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72 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of connective tissue in general?
It connects &/or binds a variety of tissues together. Has a variety of specialized functions depending on type.
We see 3 general forms of CT--what are they?

semi-solid----gel like (cartilaginous)

All CT has 3 general characteristics, what are they?
1. Specialized cells (2 types)

2. Have extracellular fibers (3 types)

3. Have ground substance
CT has 3 general characteristics, one of which is Specialized cells, of which there are 2 types. What are they?
1. fixed cells

2. Wandering cells
A type of Specialized Cell is a Fixed cell--What are the characteristics of Fixed cells?
~Fixed cells stay in one place
~~secrete extracellular fibers and ground substances
~~~Make CT then live there and maintain it
What are the 3 types of fixed cells and what are their functions?
1) fibroblasts--most common, called chondroblasts in cartilage, osteoblasts in bone.
2) Adipocytes:store lipid, are fat cells
3) Reticular cells: make reticular fibers
A type of specialized cell is a Wandering cell. What do they do are what are 3 types?
They wander in and out of the CT as needed and the 3 types are:
1. Leukocytes/WBC's
2.Mast cells-contain vasoactive substances such as heparin and histamines
3. Macrophages-can be fixed or wandering
The 2nd characteristic of CT is that is has Extracellular fibers. There are 3 types of these. What are they and what are their characteristics/functions?
~Collogen fibers- most common, gives CT its strength
~Reticular fibers:give CT framework/support
~Elastic fibers: give CT elasticity (stretch and recoil)
The 3rd characteristic of CT is that it has ground substance which is a substance that ranges in texture from a liquid to a gel to a calcified substance. It is a medium through which cells______ and it also acts as a __________
exchange nutrients and waste with the bloodstream

shock absorbing cushion and protects the more delicate cells it envelopes
Extracellular fibers with a ground substance make up the ___________
The type of CT depends on type of fixed cells, extracellular fibers and __________
ground substance
Connective tissue PROPER is made up of 2 types of connective tissue, what are they?
Loose and Dense CT
Connective tissue PROPER is made up of 2 types of CT, Loose and Dense and each of these has 3 types. What are the 3 types of Loose CT?
Loose CT is made up of Areolar, Adipose and Reticular connective tissues
Connective tissue PROPER is made up of 2 types of CT, Loose and Dense and each of these has 3 types. What are the 3 types of Dense CT?
Dense CT is made up of Dense regular, dense irregular and elastic ct
Specialized CT is made up of 3 types of tissue. What are they?
Cartilage, bone and blood
Cartilage, one of the 3 types of Specialized CT, has 3 types, what are they?
Hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage
Bone, one of the 3 types of Specialized CT, has 2 types, what are they?
Compact and cancellous
CT Proper- Areolar CT is a loose array of all 3 fiber types in a gel like substance and is found between muscles throughout the body, under the basement membrane of epithelial tissue, between glands, muscles and nerves and surrounding capillaries & organs. What is its FUNCTION?
Provides nutrients to tissues it surrounds and supports
--acts as loose packing material
CT Proper-Adipose CT is closely packed adipocytes filled with lipid and are located throughout the body-
under the skin, around heart and kidneys, in omentum and mesentary and around colon. The function of Adipose CT is ______
insulation, padding and energy storage
CT Proper-Reticular CT is reticular cells supported by a fine network of irregular reticular fibers and tends to be located in the spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow. The function of of Reticular CT is ____
To provide an internal skeleton for hematopoietic and lymphatic tissues
Dense CT-Dense regular CT, contains parallel collagen fibers and is what makes up __________, which allows those items to _________
tendons and ligaments

withstand pulling forces from 2 directions
Dense CT-Dense irregular CT has collagen fibers running in ALL directions and is located on the dermis, in organ capsules, in the submucosa of GI tract and the function of it is_____________
to withstand pulling forces while providing support to area located
Dense CT-Elastic CT contains elastic fibers and has a variety of locations such as:__________
and it's function is to_______
Connects the vertabrae
in walls of ARTERIES
~allow tissue to stretch and recoil
Specialized CT-Cartilage-is made up fixed cells called chrondrocytes, and these cells live within pockets in the matrix called lacunae and its ground substance is __________ and this types heals ___________
glucosamine and chondrotin

slowly due to poor vascularization
There are 3 types of Cartilage, one of which is Hyaline cartilage (most common type), which is made up of collagen fibers in a firm ground substance. It is located_____
