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92 Cards in this Set

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America Letters

Letters detailing that America is a great country, if you're white

Chain Migration

Immigrants come to a country in different waves, beginning with a single person, then their family, then friends, and then bigger groups


Immigrants who come temporarily

Push-Pull Theory

There are factors in one country that push people away, and in the other country that pull them in

Potato Famine

1840s; Irish potato crop, which they heavily relied on, developed a parasite and was demolished

Irish American Maids

Job given to most female immigrants from Ireland who wanted to easily blend into American society

African American & Irish American Tension

Irish complained that Blacks should not be given jobs in a "White" country; Blacks complained that Irish took jobs from natural-born citizens

Draft Riots

Irish angered over being drafted into the Civil War to fight for Black freedom

Lowell's Pemberton Mill

1860; Mill collapsed and caught on fire, killing 88

Tammany Hall

Center of political machines in New York; notoriously corrupt

William Tweed

Political Machines

Organization that controlled majority of the politics

Honest: Favored Irish majority

Dishonest: Favored Irish because they belonged to the ethnicity


Political party that favored moving away from agrarian society, wanted a centralized government, and favored middle class

Moral fervor

Idea that reform was guided by evangelical feelings

Irish American Labor Union

Dominated many labor unions by 1880s; Knights of St. Crispin

Twisting the British Lion's Tail

Idea that putting down the British was necessary to gain political power & favoritish


German flight of immigration; escaping fascism & growing militarism in Germany; failed revolutionists

Know-Nothing Party

American party against immigration of Catholics; occasional mass violence against immigrants

Hansens' Law

The son wishes to remember what the father wants to forget; first generation usually wants to move on and forget life before immigration, second generation wants to embrace their history

Industrial Workers of the World


Seattle Union of Scandinavian workers


De-centralize government, minimum wage standard, local control of large enterprises

Opium War

US introduced Opium into China to increase trade; China tried to destroy it


Merchant area of Southern China

Where most immigrants come from

Did all of the fighting of Opium War


Rural region of Canton, mostly farmers in desperate need of work; immigrated to US


Creation of "authentic" Chinese goods in Europe; more and more people wanted Chinese goods

Treaty of Nanjing

At end of Opium War, China was forced to open 5 ports up to British trade, cede Hong Kong, pay for the lost opium and limit taxes on British imports

Gold Mountain

Nickname of America; where gold was discovered

Credit Ticket System

Desperate immigrants worked to pay off their debt to white workers


Coerced into work, usually prostitution, out of desperation

Lack of Chinese females in US

Danger of prostitution, men were believed to only be immigrating temporarily, females bound culturally and it was expensive

Page Law

1952; Laws against prostitutes coming to America

Sucheng Chan's 7 Types of Hostility

1. prejudice

2. economic discrimination

3. social segregation

4. incarceration

5. political disenfranchisement

6. physical violence

7. naturalization ban/exclusion

Scientific Racism

The idea that one's genes determined racial inferiority/superiority

Edward Allen Ross

Despised Chinese southerners; created cockroach theory & race suicide theory

Race Suicide

Letting Chinese immigrate would kill off the whites; they would outlive them; they were like cockroaches

James Duval Phelan

San Fransisco government official in favor of relocating Chinatown after the Great Earthquake and Fire

William Graham Sumner

Created social darwinism; the idea that poor people are to blame for their condition

Chinese "yellow peril"

Population takeover

1852 Foreign Miner's Tax

Chinese forced to pay $3

Transcontinental Railroad

Western portion completed by Chines; employed majority of Chinese

Central Pacific Railroad Strike

1867; Employer cut off workers' food supply and they returned to work after a short time

Ling Sing v. Washburn

Ling went to court for miners tax against Chinese; Supreme Court decided Chinese could not be singled out

1868 Burlingame Treaty

Allowed more Chinese to immigrate to US than previously allowed

Rock Springs Massacre

White strikers attacked Chinese after they refused to join strike for higher wages in the mine

