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155 Cards in this Set

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Differences between New England and Chesapeake Colonies
New England-- religious, family, community, equal economic opportunity, covenant with god and community, equality, get food

Chesapeake-- gold, greed, young entrepreneurs, less religious, conflict with indians, disease, failure, rebellion
John Winthrop
governor of MA Bay Colony
Roger Williams
exiled b/c preached good relationship with indians, separation of church and state, and religious toleration

founded Rhode Island colony--- liberal, tolerance, fair to indians, etc.
Anne Hutchinson
exiled b/c said she had divine revelation
Maryland Toleration Act 1649
toleration to christians in Maryland
indentured servitude
work for master in return for payment of travel to new world...free once term served (3-7 years)
Bacon's Rebellion
Nathaniel Bacon
frontier rebelled against rich farmers by coast--- shows conflict between frontier and coast, rich and poor---leads to use of black slave labor

rebelled because gov restricting westward expansion because of indians
John Peter Zenger Trial
new york colony--- violation of freedom of speech and press
Stamp Act
- raised taxes on stamps
led to formation of Stamp Act Congress (colonists unite against Britain), the Loyal Nine, the Sons of Liberty, and the Declaratory Act (parliament power over colonies)

- Declaratory Act b/c the needed some power and morale b/c they repealed Stamp Act after colonists boycotts
Townshend Acts
- switched from internal to external taxes (taxes certain imports)
-- increased customs officials
-- Daughters of Liberty, spinning bees, riots, boycotts
Proclamation of 1763
line that settlers can't cross in west to avoid conflict with indians---settlers hate it
French and Indian War
- raised colonial-british tensions
- Treaty of Paris 1763--France loses--England wins
-- Proclamation of 1763
--British debt
--end of salutary neglect in america
--first time colonists uniting against common enemy
First Great Awakening
religious movement
old lights vs new lights
new lights--emotion
elite v average
anti intellectualism
Common Sense
by Thomas Paine

convert 1/3 of neutral colonists over to Patriots and revolutionaries---spark revolutionary feeling
Virtual Representation
parliament says that the members of parliament elected by ppl in england represent all of british empire even though colonies have no officials in parliament--they are represented by other voters' officials in england
Actual Representation
colonies would elect officials to Parliament to represent them
Battle of Saratoga
--turning point of Revolution
--US gets direct French aid
Federalist Paper #10 and #51
--by James Madison-federalist but becomes dem rep later on
-- advocation ratification
--checks and balances
#10--big centralized gov
John Locke
natural rights
born equal
environment important
social contract-- gov protects natural rights and we be loyal
right to rebel
"Two Treatises on Gov"
Strict v loose constructionist
strict-- interpret constitution literally--hate elastic clause-- democratic republicans