~in articular cartilage at the end of long bones in joints and connects ribs to sternum
~in the nose, rings of trachea, larynx and most of embryonic skeleton
The functions of Hyaline cartilage are:
Provide structural rigidity & support

cushion joints
The 2nd type of Specialized CT Cartilage is Elastic Cartilage which are made up of elastic fibers in a firm ground substance and it located in the pinna, epiglottis and auditory tubes. The function is _____
Provides support and more flexibility than hyaline cartilage in the tissues it is located within
The 3rd type of Specialized CT Cartilage is Fibrocartilage, which is similar to hyaline cartlilage but has more collagen and thicker bundles. It is located in the meniscus, the symphsis of mandible and pubis and IVD. What is the function of FIbrocartilage where it is located?
withstands compressive forces
Another type of Specialized connective tissue is BONE, which is a specialized connective tissue that forms most of the skeleton. It has 6 general functions-what are they?
1. Support-support soft tissue and provide attachment points for skeletal muscle.
2. Proctection-of internal organs
3. Movement-provides muscles with origin and insertion points to provide leverage
4. Mineral homeostatsis-calcium & phospherus
5. Blood cell production in red marrow
6. Energy stores- in yellow marrow
Bone is a CT because it does have SPECIALIZED CELLS, FIBERS and a GROUND SUBSTANCE--the 3 compents of all CT. Mineral salts are the ground substance and gives bone its hardness, and the fibers are the collagen fibers give bone___________ and together these make the up the _____ of bone
its tensile strength (can bend slightly w/o breaking)

The Specialized cells of bones make up the Bone Cell Line---what are they in order?
1. Mesenchyme-primitive CT, embryonic CT which all CT is derived
2. Osteoprogenitor cells- are unspecialized cells that are the last to dvide by mitosis
3. Osteoblasts-cells that form bone, have lost ability to divide by mitosis, secrete collagen and ground substances and initiate calcification
4. Osteocytes are mature bone cells of bone tissue that FORM bones
Osteoclasts are not a part of the Bone cell line. They are an aggregation of approximately 50 macrophages and their function is to:
Break down bone for normal development, growth, remodeling and repair and they do this by releasing enzymes to breakdown bone:
Bone has 2 types. What are they?
Compact and cancellous
Compact bone has osteons (Haversian systems) which are tiny compact cylinders of bone. It forms external layers on all bones, lies over spongy bone and forms the diaphysis of long bones. The functions of this type of bone are ________
To protect underlying bone
Support bone and body weight
Resist forces of weight bearing and gravity
Cancellous bone is also known as spongy bone has NO osteons, has trabeculae (little beams), is surrounded by red marrow spaces and is present in short, flat and irregularly shaped bones and the epiphyses of long bones. It also functions as
a place to store red marrow and it provides some support to with the trabeculae
Bones have 2 types of blood supply. What are they?
1) Periosteal and endosteal vessels-which enter compact bone through Volkman's canals to anastmose w/haversian vessels
2) Large nutrient artery-enters through nutrient foramen to service the endosteum and red bone marrow
The process of Bone formation is called ossification and there are 2 types- endochondral and Intramembraneous. Both involve the replacement of connective tissue with bone and the structure of resulting bone is____________
the same no matter how it is formed
The majority of bone is formed through Endochondral process which involves the Mesenchyme becoming hyaline cartilage which then becomes________ but some hyaline cartilage remains as articular cartilage and growth plates
Intramembraneous bone formation involves the formation of bone without the cartilage stage. It goes from Mesenchyme directly to the bone stage. It is seen in ______
certain skull bones only
After formation, bones must increase in length, diameter as body matures and changes throughout life and they do so through 2 types of bone growth:
Interstitial-due to presence of growth plates which have 4 distinct Zones (layers)

Appositional-diaphysis increases in in diameter wall thickness
What are the 4 zones of the growth plates-from end end of bone towards the diaphysis?
1. Zone of Resting Cartilage-fastens epiphysis to growth plate. No role in bone growth
2. Zone of proliferating cartilage-replaces cartilage in the zone of hypertrophic cartilage
3. Zone of hypertrophic cartilage-mature chondrocytes formed here
4. Zone of calcified cartilage
Osteoblasts produce bone when calcified cartilage is ______________
removed by osteoclasts
When growth plates close, they become epiphyseal ________, which can be confused with _______

A slipped growth plate can result in ____________
a growth deformity
