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132 Cards in this Set

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A significant increase in amylase and abdominal pain would likely represent...

Focal pancreatitis

think pancreas

A focal hypoechoic mass in HOP, with normal levels of amylase and asymptomatic patient would likely represent...

Pancreatic Carcinoma

very bad

Name the most common islet cell tumor and where they are seen

Insulinoma, seen in body or tail of pancreas NOT in the head

think pancreas

What is the name of the small accessory duct that drains the pancreas into second portion of duodenum

Duct of Santorini

name, think of a place in Greece

Name two of the most common causes of EXTRAhepatic cholestasis (obstructive jaundice)

Commun duct stone and Pancreatic CA

What is the NONencapsulated gland, located in the anterior pararenal portion of the retroperitoneum


Filling the stomach with water creates and acoustic window to better visualize what structure?

Pancreatic tail

What is produced by the endocrine portion of the pancreas?

The Islet of Langerhans in the pancreas secrete INSULIN

An amorphic hyperechoic area adjacent to the portal vein most likely represents what

Focal Fatty Infiltration

Diffuse areas

Increase in renal size, loss of corticomedulary boundary, bacteruria, and leukocytosis are associated with what?

Acute Pyelonephritis

acute vs chronic, shows different signs

A hyperechoic, non shadowing renal mass in a patient with candidiasis infection would represent what?

Mycetoma or fungal mass

candidiasis is a fungal infection

A renal artery velocity ____ times greater than the aortic velocity indicates renal artery stenosis

A Renal Artery Ratio of 3.5 or greater indicates significant stenosis

remember the real artery paperwork :)

Which two disorders may represent as calcifications of the medullary pyramids?

Medullary sponge kidney and Papillary necrosis

sponge and death

What is the most common hypoechoic mass in kidney?

Renal Cell Carcinoma

bad, what Jen had :(

Neonate presenting with no urine output and bilateral large hyrperechoic kidneys, represents what disease?

Autosomal Recessive (infantile) Polycystic Kidney disease

infantile recess

Cystic development of native kidneys in a long term dialysis patient is associated with what disease?

Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease

Not born with but, pick up along the way

Rounded or triangular cystic or hypoechoic medullary pyramids, likely represent what?

Papillary Necrosis

A low amplitude internal waveform with a slowed systolic acceleration is called what?

Pulsus Parvus Tardus or Parvus Tardus


A triangular Hyerechoic area seen along the anterior aspect of the upper pole of RIGHT kidney is what?

Junctional Parenchymal defect

A triangular or wedge shaped hypoechoic area seen in an organ most likely represents what?


Acute rejection of transplanted kidney is indicated by:

- Increase renal Volume AND length

- Loss of coticomedullary junction

- Thickened renal cortex

kidney looks swollen

Multicystic dysplastic kidney is associated with what?

A CONTRAlateral Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction

opposite side UPJ (junction between ureter and renal pelvis)

Acute Tubular Necrosis and Cyclosporin Toxicity represent the same sonogranphic findings and doppler findings as what?

Acute Rejection

Increase in renal size, loss of corticomedulary boundary, bacteruria, and leukocytosis

The LEFT suprarenal (adrenal), left ovarian and left testicular veins drain into what vein?

Left renal vein

The hypogastric (internal iliac vein) drains in to what vein?

Common Iliac vein

Nephrocalcinosis, hyperparathyroidism, excess of vitamin D and malignancy are associated with what?


too much calcium!

If diastole equals 0, what is the RI? What is the RI equation?

RI = 1

RI= Systole - Diastole



1 over 1 equals.....

Diffuse thyroid enlargement with Hypervascularity is associated with?

Grave's disease

big eyes too

Sonographically an Acute Hematoma will appear?


Fresh spilled blood fills with fibrin, as time passes, the blood will begin to liquify appearing more anechoic

hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is characterized by wall measurement thicker than ____, and a canal length greater than____.


Muscle wall > 4 mm

Canal length > 12 mm

Benign Prostatic hyperplasia originates in what zone?

