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93 Cards in this Set

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How are action potentials generated?
They are generated by special types of voltage gated ion channels embedded in a cells plasma membrane.
Regarding voltage gated ion channels, are the gates always shut to ions?
No. These channels are shut when the membrane potential is near the resting potential of the cell, but rapidly begin to open if the membrane potential increases to a precisely defined threshold value.
What happens when the channels open?
They permit an inward flow of sodium ions, which alters the electrochemical gradient, which in turn produces a further rise in the membrane potential. This results in the opening of more channels, producing a greater electric current.
What is the result regarding the rapid influx of sodium ions?
This causes the polarity of the plasma membrane to reverse, and the ion channels then rapidly inactivate.
What is happening as the sodium channels close?
Sodium ions can no longer enter the neuron, and they are actively transported out of the plasma membrane.
Once sodium ions can no longer enter the neuron, what other ion channels begin to open?
Potassium channels are then activated and there is an outward current of potassium ions, returning the electrochemical gradient to the resting state.
What is afterhyperpolarization?
After an action potential has occurred, there is a transient negative shift, called the afterhyperpolarization or refractory period, due to additional potassium currents.
What is the function of the afterhyperpolarization?
This mechanism prevents an action potential from traveling back the way it just came.
In animal cells there are two primary types of action potentials(APs). What are they?
1. One type is generated by voltage gated sodium channels.
The other by voltage gated calcium channels.
Are the sodium and calcium potentials equal in depolarization porential?
No. The sodium based potentials usually last for under one millesecond, whereas calcium based potentials may last for 100 milleseconds or longer.
Give an example of a calcium based potential.
In cardiac muscle cells, an initial fast sodium spike provides a primer to provoke the rapid onset of a calcium spike, which results in muscle contraction.
It is said, that animal cells and other types of cells function as batteries regarding action potential. How is this statement justified?
They act as batteries in the sense that they maintain a voltage difference between the interior and the exterior of the cell, with the interior being the negative pole of the battery.
How is the voltage of a cell usually measured?
It is usually measured in millivolts, or thousands of a volt. The typical voltage for the animal cell is app. -70mV, app. one fifteenth of a volt.
What is meant by up and down cycle?
In some cells, the voltages sometimes show very rapid up and down fluctuations that have a stereotyped form: These up and down cycles are known as action potentials.
Do all up and down cycles have the same duration?
In brain cells of animals, the entire up and down cycle may take place in less than a thousandth of a secod. In other types of cells, the cycle may last for several seconds.
What is meant by membrane potential?
All cells in animal body tissues are electrically polarized: in other words, they maintain a voltage difference across the cells plasma membrane. This is membrane potential.
What is the impetus for electrical polarization?
It results from a complex interplay between protein structures embedded in the membrane called ion pumps and ion channels.
Are ion channels always alike?
No. In neurons, the types of ion channels in the membrane usually vary across different parts of the cell, giving the dendrites, axons, and cell body different electrical properties.
Regarding the previous answer, can one say: " some parts of the membrane of a neuron may be excitable( capable of generating action potentials), whereas others are not".
Which is usually considered the most excitable part of the neuron?
It is usually the axon hillock(the point where the axon leaves the cell body), but the axon and cell body are also excitable in most cases.
Each excitable patch of membrane has 2 important levels of membrane potential. What are they?
The resting potential-which is the value the membrane potential maintains as long as nothing perturbs the cell:
Threshold potential- considered the higher potential.
At the axon hillock of a typical neuron, whatis the resting potential?
Itis about -70mV. The threshold potetial is around -55mV.
Synaptic inputs to a neuron cause the membrane to depolarize or hyperpolarize(they cause the membrane potential to rise or fall.
When are action potentials exactly triggered?
They are triggered when enough depolarization accumulates to bring the membrane potential up to threshold. When the AP is triggered, the membrane potential abruptly shoots upward often reaching as high as +100mV, then abruptly shoots back downward, often ending below the resting level, where it remains for some period of time.
A voltage gated ion channel is a cluster of proteins embedded in the membrane that has 3 key properties: What are they?
