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100 Cards in this Set

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What is the ALU and what does it do?

The Arithmetic and Logic Unit is where arithmetic and logical operations are performed. The results are stored in the accumulator.

What is the CU and what does it do?

The Control Unit controls how data moves around parts of the CPU and how it moves between the CPU and memory. Instructions are decoded in the CU.

What are registers and what do they do?

Registers are memory locations within the processor. They work quickly so the processor can use them without a bottleneck.

What is the PC and what does it do?

The Program Counter always contains the address of the next instruction to be executed. It gets incremented to point to the next instruction.

What is the ACC and what does it do?

The Accumulator stores the results of calculations made by the ALU.

What is the MAR and what does it do?

The Memory Address Register stores the address of the data or instructions to be fetched from or sent to.

What is the MDR and what does it do?

The Memory Data Register stores the data that has been fetched from or stored in memory.

What is the CIR and what does it do?

The Current Instruction Register is where fetched instructions are copied to for execution.

What are buses and what do they do?

Buses are circuits on the motherboard that connects the CPU to other components. A bus moves instruction and data around the system.

What are data buses and what do they do?

They send data to the memory or receive data form the memory. Data can flow both ways along a data bus.

What are address buses and what do they do?

They send information about where data needs to go by sending an address to the memory. The address bus only sends data in one direction.

What are control buses and what do they do?

Sends information about where data needs to go by sending an address to the memory. The address bus only sends data in one direction - from the CPU to the RAM.

Describe the Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle.


1. Load the address in the PC to the MAR.

2. Increment PC

3. Load instruction given by MAR into MDR

4. Load instruction in MDR into CIR


5. Decode instruction in CIR


6. Execute instruction

How does clock speed affect CPU performance?

During a clock cycle the processor can fetch, decode, and execute a simple instruction. A bigger clock speed means more cycles per second, so more instructions executed per second.

How does the number of cores affect CPU performance?

CPUs with multiple cores can execute multiple instructions at the same time.

How does cache affect CPU performance.

Cache is an area of very fast memory that links the CPU with main memory. It temporarily stores data and instructions the CPU is likely to need imminently or more than once.

More cache means more instructions can be stored. Faster cache means the instructions can be read quicker.

How is pipelining used in a processor to improve efficiency?

Several instructions are partially executed at the same time.

What is von Neumann architecture?

A single control unit sequentially works through instructions.

Data and instructions are stored in memory together and sent along the data bus.

What are the advantages of von Neumann architecture?

Flexibility. Instructions and data can occupy the same memory so you don't have to think ahead of time as to how you want to split the memory.

What are the disadvantages of von Neumann architecture?

Two memory accesses need to be made so it is slower.

harvard architecture?


What are the features of a RISC CPU?

Simpler instructions.
Further away from high level languages.

More efficient at simpler tasks.

Longer code requiring more RAM.

Lower clock speed.

Perform simpler tasks quicker.

Use less power.



What are the features of a CISC CPU?

More complex instructions.

Closer to high level languages.

Smaller code requiring less RAM.

Higher clock speed.

Intensive tasks will be better.

Use more power.


More expensive.

What are GPUs and their uses?

A graphics processing unit is specifically designed to perform calculations associated with graphics. Other than rendering graphics, they can be used for:

Modelling physical systems.

Audio processing.

Breaking passwords.

Machine learning.

What is a multicore system?

Multicore processors can support multithreading.

What is a parallel system?

Parallel processors can use multiple CPUs to complete more tasks in a certain amount of time. It works by many processors working together to perform a single job, which is split up into tasks.

What are advantages of parallel systems?
Increased speed

Complex tasks done efficiently

Many instructions at once

Different processors can handle different tasks/parts of the same job

What are disadvantages of parallel systems?

Not suitable for some programs.

Programs need to be written specially for it.

Operating system is more complex.

More complex OS.

What are the properties and uses of magnetic storage devices?

Patterns of magnetisation are used to represent binary sequences on magnetisable material.

They have high capacity at a low cost.

What are the proportionates and uses of flash storage devices?

