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79 Cards in this Set

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4 Characteristics of Abnormal

1. Statistically Infrequent

2. Violate Social Norms

3. Cause distress

4. Cause Impairment

Limitations of Characteristics

Statistically Infrequent

Violate Social Norms

Statistically Infrequent: Super intellect is not abnormal

Violate Social Norms: Changes over time and different cultures have different views

Limitations of Characteristics

Cause Distress

Cause Impairment

Cause Distress: This can be normal

Cause Impairment: Some people with mental disorders are highly functional

Emile Kraeplin

first classification based of systematic empirical observations

You either have it or you don't

Extreme versions of normal behaviour

Famous People and mental disorders

Churchhill & Van Gough = Depression

Howard Hughes = OCD

Jannice Jofflin = Substance abuse


Categorical, First in 1952

Defines line between normal and abnormal

Dissociative Identity disorder: Two or more

distinct states and memory variation

3 Aims of Abnormal Psychology

1. Describe Mental Disorder

2. Understand the causes of mental disorder

3. Develop effective treatments for mental


Genetics in Psychopathology

Tend to run in families

COMP=Chromosone 21, brakes down dopamine

VCSF = 25% in Schizophrenia

Fragile X = 5% of all diagnoses of autism

Neurochemistry & Mental disorders

Seratonin & Dopamine

Setotonin= Low in Depression patients

Dopamine = High in Schizophrenia patients

Brain Abnormalities & Mental Disorders

Cortical Thickness & Hyperactivity

Cortical Thickness = Decrease in Bipolar 1

Hyperactivity = Increase in OCD

Limitations of Biological Accounts

Mental disorders are invariable polygenetic (no single gene)

No mental disorder is close to being highly


Do not account environment

Insel 1988

2x group of money, control vs no control

control = anger reaction

no control = fear when given benzodiazepines agonist

Diathesis-Stress Model

Gene x Environment

Mental disorders can be activated with environmental stressors

Psychoanalytic Model

ID (Aggressive Drives)

Ego (Moderated ID and Superego)

Superego (Values instilled by parents)

Behavioural Accounts

Classical Conditioning

Mental disorders from Maladaptive learned


Law of Effect: Satisfying outcome = more likely to be repeated

Positive & Negative Reinforcement

Behavioural Accounts


Learning through experience of others

Bobo Doll: Child copies parents actions

Substance abuse higher in those who

experienced abuse

Cognitive Accounts

Events =/= Concequences

Becks ABC model

Activate events



Cognitive Accounts

How are mental illnesses caused?

Caused and maintained through maladaptive beliefs/interpretations
Cognition Distortion

1. Personalization

2. Black and white thinkinh

3. Emotional reasoning

Treatments for Mental Disorder


Trepanning (hole in brain)

Mosquito therapy

lobotomy (incision into prefrontal lobe)

Treatments for Mental Disorder


Target Brain abnormalities directly

Treatments for Mental Disorder


Anti-Depressants: SSRIs (Prozac) act on


Anxiolytics (Anti-Anxiety): Valium

(Benzodiazepines) Act on GABA

Treatments for Mental Disorder


Anti-Psychotics: Olanzapine (Zyprexa): Act on


Mood Stabilizers: Lithium & anticonvulsants

Act on GABA & Glutamate

Treatments for Mental Disorder

Extra Biological Therapies

Electro-Convulsive Therapy (ECT): Current passes through brain, for severe Depression

Deep Brain Stimulation: Electrode plates on

ventral Striatum, for OCD

Treatments for Mental Disorder

Psychological Therapies

- Target Maladaptive Behaviour & Thoughts

- Target abnormality indirectly

- Psychoanalysis, Behaviour, Cognitive

Treatments for Mental Disorder


- Arise from overuse of defense mechanisms

- Allow unconscious conflict to be conscious

Lil Hans

Afraid of white horses with black noses

Intepreted he was afraid his father would

castrate him

Critics of Psychoanalysis

- Non Directive

- Takes long time

- Limited effectiveness

Humanistic Therapy

Carl Rogers: Show unconditional positive regard

- Listen, reflect, emphasise

Critics of Humanistic Therapy

Questionable against severe mental disorders

- OCD, Bipolar 1, Schizophrenia

Behavioural Therapy

Focus on 3 main points

1. Extinguish maladaptive learned associations

2. Prevent Reinforcement of Maladaptive


3. Reinforcement of Adaptive Behaviours

Change Clients behaviour so they can change their cognition

Exposure Techniques

Exposing people to their fears enable extinction to occur

Avoidance of feared stimulus = maintained


Graded exposure or Flooding

Operant Conditioning

Rewarding Adaptive Behaviour

Cocaine abusers tested 3x time a week for 9 weeks

Clean urine rewarded with voucher. People which made money stopped using cocaine

Behavioural Activation

Therapist gets patient engaged in mastery based activities

Effective in Severe Depression

Treatments for Mental Disorder

Cognitive Therapy

A=Activating Event



- Challenging unrealistic or unhelpful beliefs

Where Mental Disorders arise

Beck & Ellis

Beck: cognitive distortion and maladaptive cognitive styles

Ellis: Irrational thoughts

Thought Challenging

belief: "fast heartrate will kill me"

