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50 Cards in this Set

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Bipolar disorder can be cured

Serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are examples of hormones.rine are ex

The synapse is the tiny space thatseparates one neuron from the next.
Classical conditioning is the process of learning in which behaviorthat leads to satisfying consequences is likely to be repeated.
Deinstitutionalization is a process thatbegan in the 1960s to release hundreds of thousands ofpatients from public mental hospitals.
After 6 – 12 sessions of ECT, spaced over 2 – 4 weeks, most patients feel less depressed. What does “ECT” stand for?
Electroconvulsive therapy
This behavioral exposure treatment involves clients moving their eyes in a rhythmic manner from side to side while flooding their minds with images of objects and situations they would ordinarily avoid.
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR)
People who take _____ may experience a dangerous rise in blood pressure if they eat foods containing the chemical tyramine.
MAO inhibitors
Megan has a fear of public speaking and therefore visits a behavioral therapist to help her overcome this fear. What technique should be implemented by the therapist to resolve Megan’s fear?
Systematic desensitization
What type of medications are used totreat bipolar disorders?
Mood stabilizers
Who was the first doctor to argue that asylum patients should be treated with sympathy and kindness?
Phillipe Pinel
Who made humane care of those with mentaldisorders a public and political concern in the United States?
Dorthea Dix
Which psychologist developed a classical conditioning experiment involving dogs?
Ivan Pavlov
Who developed a theory about psychosexual development that involved the following stages: oral, anal, genital, latency, and phallic.
Sigmund Freud
This humanistic psychologist developed client-centered therapy where the therapist provides a warm, supportive atmosphere by being empathetic and genuine.
Carl Rogers
The _____ is the process of systematically gathering and evaluating information through careful observations to gain an understanding of a phenomenon.
Scientific method
_____ is when the findings of an investigation can be generalized beyond the immediate study.
External validity
What real-life study didn't tell its participants that they had syphilis or treat them for the illness?
The Tuskegee Institute study
What type of study is limited by subjective evidence, biased observers, and little basis for generalization?
Case study
Jackson was given 20 mg of drug X to determine if there would be a reduction in his depressive symptoms. The independent variable is:
The 20 mg of drug X
Questions such as “Please tell me about yourself?” and “How would you describe your symptoms?” are examples of _____ questions.
This type of projective test involves people making up dramatic stories about 30 black-and-white pictures of individuals in vague situations.
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
This neuroimaging technique takes X rays of the brain's structure at different angles.
CAT scan
For the latest Alzheimer's research study, raters were trained to score the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale the same way for all of the subtests in an effort to achieve:
Interrater reliability
The latest depression instrument was found to correlate highly with the Hamilton Depression Inventory, thus showing _____ when compared with the Hamilton Depression Inventory.
Concurrent validity
What is it called when you have persistent thoughts, ideas, impulses, or images that seem to invade your mind?
Lisa does not like to speak in front of others; in fact, she cannot tolerate public speaking, as she becomes worried she will embarrass herself. Lisa may be suffering from:
Social anxiety disorder
The distress experienced by people with _____ is sometimes described as free-floating anxiety.
Generalized anxiety disorder
Jill has been experiencing recurring periods of shortness of breath, sweating, trembling, faintness, and a feeling of unreality for over a month. She may be suffering from:
Panic attacks
Flooding, systematic desensitization, and modeling are frequently used to treat what disorder?
Specific phobia
This disorder is marked by an inability to recall important personal events and information.
Dissociative amnesia
This is an anxiety disorder in which fear and related symptoms are experienced soon after a traumatic event
Acute stress disorder
After hearing strange noises from downstairs, you eventually realize that it was just your dog who had tipped over the garbage can. The subsequent slowing down of your heart rate is BEST explained by the activation of your _____ system.
Parasympathetic nervous
Recovery, Recognition, and Integration are interventions used to treat what disorder?
Dissociative identity disorder (DID)
Sam wakes up one morning, forgets his identity, and moves to San Diego. He is most likely suffering from what disorder?
Dissociative fugue
This is a state or episode of euphoria or frenzied activity in which people may have an exaggerated belief that the world is theirs for the taking.
A major depressive episode must last forhow long before it can be diagnosed?
2 weeks
Persistent depressive disorder is a chronic unipolar depression that lasts for at least:
2 years
A unipolar type of depression that is characterized by outbursts of severe temper during childhood or adolescence is called:
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Sharon experiences mild manic episodes that alternate with major depressive episodes over the course of time. She would be diagnosed with _____ disorder
Bipolar II
One manner in which cocaine is ingested is through _____, which is a technique in which the pure cocaine basic alkaloid is chemically separated from processed cocaine, vaporized with a flame, and inhaled through a pipe.
Alcohol _____ is an enzyme that exists in the stomach to help break down alcohol before it reaches the bloodstream. Typically, women have less of this enzyme than do men.
The use of LSD may produce an effect called _____, which causes a “crossing” of sensory experiences; for example, a person may hear colors or see sounds.
The popular club drug Ecstasy is technically a(n) _____ but it is categorized as a(n) _____ because of the majority of effects that it causes.
Stimulant, hallucinogen
____________ is systematic and medically supervised withdrawal from a drug.
Serious illness, abusive environments, and occupational stress are all examples of what types of stressors?
What term did Freud use to describe our unconscious death instinct?
Pamela tends to see the world in black-and-white, seeing things in either/or terms and frequently using the word “only.” Cognitive theorists would describe this as a(n) _____ thinking pattern.
During World War II, the Japanese military got a reputation for being ruthless warriors, largely based on the kamikaze pilots who would sacrifice their own lives to crash their planes into enemy installations. In the theory of Emile Durkheim, this would be an example of _____ suicide.
When someone commits suicide because theydon't have a sense of belonging within society, this is an example of _____suicide.