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13 Cards in this Set

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Sodium Nitroprusside (Nitropress)
Used in Cardiac pump failure or cardiogenic shock (alone or with dopamine).
improves blood flow to the myocardium by dilating the coronary arteries. This effect is primary and rapid but short.
Nitropress Action
Produces peripheral VASODILATION by a direct action on venous and arteriolar smooth muscle. It rapidly lowers BP, decreases cardiac preload, and after load. it improves blood flow to myocardium by dilating the coronary arteries
Nitropress A/E
• dizziness, headache, restlessness
• blurred vision
• tinnitus
• dyspnea
• hypotension, palpitations
• abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting
• acidosis
• phlebitis at IV site
• CYANIDE TOXICITY, thiocyanate toxicity
Nitropress Nursing Interventions
• Protect drug container from light—the light degrades the drug quickly
• assess BP at least Q15min—the vasodilating effect can cause systemic vasodilation and hypotension (especially in older adults)
VASOPRESSOR (beta adrenergic agonist) : improve blood flow by increasing peripheral resistance, increasing venous return to the heart, and improving myocardial contractility
Dopamine/Norepinephrine (Levophed) /Phenylephrine
Nursing Interventions
Assess chest pain, urine output hourly, BP Q15 min, Headache, extravasation, EXTREMITIES for color and perfusion!!!!
Inotropic Agents (names)
inotropic agents (what do they do)
drugs directly stimulate adrenergic receptor sites on the heart muscle and improve heart muscle cell contraction
Inotropic agents- why assess?
Drugs increase myocardial O2 consumption and can cause angina or infarction, HTN is a sign of overdose
Antiarrythmic- for HF, A fib, and A flutter
Digoxin action?
↑ the force of myocardial contraction. Prolongs refractory period of the AV node.

↓ conduction through the SA and AV nodes. ↑ cardiac output and slowing of the heart rate.
Nursing Interventions for Digoxin
• Monitor Apical Pulse before giving (hold of <60)
• Monitor K and Dig levels
• Digibind given if Dig toxicity
What are the 3 classifications of anti anginal drugs
Ca-Channel blockers, Vasodilators, Beta-adrenergic blockers