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11 Cards in this Set

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What is the source of pressurisation for different aircraft

Compressor of jet engine

Supercharger of piston engine

Aux compressor

What is the most common type of small aircraft heater

Exhaust shroud heater

What are combustion heaters

They use the aircarfts fuel to ignite one spark plug and heat the ram air

What is the common type of refrigerant in aircraft air con

R 134

R 12

What valve does the thermostat in a combustion heater control

Fuel supply valve

Why is the ventilating air px higher than the px of the combustion air in a combustion heater

If the combustion chamber cracks the ventilation air will flow into the chamber. Sealing all the CO in the chamber

What are the method of removing heat in a air cycle air con

Heat exchangers

Where are the water separators located before or after the ACM pack


This is due to moisture being created during the cooling.

What are the two types of air con

Air cycle (B757)

Vapor cycle (same as my subaru and herc)

What are the 2 components that divide the hi and low are


Thermal expansion valve

Why is a preheater used in a combustion heater

Make the fuel easier to ignite