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125 Cards in this Set

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Coronary artery disease

Accounts for most of cardiovascular deaths

Cvd atherosclerosis

Thickening of an artery wall as a result of an invasion of white blood cells ,fatty streaks also known as plaque, underlying cause of 85% of cvd cases

Cvd myocardial ischemia

Imbalance of oxygen supply

Symptoms of stable angina lessen

With cessation of exercise

Maximum capacity of exercise is limited in the ischemic person by what

Insufficient myocardial oxygen supply

What kind of prescription should the HFS prescribed to an experiment person

One that safely avoids ischemic threshold or heart rate at which angina symptoms develop

How does exercise decrease the risk of clotting in cvd patients

It decreases blood platelet adhesiveness fibrinogen levels and blood viscosity

Regular exercise increases

Angiogenesis development of new blood vessels

Cvd fitt considerations

Five or more days per week, 10 to 15 minutes bouts, 2 to 3 times per day intensity below the ischemic threshold, 10 - 15 BPM ,goal is to progress to 60 Minutes of aerobic exercise per day, resistance training same as general population

Cvd contraindications

Unstable angin, 200/110 mmHg blood pressure blood pressure drop greater than 20 mmhg, recent embolism, uncontrolled diabetes, dysrhythmias, aortic stenosis, third degree atrioventricular block


Persistent elevation in systolic or diastolic blood pressure 140/90

Primary hypertension

No identified cause

Secondary hypertension

Identifiable causes

Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes

Weight reduction, Dash eating plan, reduction in saturated and total fat, reduced of sodium to 2 grams per day, physical activity. moderation of alcohol consumption

Typical bp response for the healthy population

Systolic increases and diastolic Remains the Same

typical BP response for the hypertensive person

Increase will be more exaggerated

Can a person with severe hypertension begin exercise

Only after drug therapy

What's a contradiction BP for hypertensives

Resting BP of 200/115, even with drug therapy

When to terminate hypertensive exercise

If BP reaches over 220/105, BP must return to resting values before resumption next exercise period Is completed at lower intensities

Steps to take after hypertensive exercise

Longer cool down. Periods where BP is monitored closely


A decrease in the production release and our Effectiveness in action of insulin type 1 and type 2

How does physical activity compared to drug therapy for diabetic patients

Lifestyle modification group produced Diabetes by 58% compared to control, life modification rate reduction was 31% lower than the drug group

Long-term complications of diabetes

Heart disease, two to four times higher risk of stroke, 75% higher blood pressure, kidney disease, blindness, 60- 70% with nervous system disease, 60% lower limb amputations, dental disease and pregnancy complications

Role of exercise in diabetic patients

Improve insulin sensitivity and lowered LDL and increasing HDL

Diabetes fitt considerations

Aerobic 5 to 7 days per week 50 80% of heart rate Reserve 20 minutes per day try to get 60 minutes, resistance training 60 to 80% 1rm, 2-3 three sets eight to 12 reps

Diagnosis of metabolic disease

Three or more if need be greater or equal to 100 milligrams/DG, waist circumference of 40 plus in men or 35 Plus in women, low HDL of 40 negative in men in 50 negative and women, Chad glycerides 150 positive milligrams/dl

When do you give a diabetic a carb snack

If pre exercise or during exercise blood glucose is less than 70 milligrams, have to have 100 milligrams before restarting exercise

Diabetes contradictions

Pre-exercise blood glucose levels less than 250 milligrams with blood ketones less than 300 milligrams, when active retinal Hemorrhage is present or recent laser corrective surgery took place

Diabetes special considerations

Exercising with supervision to reduce the risk of problems associated with hypoglycemic events, exercises not recommended during Peak insulin action because hypoglycemia may result, late evening exercising is not recommended

When does regular insulin peak

1.5 - 2.5 hours


Elevated blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels triglycerides 200 + LDL 130 + risk of atherosclerosis

What are HDLs responsible for

Removal of lipids in the circulation of blood

Hyperlipidemia therapeutic Lifestyle Changes

Weight management, physical activity, decrease alcohol, less than 200 milligrams of cholesterol a day, less than 7% saturated fat intake, increase fiber, fish oil and flaxseed

Blood lipid guidelines

Total cholesterol 200- recommended, 200 - 239 borderline High, 240 + high, hdl: 40-low, 60+high, ldl: 100-optimal, 100-129 near optional, 130-159 borderline high, 160-189 high, 190+ high triglycerides: 150-