1. It is capable of assuming more than one conformation
2.At least, one of the conformations creates a channel through the membrane that is permeable to specific types of ions:
3.The transitions between conformations is influenced by the membrane potential.
Several types of channels that are capable of producing the positive feedback necessary to generate an action potential exist. What are they?
Voltage gated Na+ channels are responsible for the fast action potentials involved in nerve conduction.
Slower action potentials in muscle cells and some types of neurons are generated by voltage gated calcium channels. These all have different temporal dynamics.l
The membrane potential controls the state of the ion channels. True/False
This is true, but the state of the ion channels controls the membrane potential as well.
What are the most intensively studied type of voltage dependent ion channels?
The sodium channels involved in fast nerve conduction. These are sometimes referred to as Hodgkin-Huxley sodium channels because they were first characterized by these researchers. They are also scripted as Na(v) channeles. The V stands for voltage.
An Na(v) channel has three possible states. What are they called?
The Na(v) channel is permeable only to sodium ions when it is in the activated state. True/false
True. When the membrane potential is low, the channel spends most of its time in the closed(deactivated) state.
If the membrane potential is raised above a certain level, the channel shows increased probability of transitioning to the activated(open) state. The higher the membrane potential, the greater the probability of activation.
Once a channel has activated, it will eventually transition to the inactivated(closed) state. True/False
During an action potential, most channels of this type go through a cycle-
As the membrane potential is increased, what happens to sodium channels?
The Na+ channels open, permitting the entry of Na+ ions into the cell.
This is followed by the opening of potassium ion channels that permit the exit of K+ ions from the cell.
What actually causes a depolarization spike?
The inward flow of Na+ ions increases the concentration of positively charged cations in the cell and causes depolarization, where the potential of the cell is higher than the cell's resting potential.
The efflux of potassium ions decreases the membrane potential or hyperpolarizes the cell. true/false
True. For small voltage increases from rest, the K+ current exceeds the sodium current and the voltage returns to its normal resting value, typically, -70mV.
The ions exchanged during an action potential, make a negligible change in the interior and the exterior ionic concentrations. true/Faslse
True. The few ions that do cross are pumped out again by the continuous action of the sodium potassium pump, which with other ion transporters, maintains the normal ratio of ion concentrations across the membrane.
Calcium cations and chloride anions are involved in which types of APs?
Calcium in the cardiac action potential.
Chloride in the single cell alga,Acetabularia.
Although APs are located locally on patches of excitable membrane, the resulting currents can trigger APs on neighboring stretches of membrane, precipitating a domino-like propagation. True/False
Are myelinated sections of neurons excitable?
No. They do not produce APs and the signal is propagated passively as electronic potential.
What are Nodes of Ranvier?
Regularly spaced unmyelinated patches, called the Nodes of Ranvier, generate APs to boost the signal. This is known as Saltatory Conduction.
This type of signal propagation provides a favorable tradeoff of signal velocity and axon diameter.
Depolarization axon terminals, in general triggers what?
Neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft.
Also, backpropagating APs have been recorded in the dendrites of pyramidal neurons, which are ubiquitous in the neocortex. These may play a role in spike timing dependent plasticity.
What is a neuron?
Neurons are electrically excitable cells composed, in general of one or more dendrites, a single soma, a single axon and one or more axon terminals.
The dendrite is one of the 2 types of synapses, the other being the axon tyerminal boutons. True/False
True. Dendrites form protrusions in response to the axon terminal boutons.
What are the dendritic protrusions?
These protrusions or spines, are designed to capture, the neurotransmitters released by the presynaptic neuron. They have a high concentration of ligand activated channels. It is here where synapses from 2 neurons communicate with one another.
These spines or protrusions have a thin neck, connecting a bulbous protrusion to the main dendrite. is there as reason for this?
This ensures that changes occurring inside the spine are less likely to affect the neighboring spines.
The soma houses the nucleus, which acts as the regulator for the neuron. True/false
True.The surface of the soma is populated by voltage activated ion channels.
What is rather unique about the axon hillock?
