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36 Cards in this Set

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A force that changes the shape or volume of something
What are the three types of stress?
compression, tension, and shearing
Describe compression.
Force that pushes things together. It causes the item under compression to fold or break.
Describe tension.
Force that pulls things apart. It causes the item under tension to thin in the middle.
Describe shearing
Force that causes things to slide past each other while still slightly colliding. It causes the items under shearing to break and slide.
places where stress occurs, it is commonly plate boundaries
What are the three types of faults?
normal fault, reverse fault, the strike-slip fault
Describe a normal fault.
A normal fault occurs at a divergent boundary. In this case, the hanging wall slides down the foot wall, vice versa. You can find shearing here also. These are found in Rio de Grande rift valley in New Mexico.
Describe a reverse fault.
A reverse fault occurs at a convergent boundary . In this case, the hanging wall slides up the foot wall, vice versa. You can find shearing here also. These are found in western United States and Canada.
Describe a strike-slip fault.
A strike-slip fault occurs at a transform boundary. In this case, the two sides of the rocks slide past each other. You can find compression and sometimes tension here also. These are found in the San Andreas fault in California.
What are Anticlines and Synclines?

An anticline is an upward fold caused by compression. A syncline is a downward fold caused by compression. These are found in the Himalayas in Asia and the Alps in Europe.

Fault block mountain
2 normal faults roughly parallel and when Strike slip faults and compression occurs here, the earth in the middle of the two faults moves up causing this. These are found in the Great Basin.

a large area of elevated land, above sea level, caused by forces of stress. These are found in the four corners; Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico.

Describe earthquakes

It is a movement of plates after there is breakage of rock. They happen all the time, but most you can't feel because the plate doesn't move that much. They begin in the lithosphere and are up to 100km down.

place where the breakage of rock occurs, an the earthquake begins
an area on the surface directly above the focuss
What are the three types of Seismic waves?
Primary, P, or compression waves, s waves, and surface waves
Describe a primary wave.
A primary wave is the fastest type of wave, but also the weakest. The wave moves strait, but the particles move from side to side. It can travel through water and land.
Describe a secondary wave.
A secondary wave is the second fastest type of wave, and the wave moves strait, but the particles move up and down.It can travel through land, but not water.
Describe a surface wave.
A surface wave is the slowest type of wave, but also the most destructive. It is formed when P and S waves reach the surface and combine. The wave moves strait, but the particles move in a circular direction.
What are the three types of scales?
The Mercalli scale, the Richter scale, and the Moment magnitude scale are the three types.
Describe the Mercalli scale.
The Mercalli scale has 12 numbers for ratings. It is the least commonly used scale for measuring earthquakes because the ratings would be different the farther away you are from the epicenter, and how earthquake stable the buildings are in an area.
Describe the Richter scale.
The Richter scale is measured using a seismograph, but if the earthquake is too big, the needle recording could go off the paper.
Describe the Moment Magnitude scale.
The Moment Magnitude scale is the most commonly used scale, because it is the most effective. It uses 3 types of evidence to determine the scale: the size of the rock that broke, how much the plate moves, and a seismograph. Each difference in the scale going up is 32 times as powerful. Any earthquake below 3 isn't felt.
How do you locate the epicenter?

1) You measure the difference between the arrival of the P wave and the S wave
- the farther away you are from the epicenter, the bigger the difference
2) You multiply this number by the P wave's speed
3) Using your info, and the info from other recording stations, you draw circles on a map
- the center of the circle is the recording station
- the radius of the circle is the length between the epicenter and the recording station
4) Where the circles meet is the epicenter

What is magnitude?

Magnitude is how much energy was released by the earthquake. Each difference in the scale going up is 32 times as powerful. Any earthquake below 3 isn't felt.

the recording made by a seismograph
Name the 4 instruments that measure faults.
There is the creep meter, the tiltmeter, the laser-ranging device, and GPS Satellites.
Describe the creep meter.
The creep meter measures horizontal movement, and it uses a wire stretched across a fault to measure horizontal movement in the ground,. on one side of a fault, the wire is attached to a rod in the ground, and on the other a weight. Scientists detect how much the fault has moved by how much the weight has moved.
Describe the tiltmeter.
The tiltmeter measures vertical movement, and it uses two bulbs filled with liquid connected by a hollow stem. if the land tilts slightly, the liquid will move from one bulb to the other. A measuring scale shows how much the fault has moved, and in which direction.
Describe the laser-ranging device.
The laser-ranging device measures horizontal movement, and it uses a lazer beam and a reflector. by how much the beam moves, s how much the plate has moved.
Describe the GPS satellites.
The GPS satellites measures horizontal movement, elevation changes, and tilt of the land, and it uses a GPS receivers across the fault. When the fault moves, the GPS satellite can detect it.
How does the shaking effect the people in the earthquake area?
The shaking can trigger landslides and avalanches, and it can damage or destroy buildings and other items. You sometimes can feel the small P wave, and if you do, you have 10 to 15 seconds to duck and cover before the larger S wave comes. If you can clearly feel the P wave, you know that it's going to be a huge earthquake.
How does the liquefaction effect the people in the earthquake area?
The liquefaction is when the dirt sinks and the water rises. All of a sudden, the housing is on unstable ground, like a pond, and it can destroy buildings as well as the shaking.
How do the after shocks effect the people in the earthquake area?
Aftershocks can occur days after an earthquake and gradually get less effecting.
How does the tsunamis effect the people in the earthquake area?

Tsunamis are the most damaging to the land, and housing. A tsunami is stronger if the earthquake occurs underwater, but land earthquakes can cause them too.