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52 Cards in this Set

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Father of Modern Advertising
Albert Lasker, owner of Lord & Thomas
Stern Model- Source Dimensions
Sponsor, Authors, Persona
Stern Model- Message Dimensions
Narrative, Autobiographical, Drama
Stern Model- the Receiver Dimensions
Implied Consumer, Sponsorial Consumer, Actual Consumer, Noise
3 Types of Business Advertising
Trade (wholesalers, dealers, and retailers => just re-sell), Professional (to use themselves/prescribe to others), Agriculture (TO farmers)
Global Advertising
International Advertising
National Advertising
Regional Advertising
Local Advertising
-same ads throughout world
-around world; but different
-several regions of US
-product only sold in that region
-small businesses
"Marketing Communications" refers to companies' planned messages that are distributed to support and defend their marketing goals and strategies
Collateral Materials
posters, fliers, etc. "close sales and reinforce prior sales"
Awareness advertising
long-term goals; creates image so that the customer buys their brand
non-commercial advertising
used by non-profit organizations; people that need volunteers or donations
Action Advertising
"Respond Immediately!"
The Four Economic Concepts
Self Interest, Complete Information, Many Buyers and Sellers, Absence of Externalities
First ad agency by Francis Ayer
"Scientific Advertising" was created by Claude opkins
Marketing Segmentation
zeroed in on specific groups of people
Positioning Strategy
advertising a product to a set of consumers' needs
campaign for a reduction of demand and use of certain products (ex. energy)
Worst Year in the History of Advertising
Primary v. Selective Demand
Primary = demand for entire class of products
Selective = demand for a certain brand
Non-product facts
not about the brand, but about the consumer or social context in which the consumer uses the brand - is often misleading
Account Planning
used so that advertisers would keep in touch with the audience they try to reach
3 Levels of Ethical Responsibility
1. The group
2. The individual
3. Ethic Definition- redefined when the other two groups come together
Consent Decree
company can sign a consent decree to stop ads without admitting that they committed wrongdoing
Cease-and-desist order
next step after consent decree
Corrective Advertising
FTC can order the company to run corrective advertising to change the perception of their product
Federal Communications Commission
monitors and restricts profanity and obscenity in the media and in advertising
Better Business Bureau
works to protect consumers from deceptive advertising and sales fraud
NARC (National Advertising Review Council)
ensures that ads maintain a degree of truth, decency, morality, etc.
Product Advertising
short term action, spreads info about a business and tells about their goods and services
Institutional Advertising
creates a positive perception about an entire business
Classified Advertising
selling used items, getting new employees, etc.
Integrated Marketing Communications
joining together in a consistent manner everything that communicates with others
Centralized Management
gives most efficiency and continuity
Decentralized Management
divides ad department up by the necessary factor (region, brand, etc.) used for bigger companies
Transnational Advertisers
use a decentralized international structure
Creative Boutique (specialized service agency)
come up with new ad concepts and create original messages
Media-buying services (specialized service agency)
buy up media time and resell them at discounted prices
Interactive Agencies (specialized service agency)
work on creating and designing websites and specialize in online advertising
Account Executives
deal with clients and report to ad agency
Account Supervisor
boss of account execs, they report to agency's director of client services
Account Planner
defends and voices the opinion of the consumer
Departmental System of an agency
divides many functions of the agency into departments (used in large and medium)
Group System of an agency
separates the agency into "little agencies" or groups which have their own clients
Media Commission
percent of money it costs to purchase media time or space that agencies keep for themselves
a percentage for the costs of various services that is added to the client's bill
Fee-commission combination
agencies charge a monthly rate and keep media commission
Straight Fee
Agencies charge a flat rate (by the hour or such)
Incentive System (fee)
if the campaign reaches certain goals and proves to be effective, agency makes more $$
In House Agency
created by advertisers for their own use
3 C's needed for advertising
Independent Research Companies