more realistic: My heart is strong, it can handle it

Cognitive Therapy

Behavioural Experiment


"fast heartrate will kill me"- Run up stairs with patient, show its safe

Cognitive Therapy

Behavioural Experiment

Social Anxiety

Jane needs to wash hands 30x a day because she thinks they are dirty

Make her not do this and see there are no repercussions

Third Wave Therapy

1. Behavioural Therapy

2. Cognitive Therapy

3. Mindfulness-based therapy


Mindfulness-based therapy

Focuses on non-judgement and acceptance

Allow thoughts to come and go

Not too much importance on individual thoughts

Which Therapy is best

Cognitive Therapy: Anxiety & Mood

Pharmacotherapy: Bipolar 1 & Schizophrenia

Psychotherapy and pharmacotherpy is more effective than either in isolation


1 in 1000, 5x more common in boys

Spectrum 0.5%, 15x more common in boys

Genes and Autism

'Autism' 58%

Autism Spectrum 77%

DSM-5 criteria for Autism

Deficits in

1. Social-emotional reciprocity

2. non-verbal communication

3. Developing and maintaining relationships


Cannot scan faces

Mind-blinded: Cannot represent mental state of others

Weak central coherence: perceive parts not whole

Treatments for Autism

Camera in Head

Emotional Recognition


Facts and symptoms

Bodily tension and apprehension about the future

fight or flight

increased heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, hyperventilation

Difference in anxiety and anxiety disorder

Intensity, duration

functional impairment and distress

Anxiety Disorders

20% lifetime, 10% point prevenence

panic, specific, social, OCD

Panic Disorder

1. Recurring panic attack

2. Concern about having another panic attack

with or without agoraphobia

Why panicked?

Intepretation of normal sensation in catastrophic ways

Faulty intepretation lead to anxiety, worsening symptoms

Specific Phobia

Specific object that interferes with ability to function

Exposure provoked intense anxiety

Social Anxiety Disorder

Persistent fear of social situations

Must interfer in individuals life

provokes intense anxiety

- public speaking, transport, parties


3% Mild, 0.5% Severe

Obsession: recurrent unwanted thought

Compulsion: Repetitive behavior to push obsession out of mind

Physical and Mental Compulsion

Physical: Stove checking, hand washing

Mental: counting, praying

Pharmacological Treatments for Anxiety Disorders

Anti-Depressants: SSRIs (Prozac) act on Serotonin

Anxiolytics (Anti-Anxiety): Valium (Benzodiazepines) Act on GABA

Other Treatments for Anxiety

Cogntivie Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive restructuring

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

One or More major depressive episode

Can be single or recurrent episode

Major Depressive Disorder symptoms

1. Depressed Mood

2. Loss of Pleasure

Others include: fatigue, weightloss, insomnia, hypoinsomnia

MDD Stats

Life prevalence 15-20%

point prevalence 10%

1 million australians. females 2x likely

Persistent Depressive Disorder


milder, more chronic

0.5% prevalence

atleast 2 years long

What Causes depression

Serotonin heavily implicated

Gene x Environmental interactions


Maladaptive Cognitive styles, irrational beliefs

Seligman & Maier

Dogs that could not escape initially did not escape (only 25% did)

Depression is underpinned by maladaptive learning

Alloys & Abramson

Healthy patients believe they have control over things which they don't

MDD patients were accurate that they didn't have control

Treatments for MDD


Serotonin Agonist: SSRIs

ECT for severe depression

Treatments for MDD

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

- Behavioural activation (Mastery activity)

- Cognitive restructuring

Bipolar Disorders

Abnormally low and high moods

Manic Episodes: persistent irritable mood

- talkative, excessive ideas

Bipolar 1

atleast 1 manic episode

12 months long, 1%

equal gender ration

Bipolar 2

Hypomanic Episodes alternate with MDE's

MDE not necessary for diagnosis

12 months 0.8%


Milder more chronic version of Bipolar


hypermanic and hypodepression

2 years long

Treatments for Bipolar Disorders

Biological: Lithium, anti-psychotics, anti-convulsants

Psychological: CBT


0.7% prevalence, 1 in 100

10x suicide rate

10% homeless people have schizophrenia

3 Factor model of Schizphrenia

1. Delusions

2. Disorganisation

3. Negative Symptoms

First Rank Symptoms

Schneider suggested FRS are common symptoms of SZ

- audible thoughts, voice arguing, delusion of control

Corollary Discharges

Neural copies of motor signals


Causes of Schizophrenia

Highly heretable

Drugs, amphetamines increase risk 10x. Increases level of dopamine

Dopamine and Psychosis

All anti-psychotic medications block dopamine D2 receptors

Treatments for Schizophrenia

Biological: Antipsychotics most effective

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)