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97 Cards in this Set

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The stuff of the universe


The four forms of energy found in the body are

chemical, electrical, mechanical, radiant

The number of protons in the nucleus is also known as the ________ ________.

Atomic number

The number of neutrons in the nucleus is also known as the ________ ________.

Mass number

An ________ is one or more atoms that contain the same number of protons but different neutrons.


The larger the atom, the more ________ it can have.


A _________-_______ can lose a particle or a ray to try to become more stable.

Radio isotope

Two or more atoms held together by a chemical bond is known are known as a ________.


Two or more different kinds of atoms bound together are known as a molecule, but also as a ________.


In this bond one atom gives up an electron to another.

Ionic bond

Ionic bonds cannot have ________ or ________ as part of their makeup.

Carbon or water

In this type of bond, two atoms share electrons.

Covalent bond

Carbon and water bonds are always ________.


A weak polar bond involving hydrogen is known as a ________ bond.


The combining of two things to make something new is called ________.


Synthesis is a ________ process.


The breakdown of something in which it gives up energy is called ________.


Decomposition is a ________ process


An ________ reaction is one in which both synthesis and decomposition occur.


A ________ is the first kind of mixture and is homogeneous.


A ________ is the second kind of mixture and is heterogeneous.

Colloid / Emulsion

A ________ is the third type of mixture and is heterogenous with large particles.


The chief difference between a mixture and a compound is that a mixture does not ________ combine.


The ________ ________ ________ of membrane structure depicts the plasma membrane as an exceedingly thin structure composed of a double layer of lipid molecules with protein molecules dispersed throughout.

Fluid mosaic model

Transport, enzymatic activity, signal transmission, intercellular joining, cell to cell ignition, and attachment to the cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix are all functions of ________


The ________ ________ regulates intake and output.

Plasma Membrane

________ ________ is a passive process in which molecules or ions will scatter evenly throughout the environment. An example is breathing.

Simple Diffusion

________ causes things to diffuse faster.


________ ________ transports things from high to low concentration using no energy but does use a carrier to transport things in and out of the cell. (Example: glucose/insulin)

Facilitated diffusion

________ ________ uses energy and can go from a high to low concentration or low to high concentration.

Active transport

_________ is the mechanism by which substances are moved from the cell interior to the extracellular space as a secretory vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane.


________ is the mechanism by which fairly large extracellular molecules or particles enter cells


________ is the engulfing of extracellular fluid by the cells


Cells lose water and crenate in a ________ solution.


Cells gain water and lyse in a ________ solution.


The powerhouse of the cell is ________.


The sites of protein synthesis in the cell are the ________.


The parts of the cell responsible for transport are the ________ and ________ ________ ________.

Rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum

The part of the cell that packages, modifies, and segregates proteins for secretion from the cell is the ________ ________.

Golgi apparatus

The tubular extensions of the plasma membrane are the ________.


The ________ detoxify the cell and breaks down hydrogen peroxide.


The sites of intracellular digestion are ________.


________ support the cell and give it shape.


An ________ compound has both carbon and hydrogen.


An ________ compound has any chemicals other than carbon and hydrogen.


The five functions of ________:

- High heat capacity

- High heat of vaporization

- Polar solvent properties

- Reactivity

- Cushioning


________ release hydrogen ions when dissolved in water.


When mixed with a base, an ________ will neutralize.


A ________ will make both an acid and a base neutral.


________ are also known as sugars and contain carbon, hydrogen, and water. Usually in a 1 carbon to 2 hydrogen to 1 oxygen ratio.


A ________ is a simple sugar like glucose whose function is energy and structure.


A ________ is a double sugar (containing two monosaccharides) like sucrose (table sugar), lactose, and maltose.


A ________ is a long chain of simple sugars (three or more) such as starch, cellulose, and glycogen.


A ________ is an oil or fat that is unsoluble in water.


A ________ is a neutral fat found underneath the skin making up fatty acids and glyceral. It is the storage form of energy in the body.


A __________ is a lipid making up part of the cell membrane and important in structure.


A ________ is a lipid such as cholesterol needed for human life. It also makes up the sex hormones in the human body.


Proteins comprise ________-________% of the body.


The ________ is the control center of the cell.


The _______ ________ separates the neoplasm.

Nuclear Envelope

The two main parts of the skin are the ________ and the ________.

Epidermis and dermis

The sublayer of the dermis is the ________.


The composition of the skin can be broken down to four cell types: the ________, the ________, the ________, and the ________.

Keratinocytes, melanocytes, dendritic, and tactile

________ is found on fingers, hands, and the soles of feet to offer protection.


________ is found everywhere other than the fingers, hands, and soles of feet.


The stratum ________, stratum ________, stratum ________, stratum ________, and stratum ________ are the five layers of the epidermis.

Basale, Spinosum, Granulosum, Lucidum, Corneum

The Stratum ________ is found only in areas of thick skin.


The dermis has two vascular layers, the ________ and the ________.

Papillary and Reticular

The three things that determine skin color are ________, _________, and ________.

Melanin, Carotene, Hemaglobin

The hair is made up of three layers, the inner ________, the middle ________, and the outer _________.

Medulla, Cortex, Cuticul

The pigment that colors our hair comes from the ________ at the beginning of the ________.

Melanocytes, follicle

Stretch marks come from the ________ ________ of the dermal and epidermal layers.

Reticular Layers

The sweat glands are also known as ________ glands.


Two modified sweat glands that produce ear wax and milk are ________ and ________ respectively.

Ceruminous and mammry

Oil glands are also known as ________ glands.


The physical function of the skin is ________.


The biological function of the skin is ________.

Dendritic (immunological)

The chemical function of the skin is ________ _________ and regulates things like body temperature and cutaneous sensation.

Metabolic reactions

________ ________ ________ is the least malignant and most common form of skin cancer - it occurs in the stratum basale.

Basal cell carcinoma

________ ________ ________ is the second most common form of skin cancer and occurs in the keratinoctyes in the stratum spinosum - it will metastasize if not removed.

Squamous cell carcinoma

________ is the least common but most deadly form of skin cancer. It affects the ________.

Melanoma, melanocytes

In a first degree burn, only the ________ is damaged. They generally heal in ____-____ days.

Epidermis, 2-3

A second degree burn injures the epidermis and the first two layers of the ________. They generally heal in ____-____ weeks.

Dermis, 3-4

Third degree burns injure the entire ______ of the skin; ________ ________ are also destroyed. These burns usually require ________ ________.

Thickness, nerve endings, skin grafting

Another name for first and second degree burns is ________ ________ burns. Third degree are also known as ________ _________ burns.

Partial thickness, full thickness

The seven characteristics of living organisms are ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, ________, and ________.

Nutrition, excretion, respiration, sensitivity, reproduction, growth, and movement

The four elements found most often in the human body are ________, ________, ________, and ________.

Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

During ________ the chromosomes duplicate, and the copies remain attached to each other.


After Interphase is ________ during which the chromosomes condense and become visible. In the cytoplasm, the spindle forms.


After prophase is ________ during which the nuclear membrane dissolves and the spindle starts to interact with the chromosomes.


After Prometaphase comes ________ during which the copied chromosomes align in the middle of the spindle.


After Metaphase comes ________ during which the chromosomes separate into two genetically identical groups and move to the opposite sides of the cell.


After Anaphase is ________ during which nuclear membranes form around the two sets of chromosomes, the chromosomes spread out, and the spindle breaks down.


After Telophase comes ________ during which the cell splits into two daughter cells.


Each daughter cell will have ____ copies of ____ chromosomes which is known as a ________.

2, 23, diploid