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25 Cards in this Set

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The movement of prior across a specified boundary to establish a new permanent place of residence (lasting more than a year)

Internal migration

Within a country

International migration

Across international boundaries


An international migrant leaves a country


Internal migrant moves into a new area within their country


Internal migrant moves out of their area within a country

Net migration

Balance between people moving into a region / country and people moving out

Push factor

Something perceived to be negative about the origin area of a migrant

Pull factor

Something is perceived to be positive about the destination are of a migrant

Intervening obstacles / barriers

Barriers which may stop a flow of migrants reaching their destination

Distance decay

The number of migrants decline as distance between the source area and destination increases

Remittance payments

Money sent home by migrants

Chain migration

Small number of migrants (pioneer migrants) move from a source area to a destination and are then followed by an increasing number of people

Migration stream

Formed by migrants sharing a common source area and destination

Voluntary migration

Migrants have no alternative to move. May be because of natural disaster, war, political or religious persecution


People forced to move away from an area as they seek refuge from a life threatening situation (apply as asylum seekers)

Illegal immigrants

Those migrating to an area without permission

Rural-urban migration

Common in LIC and MIC due to economic developments (industrialisation) known and urbanisation

Stepped migration

Gradual process of urbanisation people move from a rural area to a village then to a town and finally to a city final stage is urban urban

Intra-urban migration

People move within an urban area

Urban-rural migration

Takes place in HIC countries, happens when people chose to leave the city to live in the countryside process of counter urbanisation

Push factors examples


Lack of services

Natural disasters



Pull factors

Job opportunities


Greater wealth

Better quality of life

Causes of international migration

Higher standard of living

Population pressure

Economic differences

Barriers to international migration


Distance decay


Immigration laws