loose--loose interpretation-- like elastic clause-- federalists
Great Compromise
1 house by pop
1 house with 2 reps each state
3/5 Compromise
each slave is 3/5 a person in representation
Virginia Plan
--Edmund Randolph
-- bicameral by pop
--big states
New Jersey Plan
--unicameral with equal rep
--small states
implied vs declared (enumerated) powers
implied--get whatever power not included that is necessary and proper
declared--only have power explicitly stated
Critical Period
Articles of Confederation gov
Articles of Confederation Weaknesses
--100% agreement for amendments
-couldn't tax or raise armies without consent of state
-- no judicial or executive on national level
- limited interstate commerce
-- weak central gov
--problems shown by Shays' Rebellion
Shays' Rebellion
-Daniel Shays
- wetsern MA
- rebel b/c of taxes---no standing army and hard to raise on---very hard to put down rebellion
--exposed weaknesses of Confederation Congress (Articles of COnfederation)
1st Amendment
freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition, and religion
2nd Amendment
right to bear arms
3rd Amendment
no quartering troops
4th Amendment
protection from unreasonable search and seizure
5th Amendment
DUE PROCESS, double jeopardy, self- incrimination, eminent domain
6th Amendment
speedy trial by jury and rights of the accused
7th Amendment
civil trial by jury
8th Amendment
no excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment
9th Amendment
protection of rights not specifically in bill of rights
10th Amendment
any powers not delegated to the national gov are reserved for the states and ppl
11th Amendment
sovereign immunity
12th Amendment
revision of presidential election procedures
13th Amendment
abolition of slavery
14th Amendment
-defines citizen
-equal protection under law
- no nullification
--men over 21 vote
--no 3/5 clause
-south not paid debt
- rebels can't be in congress without 2/3 congress vote
15th Amendment
suffrage can't be restricted by race
Hamilton's Economic Plan
--Bank of the United States
-federal government assumes debt in full and distribute equally to states
- pro industry
- protective tariffs
- infrastructure
-- US should assume full debt to Britain
excise tax
--tax on good produced within country
-- ex. tax on whiskey
Whiskey Rebellion
-rebellion to tax on whiskey
- Washington called up army to put it down
-showed strength of national gov
Jay's Treaty
- hated by american ppl
- with Britain
- gave Britain favored trade status with US--lower tariffs
- they paid for ships from 1793-94 that they attacked
- French ships would not be outfitted in US
-American gov will assume debt to Britain
Land Ordinance of 1785
-- set up method for selling Northwest Territory
- made it federal land--sold to speculators-- money for national gov
Northwest Ordinance 1787
set up 3 step process for statehood
Judiciary Act of 1789
set up the Supreme Court
XYZ Affair
--John Adams president
-- begins Quasi War with France b/c France refused to accept our diplomats and asks for bribes
Alien and Sedition Acts
-- violated freedom of speech
--hated by Dem Reps
--Jefferson responds with Virginia Kentucky Resolutions
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
--response to Alien and Sedition Acts
--uses nullification
-Compact Theory of Gov
Compact Theory of Gov
contract between state and national gov and when national gov breaks contract, state doesn't have to enforce law
Republican Motherhood
republican mothers must raise kids to be perfect republicans
Judicial Review
--Supreme Court can rule law unconstitutional
- established in Marbury v Madison
Jeffersonian Democrats
--undid what Adams did
-- national bank, Alien and Sedition Acts
Louisiana Purchase
-- Jefferson
-- $15 million to France for Louisiana Territory
--English ships force American sailors to work for their navy
-- cause of the War of 1812
-Chesapeake Leonard Affair
Embargo Act of 1807
--we won't trade with anyone at war
--replaced with the Non-Intercourse Act--1809-- we will trade with anyone except France and Britain unless they stop fighting
--results in New England's self sufficiency
War Hawks
Clay and Calhoun
wanted War of 1812
War of 1812
- Napoleonic Wars--Berlin Decrees, etc. lead to impressment of American sailors
- Chesapeake-Leonard Affair-- British ship fired on American ship
- Embargo Act
-Non-Intercourse Act
- Britain instigates the Indians
-War Hawks
War of 1812 results
--reaffirmed US independence
-lessened Indian power
-eliminated federalist party
--US self sufficiency and groundwork for northern industry
- Treaty of Ghent
Hartford Convention
--federalist extremists want New England to succeed from Union
--Essex Junto-- group of radical federalists who wanted to succeed
- disliked Embargo Laws and didn't want war (of 1812)
Era of Good Feeling
Erie Canal
canal travel
Monroe Doctrine
--James Monroe
--warning without teeth to Europe...but Europe listens because we are backed by Britain (they want our favored trade in South America)
- stay out of our hemisphere and we'll stay out of yours
- US sphere of influence in South America
Missouri Compromise (Compromise of 1820)
-Maine is free state
- Missouri is slave state--exception to 36 30 parallel line
- sets up 36 30 parallel line
Clay's American System
-pro business
- infrastructure improvements
- National Bank
- high protective tariffs
Alexis de Tocqueville
-studied social structure of America
-observed rising equality in social conditions
Corrupt Bargain
--Clay--speaker of house-- promised Quincy Adams Presidency in return for Clay being secretary of state
--Jackson owned
Jacksonian Democracy
--common man
- anti bank
-anti cental gov monopoly
- manifest destiny
- strength of president
36 30 Line
Missouri Compromise line
slavery below, free above
Tariff of Abomination
-- high import tariff
--protected industry
-hated by south
nullification (crisis)
-- south carolina wanted to succeed if Tariff of Abomination wasn't eliminated
-- idea that states can not enforce federal laws because of Compact Theory of Gov
-Calhoun backed this
Force Bill
--Jackson was allowed to do whatever necessary to enforce Tariff of Abomination
Compromise Tariff 1833