Malignant Prostate lesions originate in what zone?

Transitional zone benign

Peripheral zone bad

good transitions to bad

borderline= bad

Horseshoe kidney, right sided aorta and midline location of liver are associated with what syndrome?

Asplenia syndrome

NO spleen

Cryptorchidism or undescended testes is associated with...

- undescended teste commonly located in inguinal canal groin area

- infertility

- increase in malignancy

- premies increased incidence

Which tumor is associated with increased Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)

Yolk Sac Tumors

Think fetal structure

-Vas deferens

-cremasteric artery

-deferential artery

-testicular artery

-pampiniform plexus of veins

-lymphatic and nerves

Spermatic cord

VAS-ectomy DEF-ers CRE-amy LYM-p NERV-ous PAMP-ous TESTI-cle

The Vas deferens and the Seminal vesicle join to form the ___________ which transverses the Central zone of prostate.

Ejaculatory Duct

spits out baby batter

Most common testicular mass


sounds like semolina

In longitudinal image, what is target sign located anterior to proximal aorta and posterior to liver?

gastroesphageal junction

Non-glandular anterior portion of prostate is called what?It is not affected by cancer, prostates or hyperplasia.

Fibromuscular stroma

What is the fibrous capsule of the testicle?

Tunica albuginea

The capsular artery seen around periphery of testicle and the centripetal artery are branches of what artery?

Testicular artery

Name the peritoneal fold that encompasses the ligament teres and connects to the anterior abdominal wall

Falciform ligament

What structure divides the right liver lobe from the left liver lobe? it has the GB, middle hepatic vein and IVC as landmarks.

Main Lobar Fissure

It's a fissure!

The falciform ligament is a landmark of what fissure?

Left intersegmental fissure

What part of the liver is seen anterior to IVC and posterior to Lt lobe, also has it's own blood supply.

Caudate lobe

Numerous worm-like venous collaterals that parallel and surround thromboses PV are called...

Cavernous transformation

Syndrome characterized by thrombosis of HV's. Causes portal hypertension, ascites, abdominal girth and caudate lobe enlargement due to use of emissary veins for drainage.

Budd-Chiari Syndrome

RUQ mass, with labs showing elevation in catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine), what is the likely diagnosis.


where do pheochromocytomas originate? and what do they secrete?

Adrenal medulla, they secrete catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine)

Name the liver segment located between the Right HV and Mid HV

Right anterior segment

Which vessels suppply about 60% of liver's oxygen needs, although it carries blood that is not 100% oxygenated?

Portal Veins

Which hepatic mass is associated with a central stellate like scar?

Focal Nodular Hyperplasia

What would cause the proper hepatic artery to have a High resistance (absence of diastole) waveform?

-Liver transplant rejection

-Venous outflow interruption

(HV or IVC occlusion)

two causes

An indirect sign of patency of a surgically created mesocaval shunt is...

Reversed flow in Portal Vein or hepatofugal portal flow

What's red becomes blue

What does TIPS stand for?

Tansjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt

What part of the liver is the quadrate lobe located?

Left medial segment

What is Klatskin's tumor? It causes what kind if biliary dilatation? what sign is associated with it?


-Intrahepatic Ductal dilatation

-"shot gun" or "parallel channel" sign

I shot the sheriff

Pancreatic calcifications are a sign of....

Chronic pancreatitis

In acute pancreatitis which enzymes are elevated? which one remains elevated longer?

-Amylase and Lipase

-Lipase rises later and remains elevated toward end of recovery

Malignant masses typically display what kind of doppler waveform?

High Velocity, Low resistance arterial waveform

comes in fast and persists

Which abnormality more commonly in Asians causes Biliary obstruction?

Choledochal cyst

Two cystic structures in RUQ causing biliary obstruction

The superior mesenteric vessels (SMV and SMA) are located ______ to the uncinate process of panc.


remember uncinate process curves around a bit

An obstructed GB without inflammation or thickening of the GB wall

Hydropic GB

A dilated CBD posterior to the HOP would be attributed to a more distal obstruction, this is the most common cause of distal biliary obstruction..

