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58 Cards in this Set

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The superior glenohumeral ligament is under the greatest stress when the humeral head and arm are in which of the following positions?

The superior glenohumeral ligament is under the greatest stress when the humeral head and arm are in which of the following positions?

Inferiorly translated with the arm in 5 degrees of adduction
These studies have demonstrated that the superior glenohumeral ligament provides the most restraint to the shoulder joint when the arm is at zero degrees of abduction or in adduction and pulled inferiorly.
What structure provides dynamic glenohumeral stability by compressing the humeral head against the glenoid?

What structure provides dynamic glenohumeral stability by compressing the humeral head against the glenoid?

Rotator cuff muscles
The rotator cuff is the main DYNAMIC stabilizer of the glenohumeral joint. It functions most at midrange motion, not at the extremes of range of motion.
superior glenohumeral ligament is a STATIC stabilizer -->resists inferior translation at 0° degrees of abduction.
middle glenohumeral ligament is a STATIC stabilizer -->resists anterior translation in the midrange of abduction (~45°) in ER.

Besides the biceps tendon, which of the following structures also pass through the rotator interval?
Besides the biceps tendon, which of the following structures also pass through the rotator interval?
The coracohumeral and superior glenohumeral ligaments are considered to be structural contents of the rotator interval capsule, but each have separate origins and insertions
The coracohumeral and superior glenohumeral ligaments
RIC rotators internal capsule
Which of the following is a primary restraint of anterior and posterior humeral translation at the position of a patient's right shoulder as shown in Figure A
Which of the following is a primary restraint of anterior and posterior humeral translation at the position of a patient's right shoulder as shown in Figure A
Middle glenohumeral ligament (MGHL)
The MGHL restrains anterior and posterior translation in the midrange of abduction. The CHL limits inferior translation and external rotation when then arm is adducted and limits posterior translation when the arm is flexed, adducted, and internal rotation. The SGHL also restrains inferior translation and external rotation of the adducted shoulder. The IGHL has an anterior band that is the primary restraint to anterior translation at 90 degrees of shoulder abduction. It also has a posterior band to limit posterior translation. The CA ligament prevents superior head migration in rotator cuff deficient shoulders.
Which of the following is considered the primary static restraint to anterior gleno-humeral translation with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction?
Which of the following is considered the primary static restraint to anterior gleno-humeral translation with the arm in 90 degrees of abduction?
Inferior gleno-humeral ligament complex
With the arm at 90 degrees abduction, the anterior band of the inferior gleno-humeral ligament complex is the primary static stabilizer to anterior translation. The middle (MGHL) resists anterior translation at 45 degrees of abduction. The superior (SGHL) resists inferior translation with the arm at one's side.
Hawkins Sign