Appositional growth is bone growth involving increase in diameter and thickness of bone. It involves bone ridges forming around the periosteal vessel, which eventually become the ____________ (aka osteons)
Haversian systems
As osteoblasts lay down bone on the outside, ____________ remove bone from the inside the medullary cavity to maintain____________

Regulation of bone growth before and at puberty involves the anterior pituitary secreting insulin like growth hormones, growth factors. At puberty, _______ causes the growth plates to close
rising levels of estrogen
Bone is the main reservoir for calcium in the body and normal blood calcium levels are important for:
Nerve function
Muscle function
blood physiology
The regulation of calcium in the blood involves 2 antagonistic substances. What are they?
Parathormone (PTH) and Calcitonin
Parathormone is produces by the parathyroid glands and is released in response to __________ which increases blood calcium levels by increasing absorbtion of it in the GI tract, increasing absorption in the kidneys and stimulation of osteoclast activity.
LOW blood calcium levels
Calcitonin is produced by the thyroid gland and is released in response to___________ which then decreases blood calcium levels by lowering blood calcium, lower amount of absorbtion by kidneys and decreasing ___________
HIGH blood calcium levels

osteoclast activity
Exercise and bone tissue-mechanical stresses increase bone strength by increasing deposits of mineral salts which results in the bones becoming stronger due to:
-becoming harder with more ground substance(the mineral salts)
-increased production of collagen fibers increase tensile strength
-increased production of calcitonin
Bone strength is a delicate balance with bone size and strength versus the the forces of weight bearing and muscle contraction. Gravity plays a large role here and astronauts who are in space may lose____ due to the lack of gravity
up to 1% bone mass per week
There are 2 type of bone fractures are the first is the ________ which does not perforate the skin and has a _________. The 2nd is the ________, which has an ________
CLOSED/SIMPLE, decreased chance of infection

OPEN/COMPOUND, much higher chance of infection
A Transverse fracture involves a break that is________
straight across the bone at a right angle to axis
A greenstick fracture involves a break that________
goes across the axis without crossing all the way from cortice to cortice
A comminuted fracture involves a break where_________
bone is shattered at the fracture site, may have bone chips and splinters
A spiral fracture involves a fracture that _________
spirals down the diaphysis
An oblique fracture involves a break that is _________
at an angle to the diaphysis
A condylar fracture involves a fracture of ___________
the condyles of the bones
An avulsion fracture results from an _________
overcontracture of a muscle or tendon resulting in it pulling away from and pulling off bone rather than itself tearing
An impaction fracture results from __________
one bone being forced into another
There are 4 stages of bone healing. What are they?
1. Fracture hematoma
2. Formation of a Fibroblast produced granulation
3. Formation of a boney hard callus
4. Remodeling
The fracture hematoma stage of bone healing involves what process?
bleeding--->vasoconstriction around area---->formation of platelet plug--->Clot formation----fibroblasts move into area
the second stage of bone healing involves the formation of fibroblast produced granulation and this formation is called the fibrocartlagininous soft __________, which is very ______

The 3rd stage of bone healing is the formation of a boney hard callus which involves ____ producing spongey bone to replace the previously formed granulation tissue. These show up on ___ around 6 weeks post repair if the bone is healing properly.

The forth and final stage of bone healing is remodeling of the bones, which can take up to ______
a year
What are the 3 requirements for successful bone healing?
***1. NO MOVEMENT***

2. Rich blood supply- to bring in O2 and glucose to injury site to supply energy for healing

3. Diet high in calcium and phospherus
A non-union of a fracture may occur due to:
lack of proper immobilization
poor blood supply
poor surgical technique
Reduction is an orthopedic procedure that involves putting a bone back in line and muscle contraction makes this difficult. A closed reduction involves________. An open reduction involves______
-pulling the bones back into place and applying immobilization afterwards

surgically putting the bone(s) back in place and usually with internal fixation
External fixation involves the application of __________ and has several advantages over open fracture repair such as:
splints, casts, kirschner apparatus

no further trauma, fracture hematoma is maintained which can aid healing and less risk of infection. Also is less expensive
Internal fixation involves surgery that puts bones back together with pins, plates, screws and wires. Advantages are__________ but is more expensive
Better visualization of fracture and better alignment of bones