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13 Cards in this Set

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What are the contraindications for postural drainage?
- empyema
- flail chest
- wounds
- pneumothorax
- head injuries
- unstable cardiac status
- obesity
- pregnancy
- recent meals or tube feeding
How are can wounds be a contraindication for postural drainage?
- may not be able to position
Why are head injuries a contraindication for postural drainage?
- head down would increase intracranial pressure
Why is an unstable cardiac status a contraindication for postural drainage?
- may worsen with head of bed down
Why are COPD & pregnancy contraindications for postural drainage?
- patient may not be able to tolerate the head of the bed being down
Why would recent meals & tube feeding be a contraindication for postural drainage?
- patient may vomit
What is percussion?
- clapping of the chest wall w/ cupped hands, relaxed wrists, to setup vibrations to loosen secretions
What are the indications for percussion?
- when difficult to mobilize secretions
- when postural drainage alone may not be effective
What are the contraindications for percussion?
- empyema
- flail chest
- wounds
- Frank hemoptysis
- anticoagulant therapy
- pain or patient intolerance
- TB
- metastisized cancer
What is the technique for percussion?
- produce loud "clopping" sound when percussing
- avoid sternum, spine, & bony protrusions
- may use sheet or towel to avoid slapping
- examine skin for any ill-effects
- each segment for 3-5 minutes
- avoid bruising the skin
- monitor SpO2
What is the vibrations technique for percussion?
- may be used in conjunction w/ percussion or done alone
- tense arms and keep them straight, shake from shoulder DURING PATIENT EXHALATION ONLY
What are the indications for vibrations percussion?
- after each segment w/ percussion to move secretions into large airways
- alone when percussion is not tolerated
What should you know about mechanical percussors & vibrators?
- use only to lung area and avoid kidneys & other major organs
- avoid bony structures
- avoid breast tissue in females and in males w/ man boobs
- use towel or sheet to prevent slapping
- use electrical precautions