It has a very high concentration of voltage gated sodium channels. It is the spike initiation zone for APs.
Immediately after the axcon hillock is the__________________.
Axon. This travels away from the soma. The axon is insulated by a myelinated sheath.
What is myelin composed of?
It is composed of either Schwann cells(peripheral nervous system) or Oligodendrocytes, in the CNS. types of glial cells.
What is the function of glial cells?
They communicate and provide important biochemical support to neurons. They are not involved with transmission.
What is another function of the myelin sheath?
Myelin wraps multiple times around the axonal segment, forming a thick fatty layer that prevents ions from entering or escaping the axon. It also prevents significant signal decay as well as ensuring faster signal speed.
The regularly spaced patches of membrane, which have no insulation can be considered as little axon hillocks. True/false
How are most APs initiated?
By an excitatory postsynaptic potential from a presynaptic neuron.
What is the result when neurotransmitters are released by the the presynaptic neuron?
They bind to receptors on the postsynaptic cell, and this opens various types of ion channels.
If the binding increases the voltage(depolarizes the membrane), the synapse is excitatory. True/False
True. if the binding decreases the voltage(hyperpolarizes the membrane), it is inhibitory.
More typically, the ecitatory potentials from several synapses must work together at nearly the same time to provoke a new action potential.
Due to the direct connection between excitable cells in the form of gap junctions, can action potentials be transmitted directly from one cell to the next in either direction?
Yes Rectifying channels ensure that APs move only in one direction.
Are APs considered to be all or none signals?
Yes. The amplitude of an AP is independent of the amount of current that produced it. Larger currents do not create larger action potentials. They occur either fully, or not at all.
In sensory neurons, an external signal such as pressure, temperature, light or sound is coupled with the opening and closing of ion channels. True/False
Give relevant examples of sensory neurons.
The olfactory receptor neuron and Meissner's corpuscle which are critical for the sense of smell, and touch respectively.
Do all sensory neurons convert their external signals into APs?
No.Some do not even possess an axon. Instead they may convert the signal into the release of a neurotransmitter, or into continuous graded potentials, either of which may stimulate subsequent neurons into firing an AP.
Give an example of the above explanation.
In the human and animal ear, hair cells convert the incoming sound into the opening and closing of mechanically gated ion channels which may cause neurotransmitter molecules to be released.
Explain what happens in the mammalian retina.
The retina, the initial photoreceptor cells and the next layer of cells(comprising bipolar cells and horizontal cells) do not produce APs; only some amacrine cells and the third layer, the ganglion cells produce APs, when they travel up the optic nerve.
The course of the action potential can be divided into 5 parts. What are they?
1. Rising phase
2. Peak phase
3. falling phase
4.Undershoot phase
5.Refractory phase
What is the rising phase
The membrane potential depolarizes(becomes more positive).
What is the peak phase?
The point at which depolarization stops. The membrane potential reaches its maximum.
What is the Falling phase?
During this stage,the membrane potential hyperpolarizes(becomes more negative).
What is the Undershoot phase?
This is the point during which the membrane potential becomes temporarily more negatively charged than when at rest..
What is the Refractory phase?
The time during which a subsequent action potential is impossible or difficult to fire.This may overlap with other phases.
It is said that the course of the action potential is determined by two coupled effects. What is meant by this?
First, voltage sensitive ion channels open and close in response to changes in the membrane voltage. This changes the membranes permeability to ions.
Second,according to the Goldman equation, this change in permeability changes in the equilibrium potential potential(Em) and thus the membrane voltage (Vm).
A typical AP begins where on the neuron?
The axon hillock. This occurs with a sufficiently strong depolarization(a stimulus that increases). this depolarization is often caused by the injection of extra sodium cations into the cell. These cations can come from a variety of sources, such as chemical synapses, sensory neurons or pacemaker potentials.
For a neuron at rest, there is a high concentration of __________ and __________ ions in the ECF, compared to the ICF while there is a high concentration of __ions in the ICF compared to the ECF.
With respect to the above question, this concentration gradient along with K+ leak channels present on the membrane of the neuron causes an efflux of what?