1870 Civil Rights Act

Included a section to protect Chinese in legal matters & overturned Foreign Miners' Tax

Bachelor Society

Chinese immigrants living in Chinatowns with gambling and prostitution

Chinese Six Companies

Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Society; company associations that supported each other economically and socially

Laundry Tax

San Francisco tax charging $2 for people with one horse, $4 for two horses, and $15 for no horse, or more than 2

Sidewalk Ordinance

Banned using a stick across shoulders to carry buckets

Queue Ordinance

Banned traditional queues that Chinese required to return home

Rotating Credit System

Organizations and associations supported each other financially in helping others start their businesses

Hawaiian Sugar Planter's Association

White labor union in Hawaii


Localized areas where Chinese gathered, lived, and started businesses

Industrial Revolution

US moved away from agrarian economy, laborers replaced by machines, Chinese blamed for taking White jobs

Alaskan Canneries

Chinese (and others) followed the jobs around the coast, Alaskan salmon canneries

Iron Chink

Tool developed by Chinese for efficiently cutting salmon


Chinese joined unions

Agrarian Revolt

Angered farmers revolted against Chinese taking their jobs

1882 Chinese Exclusion Act

Chinese restricted from entering US based on fear of population takeover, job takeover, excess of labor

Angel Island

Interrogation center for Chinese immigrants claiming to be American-born citizens

Paper Sons

Chinese children brought to US based on "destruction" of their files

1906 San Fran earthquake

Created a fire that destroyed the city's citizenship records

Commodore Matthew Perry

Challenged Japan's isolationism; recommended following Western way

Meiji Restoration

Against China's example, Japan tried to westernize, and industrialize their economy

Became industrial and military power

1904 Resolution by HSPA

Only US citizens could hold skilled positions (Not Asians because of 1790 Naturalization Act)

Japanese Blood Union

Labor unions organized by ethnic identity; 1909 strike against racial discrimination in the pay

Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907-1908

Restricted some Japanese into the US, but allowed for picture brides to be let in

Ladies' Agreement of 1920

Banned immigration of picture brides

Picture Brides

Japanese men and women exchanged pictures and held "marriages" in Japan; more female immigrants

Japanese yellow peril

Economic and military takeover

Alien Land Laws

Only US citizens could buy land

1924 Exclusion Act

AKA Johnson Reed Act

First official exclusion act against all Asians and Pacific Islanders

Syngman Rhee

Korean leader who had a friendship with President Wilson

Pai Chai Missionary School

Students allowed to immigrate


Asian Indians in Pakistan/India/Bangladesh

Previously part of British Imperial Army

Left to escape British colonization of India

Barred Zone Act of 1917

Excluded immigration of anyone East of Ural Mountains; unless they could pass a literacy test

Asian Indian Yellow Peril

Cultism; religious takeover

US v. Thind

1922; Thind denied citizenship despite being racially Caucasian; but not socially

US Nationals

Filipinos were technically US Nationals, not immigrants

John Kalama

Hawaiian immigrant who settled in Washington and began businesses

Queen Liliuokalani

Hawaiian queen who fought for independence, but eventually was forced to cede Hawaii to US


King forced to sign Bayonet Constitution

Bayonet Constitution

Agreed to give US more power over Hawaii and lower monarchy power

Missionary Boys

American missionaries owned plantations in Hawaii and made up the Hawaiian League

Hawaiian League

US businessmen aiming to annex Hawaii to US

James Blount

Sent by US government to observe situation in Hawaii; condemned US for their intrusive actions

Provisional Government of Hawaii

Set up by US, denies the government any right to intervene (Blount's requests are ignored)

Republic of Hawaii

Governing body formed by revolutionists (Americans)

Spanish - American War

1894-1898; Fought on Filipino territory, resulted in purchase of Philippines by US

Filipino Yellow Peril

Threat of rapists/assaults to white women

Roldan v. LA County

Malays (Filipinos) could not marry white women


Region where Filipino immigrants came from; drought and famine

Tydings-McDuffie Act

Independence to Philippines