Flash media works by a special type of ROM that can be overwritten.

It can be read from and written to at high speeds, but are more expensive than optical and magnetic media.

What are the proportionates and uses of optical storage devices?

Works by using a laser and looking at its reflection, determining where there are pits on a surface representing 1s and 0s.

Optical media tend to be cheap to distribute and fairly resilient.

What is RAM?

Random access memory. Access to RAM is quicker than a storage device. Programs and data being run by a computer are temporarily stored here. RAM is volatile.

What is ROM?

Read only memory. Can be read from but not written to. A common use is for storing the program to boot up the computer. ROM is non-volatile.

What is virtual storage?

Storage area networks can connect numerous different types of storage device can be connected as a single device. Virtual storage will abstract the type of storage device in a SAN.

What is the need for, function, and purpose of operating systems?

What is paging?

Memory can be split up into smaller pages. Pages are a fixed size. Each physical unit is a page.

What is segmentation?

Memory can be split into its logical parts, segments containing either data or instructions. Segments may be of variable sizes. Divides the virtual address into separate logical segments.

What is virtual memory?

Use of hard disk as if it were main memory.

Uses paging/fixed size units.

Swap pages between memory and backing store to make space for pages needed.

Holds part of program not in use.

Allows programs to run that need more RAM than available.

What is an interrupt?

A signal sent to the CPU to inform it that a device/program needs attention.

What is the order of priority of interrupts?

1. Power failure

2. Software

3. Clock interrupt

4. Peripheral interrupt

How do interrupts fit into the FDE cycle?

Before the FDE cycle begins, the interrupt register is checked to see if an interrupt has occurred. The program is halted (contents of registers stored in a stack) until the interrupt has been serviced then it continues.

What is scheduling?

How and when a process is swapped in and out of the CPU, thus enabling apparent multitasking.

What is the purpose of scheduling?

Make efficient use of processor time/resources

Provide no apparent delay for users

Maximise number of jobs processed

round robin 1.2.1cd

first come first serve 1.2.1cd

multi level feedback 1.2.1cd

shortest job 1.2.1cd

shortest time 1.2.1cd

Describe a distributed OS.

Independent networked computers combining processing power for a single task across a network. Presented to user as single system.

Describe an embedded OS.

Dedicated function, low power, low cost, little memory required, limited amount of hardware resources.

Describe a multi-tasking OS.

Lets multiple programs run at the same time. Programs scheduled so they each get a time slice of processor time.

Describe a multi-user OS.

Lets more than one user access computer's resources at a time. They share processor time.

Describe a real-time OS.

Little/no delay between input and computer's response. Executed within a known time frame, high rate of redundancy, processor never at capacity, used in critical environment.

Describe a BIOS.

Basic input/output system. Runs when PC is switched on. Responsible for detecting (POST), initialising, and testing hardware components as well as booting the OS (boot loader).

Describe device drivers.

Software that tells OS how to communicate with a device. Handles translation of requests between device and computer. Defines where process must put outgoing data and where incoming data will be stored. Wakes up device when it is needed and puts it to sleep when it is not.

What are virtual machines?

When software is used to take on the function of a machine, including executing intermediate code or running an operating system within another.

What is application software?

Software that allows a user to perform a task or produce something.

E.g. word processing, spreadsheets, desktop publishing, presentation, image editors, databases, web browsers, CAD, CAM

What is utility software?

A small program that has one purpose, usually concerned with the maintenance of the system.

What do anti-virus utilities do?

Detect and remove viruses.

What do disk defragmentation utilities do?

Groups all the parts of each file together on the hard disk so they can be read in one go.

What do compression utilities do?

Reduce the overall size of a file. This speeds up transmission of data.

What do file manager utilities do?

Enables the user to do simple file manipulation.

What do backup utilities do?

Automatically makes copies of file to prevent loss of data. It may put backups on different hardware devices at regular intervals. Incremental backups are made.

What is open-source software?

Software distributed with the source code. It can be shared and modified by users who can modify it to their needs. Anyone can have a part in the development of the software.