Potassium ions making the rest of the potential close to Ek=-75mV.
The depolarization opens both the Na+ and K+ channels in the membrane allowing the ions to flow into and out of the axon respectively.
What is the consequence if the depolarization is small, increasing from -70mV to -60mV?
The outward potassium current overwhelms the inward sodium current and the membrane repolarizes back to its normal resting potential around -70mV.
What is the result if the depolarization is large enough?
The inward sodium current increases more than the outward potassium current and a runaway condition(positive feedback) results. The more inward current there is the more Vm increases which inturn further increases the inward current.
What is the critical threshold voltage for this runaway condition?
It is usually around -45mV. But, this also depends on the recent activity of the axon.
A membrane that has just fired an AP cannot fire another one for what reason?
This is because the ion channels have not yet returned to their usual state.(Absolute refractory period)
Explain relative refractory period.
At longer times, after some, but not all of the ion channels have recovered, the axon can be stimulated to produce another action potential, but only with a much stronger depolarization, e.g.-30mV.
The period which action potentials are unusually difficult to evoke is called the Relative refractory period.
What is myelin?
It is a multi lamellar membrane that enwraps the axon in segments separated by intervals known as nodes of Ranvier.
What produces myelin?
It is produced by specialized cells. Schwann cells in the PNS and by oligodendrocytes exclusively in the CNS.
What is another function of myelin sheath/
It reduces membrane capacitance and increases membrane resistance in the inter node intervals, thus permitting a fast saltatory movement of action potentials from node to node.
Myelin prevents ions from entering or leaving the axon along myelinated segments of the axon. True/False
True. myelination increases the conduction velocity of APs and makes them more energy efficient.
What is the mean conduction of an AP?
Whether saltatory or not, it ranges from 1 m/s to over 100m/s and in general increases with axonal diameter.
Can action potentials propagate through the membrane in myelinated segments of the axon?
No. The current is carried by the cytoplasm, which is sufficient to depolarize the first or second subsequent node of Ranvier.
The ionic current from an AP at one node of Ranvier provokes another AP at the next node. True/False
True. This hopping of the AP from node to node is called saltatory conduction.
In general, APs that reach the synaptic knobs cause a neurotransmitter to be released into the synaptic cleft. True/False
True. Neurotransmittrs are small molecules that may open ion channels in the postsynaptic cell.
What happens with the arrival of the AP at the terminal?
It opens voltage sensitive calcium channels in the presynaptic membrane; the influx of Ca+ causes vesicles filled with neurotransmitter to migrate to the cells surface and release their contents into the synaptic cleft.
can one say, regarding the above mechanism, that this complex process is inhibited by the neurotoxins, tetanospasmin and botulinum toxin?
Do all synapses employ a neurotransmitter?
No. When an action potential reaches such a synapse, the ionic currents flowing into the presynaptic cell can cross the barrier of the 2 cell membranes and enter the post synaptic cell through pores. These pores are called connexons.
What is the advantage of connexons?
Electrical synapses allow for faster transmission because they do not require the slow diffusion or neurotransmitters across the synaptic cleft.
What is a neuromuscular junction?
The axon of a motor neuron terminates on a muscle fiber. The released neurotransmitter is acetylcholine, which binds to the acetylcholine receptor in the sarcolemma of the muscle fiber.
Does the acetylcholine remain bound?
No. It dissociates and is hydrolyzed by the enzyme, acetylcholinesterase, located in the synapse.
What are some poisons that can inactivate acetylcholinesterase to prevent this control?
Sarin, tabun, Diazinon and Malathion.
How does the cardiac action potential differ from the neuronal AP?
The cardiac potential has an extended plateau. The membrane is held at a high voltage for a few hundred milliseconds prior to being repolarized by the potassium current as usual.
What causes this cardiac plateau?
It is due to the action of slower calcium channels opening and holding the membrane voltage near their equilibrium potential even after the sodium channels have inactivated.
List several antiarrhythmia drugs that act on the cardiac potential.
Quinidine, Lidocaine, beta blockers and Verapamil.