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47 Cards in this Set

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How many pairs of spinal nerves do we have?
spinal nerves emerge from both sides of the spinal cord through the
intervertebral foramina
intervertebral foramina are named for the
vertebral region/level theyemerge
Posterior root ganglia
this is where the sensory neuron cell bodies are located
bundle of axons
spinal nerve
bundle of fasicles
Three protective coverings

Epineurium-surrounds the whole nerve

Perineurium- encases each fascicle

Endoneurium- covers the myelinated/unmyelinated axons

branches of spinal nerves
Posterior (dorsal) ramus
innervates the skin and deep muscles of the back/trunk
Anterior (ventral) ramus
supplies the muscles and skin of all four limbs; anterior and lateral parts of the body
Rami Communicantes
connects the sympathetic ganglion (Autonomic NS) to the with the rest of the nervous system
Meningeal branch
innervates with the meninges, blood vessels, vertibones, D ligament in vertebral canal
braided network of many spinal nerves joining before they innervate the body structures
The plexus is located in what four regions of the body?
cervical, brachial, lumbar, sacral
How many spinal nerves are in each of these categories? Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, sacral, Coccygeal






Thoracic does not have
a plexus
Cervical plexus
formed c1-C5
the cervical plexus is outside the
anterior ventral ramus
the phrenic nerve

formed from c3-c5

moves down through the thoracic cavity to the diaphragm

it also sends signals to the diaphragm to contract/inflate the lungs

goes to the axillary region
integrates with the skin
brachial plexus


formed by the shoulders and the upper limbs

the radial is on the
lateral side
the ulnar is on the
medial side
goes down the middle of the line
sacral plexus


innervates with the buttocks and most of the lower limbs

medial side of the leg
common fibular
lateral side of the leg
formed by tibial and the common fibular nerve
reflexes arc
a neural pathway that controls an action reflex
the reflex arc allows
the reflex action to occur without having to route the signals through the brain
What are the two types of reflex arcs?

1. Somatic reflex- contraction of skeletal muscle

2.Autonomic (visceral reflex)- cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, or glands

The spinal reflexes goes to the
spinal nerves
the cranial reflexes go to the
goes to the cranial nerves
5 components of a spinal reflex arc

1. sensory receptor

2.sensory neuron

3.integrating center

4.motor neuron


A monosynaptic reflex
has a single synapse between the afferent and efferent neurons it also does NOT have an interneuron
A polysynaptic reflex has
two or more synapses it DOES has an interneuron
Sensory receptor
responds to a stimulus by producing a generator or receptor potential
Sensory neuron
axon that conducts impulses from receptor to the integrating center
Integrating center
one or more regions within the central nervous system that relays impulses from sensory to motor neruons
Motor neuron
axon that conducts impulses from the integrating center to the effector
a muscle or gland that responds to motor nerve impulses
reflex arcs that involve sensory receptors, sensory nerve fibers, motor neurons, and effectors all on the SAME side of the body
Reflex arcs that involve sensory receptors and neurons on one side of the body and motor neurons and effectors on the OPPOSITE side of the body
Reflexes that involve BOTH sides of the body simultaneously
What are the processes the body goes through when you stretch?

1.. stretching stimulates the sensory receptors (muscle spindle)

2.sensory neuron- excited

3.within the integrating center (spinal cord) the

4. motor neuron-excited

5.sensory neuron activates the motor neuron

effector-(same muscle) contracts and relives the stretching