What is closed-source software?

Software that cannot be decompiled.

What is a translator?

They convert source code from assembly language or high-level code to object code and detect errors in source code.

What are interpreters?

They translate interpreted languages into machine code one line/statement at a time. It reports one error at a time then stops.

What are compilers?

They translate the whole program as a unit into machine code before the program is run. They create an executable program. They may report a number of errors at the same time. They optimise the code.

What are assemblers?

They translate a program from assembly language into machine code. One assembly language instruction is changed into one machine code instruction.

What is lexical analysis?

When each key word is replaced with its binary token. It will get rid of characters like additional spaces, lines, and tabs. It will delete comments. It will create a look up table for the variables (symbol table) containing the values and locations of variables.

What is syntax analysis?

When the compiler uses the keyword table to decide what to do with each instruction. It compares what it gets with what its expecting. It will return an error if it doesn't get what it's expecting.

What is code generation?

When the compiler takes each statement and converts it to low level/intermediate code. Each high level instruction is translated into many low level ones. Code optimisation is then done.

What is code optimisation?

When unnecessary instructions are removed.

What are library routines?

Pieces of code for carrying out a process that recurs many times in a larger program. They are loaded into memory by a loader and linked to the necessary parts of the code with the linker.

What is a relational database?

Keeps data as number of related tables (avoids data duplication and inconsistent data).

What is a flat-file database?

All records kept on one table. Each row is one record, each column is a different file.

What is a primary key?

Unique identifier in a table.

What is a foreign key?

A primary key of one table might be linked to another table, where it appears as a foreign key.

What is a secondary key?

An additional key which can be used to search for a record in a database. They don't have to be unique.

What is entity relationship modelling?

The process of drawing up an entity-relationship (ER) diagram that describes relationships between entities (objects that data is being held about).

What is indexing?

Sequential files can be searched quicker by producing a separate index file. Each category is linked to a position in the file where that category starts.

What are characteristics of networks?

A network is any number of computers connected together, sharing processing power, storage, and resources.

What are protocols?

They are a set of rules governing the way that devices communicate with each other.

In the TCP/IP stack, describe the application layer.

Consists of applications and processes that use the network, the layer the user interacts with.

In the TCP/IP stack, describe the transport layer.

Provides end-to-end data delivery services. Responsible for delivering data to the appropriate application process to the host computer.

In the TCP/IP stack, describe the internet layer.

Defines the datagram and routing of data. Adds IP addresses stating where the data is from and where it's going. Responsible for the routing of data.

In the TCP/IP stack, describe the network layer.

Consists of routines for accessing physical media. The actual hardware components including wires and network interface cards.

What is DNS?

Domain name system. Converts domain to IP address by contacting a DNS server.

What are LANs?

Computers linked together over a small geographical area. Peripherals can be shared.

What are WANs?

Computers connected together over a large geographical area. Each computer has it's own peripherals instead of sharing them.

What is packet switching?

Data split into fixed sized packets.

Each packet is placed on network individually.

Packets follow most convenient route/path.

Packets re-ordered and re-assembled at destination.

What is circuit switching?

Data split into fixed sized packets.

A route/path is reserved before transmission.

Each packet follows the same route/path.

Packets sent in order one after the other.

Packets re-assembled but not re-ordered.

What is abstraction?

The process of separating ideas from particular instructions/reality. It is a means of only using relevant detail.

Why use abstraction?

It maximises our chance of solving a problem. It helps separate the component parts. It allows us to decide which are worth investigating.

What is a variable?

A named memory location used to store and manipulate data which can be changed while the program is running.

What is a constant?

A named memory location whose value cannot be changed while the program is running.

What is a sequence?

A set of instructions that are executed in the order in which they are written.

What is selection?

When the program has to decide which instructions to do according to a condition.

What is iteration?

A set of instructions that are executed a finite number of times or until a condition is met.

What are IDEs used for?

Highlighting keywords, automatic line numbering, making code easier to read. They also have automatic error checking, error reports, and breakpoints.