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12 Cards in this Set

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What are some of the negative effects associated with the death of a spouse?
Reduced overall nutrient quality of older person's diet, more developed or worsened illnesses, greater use of medications, and poorer general health, grief
What are some of the major gender differences in widowhood?
More widows than widowers due to women's longer life expectancy and men marrying younger women. Women report more distress than men, yet widows are better able to develop and sutain intimate relationships, forming relationships with other widowed women, whereas widowed men are often left alone.
What is the likelihood of remarriage among widows and widowers?
Less than 20% of males over age 65, less than 5% of females over age 55. (Fewer available males with advancing age, females tend to be in better health than males with advancing age)
Why is grandparenting considered a tenuous role?
Some people become grandparents in their 30s and 40s, while others do not until their 60s or 70s. Because of this variability, grandparenting is a ____ role, having not clear criteria for what constitutes appropriate behavior. Grandparenting is largely an individual experience.
List and describe some of the factors that determine if grandparenting is considered satisfying.
The quality of the relationship between the grandparent and the adult child (affects quantity of contact), Grandparents' marital status (Stepgrandparents create additional challenges), Health of the grandparent (affects vitality, type of activities engaged in), age of the grandparent ( affects type of activities grandparents engage in with their grandchildren.
What does it mean to be a grandparent?
Different things to different people- how one perceives this role most likely influences one's style of grandparenting.
What issues usually lead to conflict between grandparents and their adult children?
Grandparents' marital status, involvement, etc.
What are some of the gender differences in grandparenting?
Grandmothers are generally more satisfied with their role than grandfathers. Role of grandfather is viewed as less salient than the role of grandmother.
What are some of the challenges facing grandparents caring for their grandchildren?
Less satisfaction with grandparenting, less meaningful grandparenting, impaired or strained relationships with their grandchildren, isolation fromf riends because of their parental responsibilities, overloaded and confused about their roles as parents and grandparents, likely to be caring for children who had behavioral or school difficulties, for which these grandparents were less likely to seek help
What factors contribute to our selection of friends?
Characteristics such as honesty, self-disclosure, understanding, kindness, sympathy, perceived similarity, proximity, gender, race, marital status, ethnicity, religion, occupation, and educational level.
Who composes the kinship network?
Aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, parents, and children
Describe and discuss racial and ethnic influences on intergenerational relationships within the extended family.
Filial responsibility continues to serve as an ideal in many Asian cultures, African American grandparents (especially grandmothers) are more likely to live with their adult children and play a more instrumental role.