the width is 3 inches. Include proper units.
Compare and contrast an algebraic expression and an algebraic equation.
They both have terms that include variables but the equation has an equal sign and the expression does not. In fact, the equation is comprised of two expressions joined by an equal sign.
Draw a coordinate grid and label the axes, origin, and quadrants.
1) Express the set {(-1,2),(2,3),(3,-4),(-5,-2)} as a graph and table
2) Identify the domain and range.
1) The voltage of the battery decreases over time.
2) Time is the independent variable and voltage is the dependent variable.
What are the four ways to describe a function that we discussed in class.
1) graph
2) equation
3) table
4) words or verbal
Give an example of the vertical line test and explain what it means.
For f(x) = 4x + 8 find f(1)
f(1) = 12
For f(x) = 13 - 3x and g(x) = x + 6 find f(0) - g(3)
f(0) = 13
g(3) = 9
f(0) - g(3) = 13 - 9 = 4
What is the definition of a function?
A function is a relation in which every input has a unique output.
Yes, it represents a function because every input has a unique output.
What is a domain of a relation?
The domain is all the possible input values of a relation.
What is the range of a relation?
The range is all the possible output values of the relation.