    positive with ?
Hawkins Sign

positive with ?
Hawkins Sign
positive with subacromial impingement
Jobe’s Test

    positive with?
Jobe’s Test

positive with?
Impingement Tests
Jobe’s Test
    positive with supraspinatus weakness and or impingement
Impingement Tests
Jobe’s Test
positive with supraspinatus weakness and or impingement
Internal Impingement?
Internal Impingement?
Impingement Tests
patient supine, abduct affected side to 90° and maximally externally rotate (throwing position-late cocking phase) with extension. If this maneuver reproduces pain experienced during throwing (posteriorly located) considered it is considered positive.
Internal Rotation Lag Sign?
Internal Rotation Lag Sign?
Subscapularis Tests
Subscapularis Tests
Excessive ER
Excessive ER
Subscapularis Tests
Subscapularis Tests
Lift Off Test
Lift Off Test
Subscapularis Tests
Subscapularis Tests
Belly Press
Belly Press
Subscapularis Tests
Subscapularis Tests
Jobe’s Test
Jobe’s Test
positive with supraspinatus weakness and or impingement
positive with supraspinatus weakness and or impingement
Drop Sign
Drop Sign
Supraspinatus Tests
Supraspinatus Tests
External Rotation Lag Sign
External Rotation Lag Sign
Hornblower's sign
Hornblower's sign
Teres Minor
Teres Minor
Obrien's Test (Active Compression test)
Obrien's Test (Active Compression test)
Labral Injuries (SLAP lesions) Tests
Labral Injuries (SLAP lesions) Tests
AC joint
Crank Test
Crank Test
Labral Injuries (SLAP lesions) Tests
Labral Injuries (SLAP lesions) Tests
Speed's Test
Speed's Test
Bicipital Groove Tenderness
Bicipital Groove Tenderness
Yergason's Sign
Yergason's Sign
Bicipital Groove Tenderness
Bicipital Groove Tenderness
Popeye Sign
Popeye Sign
Biceps Injuries
Biceps Injuries
Cross-Body Adduction
Cross-Body Adduction
AC Joint
AC Joint
Anterior Load and Shift
Anterior Load and Shift
Anterior Instability
Anterior Instability
Apprehension/Relocation/Anterior Release
Apprehension/Relocation/Anterior Release
Anterior Instability
Anterior Instability
Anterior Drawer
Anterior Drawer
Anterior Instability
Posterior Load and Shift
Posterior Load and Shift
Posterior Instability
Jerk Test
Jerk Test
Posterior Instability
Posterior Instability
Posterior Drawer
Posterior Drawer
Posterior Instability
Loss of External Rotation
Loss of External Rotation
Posterior Instability
Sulcus Sign
Sulcus Sign
MDI or ???
Wright's Test
Wright's Test
throcacic outlet syndrome
Medial Scapular Winging
Medial Scapular Winging
(Mexican SALTy Wings)
medial-Serratus anterior--> Long thoracic
Lateral Scapular Winging
Lateral Scapular Winging
Lateral winging-trapezius-spinal accessory nerve
Shoulder trauma series includes at least (2/beer)
Shoulder trauma series includes at least:
        “true” anteroposterior view
        axillary lateral view
Shoulder trauma series includes at least:
“true” anteroposterior view
axillary lateral view
How to do & what looking for?
Shoulder AP
Shoulder AP
	Glenohumeral joint space, DJD
Shoulder AP
Glenohumeral joint space, DJD
How to do & what looking for?
True shoulder AP aka
Grashey view	Glenohumeral joint space, DJD, and proximal migration of humerus
Grashey view Glenohumeral joint space, DJD, and proximal migration of humerus
How to do & what looking for?
AP in IR
Hill Sachs lesion
Hill Sachs lesion
How to do & what looking for?
AP in ER
Hill Sachs lesion
Hill Sachs lesion
How to do & what looking for?
Anterior and posterior dislocation.
Anterior and posterior dislocation.
How to do & what looking for?
Velpeau view
Anterior and posterior dislocation.  if cannot abduc the arm
Anterior and posterior dislocation. if cannot abduc the arm
How to do & what looking for?
Scapular Y Lateral
Allows classification of acromion
Allows classification of acromion
How to do & what looking for?
Supraspinatous Outlet
Allows classification of acromion (Type I-flat, Type II-curved, Type III-hooked). Hooked acromion is associated with impingement and rotator cuff pathology.
Allows classification of acromion (Type I-flat, Type II-curved, Type III-hooked). Hooked acromion is associated with impingement and rotator cuff pathology.
How to do & what looking for?
Help visualize the AC joint. Shows AC joint disease and distal clavicle osteolysis.
Help visualize the AC joint. Shows AC joint disease and distal clavicle osteolysis.
How to do & what looking for?
Stryker notch
Hill-Sachs lesion
Hill-Sachs lesion
How to do & what looking for?
West Point Axillary
Anteroinferior glenoid, bony bankart, proximal humerus fx
Anteroinferior glenoid, bony bankart, proximal humerus fx
How to do & what looking for?
Anteroinferior glenoid, bony bankart
Anteroinferior glenoid, bony bankart
How to do & what looking for?
Anterior and posterior sternoclavicular dislocation
Anterior and posterior sternoclavicular dislocation
Anterior and posterior sternoclavicular dislocation
Anterior and posterior sternoclavicular dislocation
useful to visulaize
CT-Axial Shoulder Images
Axial Shoulder Images

        Reverse Hill Sachs
Axial Shoulder Images

Reverse Hill Sachs
CT- 3D Reconstructions

useful to visualize
glenoid version for total shoulder arthroplasty
glenoid version for total shoulder arthroplasty
T2-weighted sequence
uses a long TR and long TE
bright= ? (traffic light)
useful to visualize?
T2-weighted sequence

uses a long TR and long TE
bright= fluid (inflammation) and bone marrow
dark= bone, ligament, muscle, and fibrocartilage
useful to visualize
rotator cuff pathology
full thickness tear
ABER (abduction external rotation) position
sequence beyond the conventional 3 sequences (coronal, sagittal, and axial)
patient position?
useful to visualize? (traffic light)
ABER (abduction external rotation) position

sequence beyond the conventional 3 sequences (coronal, sagittal, and axial)
patient places affected hand behind their head instead of a true 90-90 degree abduction-external rotation position
position tensions the anteroinferior glenohumeral ligament and labrum and relaxes the capsule
useful to visualize
Bankart lesions
partial- and full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff tendons
internal impingement
MR arthrogram
optimal for?
commonly used to augment MRI to diagnose soft-tissue problems such as SLAP tears
-dilute gadolinium-containing solution is percutaneously injected into the joint.
labral and ligament pathology
Bankart lesion
Bankart lesion
Bankart lesion
Superior labrum anterior-posterior tear (SLAP)
Superior labrum anterior-posterior tear (SLAP)
Glenoid labral articular disruption (GLAD)
Glenoid labral articular disruption (GLAD)
Anterior labral periosteal sleeve avulsion (ALPSA)
Anterior labral periosteal sleeve avulsion (ALPSA)
Humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament (HAGL)
Humeral avulsion of the glenohumeral ligament (HAGL)