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16 Cards in this Set

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Activates beta adtenergic receptor at the heart (B1), lungs (B2), skeletal muscles (B2) and GI tract; Non selective

Increases isotropic and chronotropic effects on heart

Relaxes BV, skeletal muscles, GI tract, bronchi muscles

Used to treat cardiac arrest, heart block and acute asthma attack

Adverse effects: tachycardia, hypotension, headache, flushing, mild tremors

Selectivity, receptors, location of actions, indications, adverse effects


Activates beta 1 adrenergic receptor at the heart.

Works to increase isotropic and chronotropic effects

Used to treat cardiac arrest, cardiac failure, heart block

Hypertension (-dobutamine) or hypotension (+dobutamine) as dobutamine exists as a racemic mixture and can act as an alpha 1 agonist (-) or antagonist (+)


Activates beta 2 adrenergic receptors to relax bronchi muscle, uterus and blood vessels.

Relaxes bronchi muscles to promote bronchodilaton and airflow.

Can be used to delay labour by reducing uterine contractions

Also decreases decreases duration of skeletal muscle contractions

Adverse effects:

Tremors, Headche, flushing, tachycardia ( off target activation at higher doses)

Hypokalemia (decrease in K+), lactic acidosis


Alpha 1 adrenergic receptor agonist. Redistribution of blood flow due to vasoconstriction, thus reducing oedema at nasal mucosa

Side effects: CNS stimulation, tachycardia, hypertension, arrythmia


Blocks beta adrenergic receptors (non selective) at heart to decrease isotropy and chronotropy and blocks beta receptor at bladder to decrease renin production causing decrease CO. Leads to increased oxygenation of myocardium

Decrease insulin levels

Decrease serum free fatty acids

Decrease aqueous humour production, leading to decreased oracular preasue

Adverse effects:

cardiac failure, bradycardia (beta 1)

Bromchospasm, cold extremities (beta 2)


Blocks beta 1 adrenergic receptor at heart and bladder

Decreaaes chronotropy and inotropy (decrease CO) and reduces renin production (decrease blood volume and hence CO), improving oxygenation of myocardium. Also decreases BP

Adverse effects:

Common-bradycardia, hypotension

Rare- Heart block


Blocks alpha 1 receptor in prostate smooth muscles.

Relaxes prostate smooth muscle and urinary sphincter, decreasing occlusion of prostate on urethra

Adverse effects:

Common: Postural hypotensiin, Nasal congestion, Blurred vision

Rare: Priapism (painful penile erection lasting hours due to relaxation of smooth muscle)


Blocks alpha 1 adrenergic receptor in smooth muscles

Inhibits smooth muscle contractions in prostate, improve urodynamics

Adverse effects:

Hypotension, Dizziness, abnormal ejaculation, floppy iris syndrome after cataract surgery

Indirectly acting sympathomemetric




Action of indirectly sympathimemtric

Mimic sympathetic nervous sytem. Does not bind directly to agonist but promotes release of more noradrenaline from nerve terminal

Uptake 1/Noradrenalinetransporter inhibitor

Block uptake of noradrenaline into nerve terminal, increase duration of action of released noradrenaline






MAO Inhibitor


Decrease metabolism of noradrenaline by inhibiting MAO.

Increase CNS synaptic concentrations of serotonin, noradrenaline, dopamine.

Used for depression

Adverse effects:

Common: CNS overstimulation (insomia, restlessness, anxiety), nausea

Rare: Hypertension, Peripheral edema

Alpha 1 antagonists



Used to treat beningn prostate hyperplasia

Beta adrenergic receptor antagonist

Propanolol (non selective)

Metroprolol (B2)

Alpha receptor agonist


Beta agonist

Isoprenaline non selective

Dobutamine (B1 selective) heart failure, arrest, block

Salbutamol (B2 selective) asthma, labour

Mirabegron (B3 selective) OAB

Think of asthma, diabetes