Stone at the Ampulla of Vater

Luke, I am your father

What causes an increase in unconjugated serum Bilirubin

-Hemolysis (RBC breakdown)

-Decreased liver Conjugation

Von Hippel-Lindau disease, tuberous sclerosis, and acquired cystic kidney disease are associated with a higher incidence of....

Renal Cell carcinoma

Multiple renal cysts in a 25 year old male may represent what kidney disease?

Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney disease

Hydroureter, ureterocele, and hydronephrosis of upper pole of the kidney are seen with what...

Completely Duplicated Urinary Collecting System

Which internal artery runs alongs the base of the renal pyramids?


base not apex, parallel to renal capsule

An abnormally high RI (>0.7)


Acute Renal Failure

intrarenal vessels

An increased cortical thickness between the pyramids is called...

Column of Bertin

Increased serum Nitrate is called


What is the most common cancer in children?

Wilm's tumor

(aka) Nephroblastoma

two names

Which structure is the most anterior i the renal hilum?

Renal vein, then Renal artery, most posterior is the ureter

An urachal cyst is seen...

Superior to the bladder near midline

A transplanted kidney is placed where?

In the retroperitoneum

same area space as native

Cerebral aneurysms are associated with what kind of kidney disease?

Autosomal Dominant (adult) Polycystic kidney disease

Prominent medullary pyramids, increased renal size and high resistance intraparenchymal waveform are associated with

Acute Tubular Necrosis

What is the most common cause of AKI (Acute Kidney Injury)

Acute Tubular Necrosis

Hydronephrosis causes an ______ RI.

Increased (>0.7)

An increase in Creatinine and Urea in the blood serum can be seen with...

Chronic Renal Failure

Accumulation of pus in an obstructed collecting system is


its like hydro but nastier

Bilateral HYPOechoic kidneys with loss of corticomedullary boundary likely represents....

Renal Lymphoma

Small HYPERechoic kidneys are seen with....

Chronic Pyelonephritis leading to end-stage renal disease

What are the branches of the aortic arch?

Brachiocephalic (innominate) artery, Left Common Carotid artery and Left Subclavian artery

Hyperaldosteronism due to an adrenal adenoma is called...

Conn's syndrome

Aldo don't conn me

Which thyroid mass is a component of the MEN syndrome?

Medullary Carcinoma

What is the normal bowel wall thickness?

3 to 5 mm

The intratesticular structure seen as a hyperechoic linear object in longitudinal and a focal dot on transverse is the...

Mediastinum testis

A superior extension of the thyroid seen on younger patients and is an anatomical variant is called...

Pyramidal lobe

walk like and egyptian

Testicular arteries are a branch of what vessel?

Aorta, they directly branch from it

the mother ship

Traumatic laceration of the splenic capsule may result in a hematoma in what region?

Perisplenic hematoma

Around or perimeter

What Structure is posterior to the thyroid and adjacent to the vertebral body?

Longus Colli Muscle

Which liver section receives blood from both RPV and LPV branches?

Caudate Lobe

Stuck in the middle with you

ALT (Alanine Aminotrasferase) is concentrated in the liver. What is and elevated ALT associated with? name a few examples.

An elevation of ALT is associated with liver damage.

-metastatic liver disease


-acute hepatitis

With a patent TIPS both RPV and LPV will be what directional flow?



Hepatic waveforms in the normal liver are typically _________ reflecting cardiac contractions.


3 is the key

What is the most common cause of portal hypertension in the US?


drink your liver to this

What is the most common cause of portal hypertension globally?


The right Lobe is divided by the right INTERsegmental fissure. Name the main landmark of the right intersegmental fissure.

Right Hepatic Vein

Primary hyperparathyroidism is suspected with....


got too much milk

Multiple non communicating cysts seen with the absence of renal parenchyma in a newborn is indicative of what...

