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16 Cards in this Set

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Why congress fear of a strong central government?

Because they didn't want to be push around.

Why Shay's rebellion importance?

The government was to weak to keep in order.

What is the greatest challenge during the Constitutional Convention?

To get everyone to agree.

What is the definition of Republic?

The people and their elected representatives.

What is Great compromise decision?

Two houses of Congress.

What is Great concern about Constitution?

It would be to much Federal government.

Definition of Federal system of government?

That divides up between a strong national government and smaller local governments.

Federalists position?


Virginia plan?

They should have 2 congress.

New Jersey plan?

They should have 1 congress.

How house of representatives is determined short answer?

By population.

Was shays rebellion effective and why?

Yes because it was smaller than the Federal Government and everybody had the opinion shared.

Example of one compromise at constitutional convention?

Three-Fifths Compromise foe every 5 slaves you count 3 slaves.

Your opinion on if state or federal power is more effective?

I think State because each state has a different belief in a subject like everybody may not agree on the same thing.

Explain state vs. Federal power?


Do we really live in a democratic society? 3 reasons why yes or no?
