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55 Cards in this Set

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What years were the Reconstruction period after the Civil War?


What was Lincoln's plan to restore the Union called?

The 10% plan

What did the 10% plan offer?

Amnesty to Confederate sympathizers

What circumstances had to be met for a

Southerner to receive an amnesty?

- pledge an oath of loyalty

- accept that slaves are now free

If 10% of voters took the loyalty oath in a state what would happen to that state?

It would be admitted back into the Union

What, in Lincoln's 10 percent plan gave blacks full citizenship?


Because Congress disliked Lincoln's plan what did they do?

blocked it (nullified it)

How did Congress' plan for reconstruction in the South differ from Lincoln's plan?

Congress' plan wanted to punish the South

How did Congress want to disadvantage the South?

by destroying all political and economical power

When did Congress' reconstruction bill pass?


What was the Wade-Davis Bill force the South to do to be re-admitted into the Union?

- majority has to take loyalty oath

- states had to make new Constitutions that

reflect the U.S Constitution

- had to take "Iron Clad" oath to be able to vote

What did the "Iron Clad" oath say

they never had any support for the Confederacy

How many people could take this oath even



As a result of the Iron Clad oath who did the

majority of voters consist of?


What bill made it impossible for Southern states to form new governments?

Wade-Davis Bill

Who used a pocket veto to nullify the Wade-Davis Bill?

Abraham Lincoln

What is a pocket veto?

The president's power to kill a bill if not signed within 10 days of Congress being out of Session

When was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?

Who killed him?

Where was he shot?

April 14, 1865

John Wilkes Booth

Ford's Theater

Who was glad for Lincoln's death?

The Radical Republicans

Who was blamed for Abraham Lincoln's death?

Southern Democrats

Who was the Vice President that took Lincoln's place in office?

Andrew Johnson

If Southern Democrats were kept out of office which political group would gain power?


What did the Republicans accomplish by

extending civil rights to freed slaves?

blacks would vote against the Democratic party, and, therefore, for the Republican party

Which president was against black civil rights?

Andrew Johnson

How could a Confederate sympathizer in the South gain an amnesty, according to Johnson's plan?

must take the oath of loyalty

What was included in the amnesty for

sympathizers who owned under $20,000 in property?

return of all property

How did Johnson plan to reorganize government in the South?

held a state convention for citizens that have

received an amnesty to write a new Constitution for that state and appoint government senators

What else was required, according to Johnson's plan, for a state to be readmitted into the Union?

ratify the 13th Amendment in that state

declare secession illegal in that state

In what year were all the seceded states

readmitted into the Union?


What did the Radical Republicans think of

Johnson's plan?

it was too lenient

allowed former Confederate to regain power

granted pardons to everyone that asked for one

What did the Black Codes control?

freedoms to vote, learn, and work

Who did these restrictive laws apply to?


Which two groups had Black Codes and where were they chastised by the North?

both North and South had black codes, but the North only looked down on the South for having them

Congress refused state representatives from what area that had just been readmitted?

The newly readmitted southern states

What did the Freedman's Bureau provide?

education, housing, etc. for former slaves

Which president vetoed this the Freedman's


Andrew Johnson

What did the Civil Rights Act of 1866 promise to blacks?

basic rights

What does Johnson do to this Civil Rights Act of 1866?

veto it

When Johnson vetoes the Civil Rights Act What group joins the Radical Republicans and what were they able to do to the veto?

All Republicans join the Radicals and together they were able to override the veto

What does the Civil Rights Act say about the Bill of Rights?

That it (now) applies to all Americans except

Native Americans (as if it didn't before, but now it is official)

Since the Radical Republicans now control both houses of Congress what can they do?

override the president's veto, taking away all of the executive branch's power

In what month and year was the Reconstruction Act?
March 1867
What two things did this act ensure?

southern leaders would not be in power

former slaves' rights would be protected

The Southern states were divided into districts under whose rule?
military rule (martial law)
To be readmitted into the Union a state had to do what?
ratify a new constitution that said all black men could vote and it must include the 14th Amendment

With what acts did the Radical Republicans limit

presidential power?

Command of the Army Act

Tenure of Office Act

Why was the Tenure of Office Act declared


It was put into effect before it was approved by the Supreme Court

What did the Tenure of Office Act force the

president to do when trying to remove an official from office?

get it approved by the Senate
Who was the first president to be impeached?
Andrew Johnson

Johnson was impeached, but he was not

removed from office how does this happen?

The House of Representatives may accuse him, but the Senate must conduct the trial and he was found not guilty
How much of the majority is the Senate required to have to find a president guilty?
Why did some Senators vote Johnson not guilty even though they disliked him?
they knew he had not broken any laws and felt he was innocent

Who were the Republican and Democratic

candidates for the election during the Reconstruction period?

Republican: Ulysses S. Grant

Democrat: Horation Seymour

Who wins and where did they get their support?
Grant wins and he got his support, mainly from freed slaves, since Southern Democrats could not vote
What kind of government was it in the South when Grant was elected?
carpetbag government