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29 Cards in this Set

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Oxidation (oxygen)


Reduction (oxygen)


Redox reaction

Involves both reduction and oxidation

Oxidation (electron)

Loss of electrons

Reduction (electron)

Gain of electrons

Sum of all oxidation numbers


Oxidation number of fluorine


Oxidation number of oxygen

-2 unless combined with fluorine +2

Oxidation number of hydrogen


Why do group 1 and 2 need to be kept away from oxygen

Form oxides as surface layers appearing dull

Metallic radius

Increases down

Ionisation energy

Decreases down as bigger radius as more shells are added and outer electrons are further away from the nucleus therefore reducing attraction to nucleus

Group 1 and 2 metals heated

Burn vigorously

Reactions with Cl

Combine when heated in Cl gas

More vigorous down group

Reactions with water

Mg doesn’t

Strontium and barium react

Activity increases down the group increases effervescence

Metal + water

Metal hydroxide + hydrogen

Mg and steam

Forms mg oxide white solid and H+ gas in vigorous reaction

Reactions with calcium

Calcium hydroxide goes cloudy as a precipitate of calcium hydroxide is formed

Reactions with barium

Soluble in water

Magnesium and steam

Heated in steam forms magnesium (white solid) and hydrogen gas

Beryllium and radium

Increasing activity down group therefore beryllium less reactive than radium

Reaction of oxides in water

Group 1 and 2 classed as basic oxides meaning they can react with water to form alkalis

Solids react to form colourless solution

Trend in solubility of group 2 hydroxides

PH value of alkaline solution formed depends on amounts of oxides and water (affected by differences in the solubility of the hydroxides)

Solubility increases or decreases down group


Equation for testing carbon dioxide

Calcium carbonate ——> calcium oxide + CO2 (thermal decomposition)

Reactions of the oxides and hydroxides with acids

All group one and two oxides and hydroxides react with acids to form salts and water

White solid reacts to form colourless solution

Use of lime in agriculture

Used to control soil acidity greater yield of crops obtained

Lime is calcium hydroxide obtained from limestone

Trends in solubility of group 2 sulfates

All group 2 nitrates and and chlorides are soluble

Solubility of group 2 sulfates decreases down

Testing for sulfate ions

Adding barium chloride or barium nitrate forms white precipitate of barium sulfate

Dilute nitric acid or hcl also added