Multicystic dysplastic kidney

A sonographic image showing cortical tissue separating two renal sinuses without hydronephrosis of the upper pole, would indicate

Incomplete Duplex kidney

McBurney's sign indicates inflammatory pathology of what area of body?

RLQ, indicative of acute appy

Where would you find Haustra markings?


Fetal circulation pathway that connects the LPV to the IVC

Ductus Venosus

What structure is;

- a remnant of the ductus venous

-remnant of fetal circulation that shunts blood from LPV to IVC bypassing liver

-Divides caudate lobe from Lt lobe

Ligamentum venosum

what structure:

-Remnant of Umbilical vein

-resides in Lt intersegmental fissure

-recannalizes in severe cirrhosis

-Echogenic spot TRV liver

Ligamentum Teres

The following are associated with what sign?

-Pancreatic carcinoma

-painless jaundice

-dilated GB

-Biliary duct dilatation

Courvoisier's sign

Think fancy french name

Where is the lesser sac located?

Anterior and superior to the pancreas

The following are all associated with

-Polycythemia Vera


-PV Thrombosis



You had me at Polycythemia Vera

What disease would result in Splenic atrophy (autosplenectomy)?

Sickle Cell Anemia

Think of prickly blood cells

What is the most common cause of splenomegaly?

Portal Hypertension

All these are associated with:

-Decreasing Hematocrit

-Perisplenic splenic fluid collection

-subcapsular fluid collection

-pelvic fluid collection

Splenic trauma

Most common newborn abdominal mass associated with a decrease in hematocrit.

Adrenal hemorrhage

A 3 year old boy presents with hematuria and palpable left flank mass, sonography sees a slid renal mass, this finding most likely represents...

Wilm's tumor

Most common cancer in children

What is the most common NEONATAL abdominal/ kidney mass?

Multicystic dysplastic Kidneys

think multiple cystic lesions no cortex

What is the most common NEONATAL adrenal mass

Adrenal Hemorrhage

Most common CHILDHOOD/ infancy adrenal mass?

Adrenal Neuroblastoma

(months-8 years)

blast it

What is the most common cause of acute renal failure (ARF)?

Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN)


Acid Phosphatase is a lab value associated with what type of carcinoma?

Prostate Carcinoma

Their heart shaped internal box

Liver Mets causes an elevation in what lab value?

Alpha- fetoprotein

reminds me of dominant fetal

Which lab value is most sensitive indicator of Hepatocellular disease?

ALT- Alanine Aminotrasferanse

reset liver; Control- ALT - delete

Which lab value is specific for obstructive jaundice?

Direct Bilirubin (CONjugated Bili, made by liver)

Juan Luis Guerra y los 440

Hemolytic disorders may result in an increase in what lab value?

Indirect Bilirubin (Unconjugated bili, not water soluble, carried by blood to liver)

If Blood can'y carry this to liver to become water soluble

Which vessel is INTERlobar?

Which vessel is INTRAsegmental?

-Hepatic veins -interlobar

-Portal veins- intrasegmental

hepatic lobe

portal segment

The following Adrenal diseases, name what they result from.

-Addison's disease

-Cushing's disease

-Addison's disease- chronic adrenal hypo function insufficiency, hypocortisolism

-Cushing's diseas- adrenal hyper function, hypercotisolism

-Addison's -skinny, weak

-Cushing's- fat, fat face

The IVC and Aorta are located in what retroperitoneum space?

Anterior Pararenal space

What is the space between the Posterior parietal peritoneum and the Posterior Abdominal Wall muscles?

The RETROperitoneal Space

Where the kidneys, bladder, prostate, colon, IVC, AO, are

The Halo sign is a sonolucent rim surrounding a thyroid mass, commonly seen in ...


what is the most common primary thyroid CA

Papillary Carcinoma

What liver lesion are associated with glycogen storage disease and contraception, have tendency to bleed and may transform into hepatocellular carcinoma. Resection is recommended.

Hepatic adenomas