- to avoid nullification crisis gradually reduce tax rates
-- Calhoun and Clay
Indian Removal Act
- gave president power to remove indians and place them on reservations
--south supported it
--Jackson forces indians to sign many of these
Cherokee Nation v GA
supreme court can't rule on Cherokee
Worcester v Georgia
Cherokee are entitled to their land
Specie Circular
--to prevent wildcat bank loans
-federal land can only be bought with gold or silver
- leads to Panic of 1837-- banknotes lose value, land sales plummet, credit not available, businesses begin to fail, unemployment rises, panic
Panic of 1837
- caused by Specie Circular
Lowell Mill
3/4 women
first dual purpose textile mill
Waltham System
like Lowell Mill
almost all women
increased efficiency in textiles
Second Great Awakening
--religious movement
--Charles G. Finney- preacher
--shakers, mormons
-- in Hudson River School thought
- secular
- romanticism
- anti slavery
- morals
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Henry David Thoreau-- don't obey unjust laws - "resistance to civil gov"
- Irving
-opposed by Nathaniel Hawthorne
Noah Webster
- American form of English
- dictionary
- cultural nationalism
Shakers and Mormons
-Mormons- Utah--Joseph Smith
-Second Great Awakening
-very religious
Shakers- burned out district
"burned-out district"
upstate new york
Female Reformers--abolition and suffrage
Grimke Sisters
Harriet Tubman
sojourner truth
Dorothea Dix
Horace Mann
Temperance Movement
-get rid of alcohol
-lot of drinking before
- Beecher Family
William Lloyd Garrison
- "the liberator"
- immediate abolition
Frederick Douglass
immediate abolition
minstrel show and Sambo
show white racism
black is innocent
paint face black
--anti immigrant
-Know Nothings
Manifest Destiny
- coined by John O'Sullivan in 1845
-Proclamation Line of 1763
-Louisiana Purchase
- Texas
-War with Mexico
- Slidell Mission
-Wilmot Proviso
-Oregon Treaty
-Mexican Cession
-Webster-Ashburton Treaty
- Aroostook War
-Gadsden Purchase
-Treaty of Guadelupe-Hidalgo
Wilmot Proviso
--said no slavery in territories from mexico
--not passed
Free Soil Party
free soil, free land, free labor, free men
Know Nothing Party
Gadsden Purchase
formalized borders after Mexican War and Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo---got some land in mexico
Webster-Hayne Debate
regarding protective tariffs
Compromise of 1850
- California is free
-pop sov to determine free/slave
- abolishes slavery in DC
- stricter fugitive slave laws
Kansas Nebraska Act
pop sov in those states
led to bleeding kansas
John Brown
abolitionist martyr
Harpers Ferry
Dred Scott decision
ruled he can't go to court b/c not a citizen
Whig Party
opposition to jackson
like federalists
54 40 or fight
polk's campaign slogan over oregon territory
britiain not willing to fight--Oregon Treaty
Lincoln's 1st inaugural
laws of union in all states
stronger fugitive slave law
no extension of slavery but wont abolish where exists
"we are all republicans. we are all democrats"
most important to preserve union
Lincoln's 2nd inaugural
inviting confederacy back to union
Crittendon Compromise
-last ditch to sanity
-trying to preserve union
- reactivate 36 30 line
Emancipation Proclamation
freed slaves in Confederacy
not in union b/c need support of border states
Battle of Antietam
single bloodiest day of civil war
pointed out flaws of both sides
Battle of Gettysburg
turning point of civil war
General Sherman's Special Field Order #15
to deal with all the freed blacks
give them land to live on
Homestead Act
passed without South in Congress
free land to pioneers
pleased free soilers
Morrill Tariff Act
without south in congress
doubles tariff on imported goods
Legal Tender Act
mint in DC to print money
pro industry
without south in congress
Morrill Land Grant Act
fed lands to states for schools specializing in agriculture, mechanic, etc.
without south in congress
pro industry
Pacific Railway Act
help RR companies reach Pacific
pro industry
without south in Congress
National Bank Act
pro industry
without south in congress
ex parte merriman
lincoln accused of acting unconstitutional
ex parte milligan
lincoln acted unconstitutional
Lincoln's 10% Plan
--middle road
-- 10% of voting pop had to take oath of allegiance to get back in union
--pardons to all but high ranking officials
Johnson's Plan
-pardons to all except officers and ppl with lots of money, who had to apply directly to Johnson
Wade-Davis Bill
Lincoln vetoed it
50% iron clad oath
radical republicans
treat south as conquered nation
peace movements against civil war
southerners supporting abolition
northerners move down south and buy up cheap land
Freedman's Bureau
helped freed blacks
congress overrides presidential veto
Civil Rights Act of 1866
protected freed blacks rights during reconstruction
congress overrides presidential veto
Johnson's impeachment
Tenure of Office Act--he tried to veto it
Tenure of Office Act
can't fire a gov official without it going through congress
black codes
jim crow laws, restricted black rights
White League
white supremacists
KKK Act (Enforcement Act)
president can use army to enforce laws
protect freed blacks
hated blacks and immigrants
pro business
slaughterhouse cases
dealt with 14th amendment
upholds priviledges and immunities but not state citizenship
Credit Mobilier
scandal under Grant
manipulated railroad stock
Compromise of 1877
ended Reconstruction
Hayes became president in tight race and army will pull out of south
Chinese Exclusion Act
no chinese immigration
Dawes Severalty Act
assimilation for indians
destroyed indian culture and imposed western culture on them
Turner Thesis
frontier spurred american progress
Ghost Dance
loud dance by indians so we killed them cuz they wouldnt stop
Wounded Knee
we slaughter indians
Helen Hunt Jackson
wrote about indian mistreatment
Gospel of Wealth
vertical integration
Sherman Antitrust Act
breaking up the trusts
Horizontal Integration
own all of one stage of production
Vertical Integration
own each stage of production
Labor Strikes of Late 19c
Homestead Steel Strike, Haymarket Riot, Pullman Strike
Samuel Gompers
founder of AFL
American Federation of Labor