Pulmonary disease types

Chronic bronchitis emphysema asthma


Permanent enlargement of air space along with necrosis of alveolar walls cause an accumulation of air in lung tissue


Inflammation and increase smooth muscle constriction in the lungs and response to various stimuli

Pulmonary disease fitt considerations

Aerobic exercise 3 to 5 days a week using dyspnea scale, 20 minutes per session, goal of 60 minutes

Pursed lip breathing

Breathing out of a small Orphus increase the pressure which is maintaining the Airways open

Pulmonary disease special considerations

Need constant oxygen saturation, monitoring keep around 90%, cheap fast acting inhalers close, exercise time is mid to late morning, avoid high temperatures and humidity

Over the counter medication

Cold and flu meds contain ephedrine, diabetes avoid otc's with sugar, clients on NSAIDs affect blood pressure

Most common classes of cvd prescription drugs

Beta blockers, CCBs, ACE inhibitors digitalis diuretics cholesterol-lowering meds

Beta blockers

Lower heart rate and myocardial contractility increase Exercise capacity by decreasing ischemia blunts heart rate response have olol ending

Ccbs andACE inhibitors

Treat hypertension and congestive heart failure increase arterial diameter listening blood pressure increase in workload of the heart CCB stand in dipine, ace end in opril or April

Cholesterol lowering drugs

Very little effect on heart rate and contractility

Statin's and fibric acid

Associated with unusual muscle soreness


Increase contractility slows rate mediates arrhythmias


Decreases blood volume increase blood pressure increases rhR and increases heart rate

Traumatic injury types

Strain or sprain occurs when an eccentric Lee applied contractile Force to tissue occurs in an excessively stretched state


Injury to muscle or tendon

Function of the muscle tendon unit MTU

Serve to generate Force concentric contraction to create movement and eccentric contraction to resist the load

What mtu's experience the most trains

Calf and quads

First grade of a strain

Inflammation edema hemorrhage (rice)

2nd grade of a strain

Muscle pain strength loss (rice and immobilization)

3rd grade of a strain

Painless, complete MTU Tear Joint, instability, surgery


Injury to a ligament


Collagenous fibers structures that connect to bone, provide passive soft tissue with strength of bone to bone contact

What site experiences the most sprains


First grade of a sprain

Discomfort functional (rice)

2nd grade of a sprain

Pain, inflammation, moderate instability, (rice and immobilization)

3rd grade of a sprain

Instability, complete tear of ligament, surgery

Phases of tissue repair

1 inflammation 2 to 3 days, 2: repair up to 2 months, 3: remodeling 2 - 4 months

Preventive strategies for risk of injury

Warm up 5 to 7 minutes prior to vigorous exercise, static stretch of 15 to 30 seconds after the general warm-up, balance regular physical activities sports with resistance activities, avoid Sports when tired or fatigued

Overuse injuries tendinopathy

Pathological change in the tendon due to repeated stress or micro traumas

Common sites for tendinopathy

Rotator cuff common wrist flexor and extensor tendons patellar tendon and achilles tendon

Common cause of tendinopathy

Overload injuries that disrupt the MTU and are accompanied with swelling and acute pain

Types of tendinopathy

Tendonitis in tendinosis


Acute inflammatory tendinopathy


Significant degenerative changes in the absence of inflammatory response

Should the client continue to exercise with tendinopathy

Conservation treatment with rest ice and stretching

Recovery period

Up to 6 months for some symptoms to subside then strengthening of the affected area

Overuse injuries plantar fascitis

Typically from repeated trauma to the origin of the plantar fascia on the medial calcaneal tubercle

What predisposes people to PF

Tight plantar flexor muscles along with either PES planus, flat foot, or pes cavus, high arch

What is pain management often accomplished with

Nsaids, ice, massage,minimize extra excess stress on fascia, no barefoot walking

Fitt for tendinopathy

Resistance training, eccentric 3 to 4 times per week, 6 to 15 reps, 3 to 4 sets with bodyweight, continue until pain appears, flexibility- passive muscle elongation, Daily 3 reps 30 seconds

Fitt for plantar fascitis

Flexibility gentle fascial stretch or toe flexors 3 times a day 10 reps 20 seconds

Lower back pain causes

Disc compression, degenerative changes in the lumbar spine, various joint and bone pathologies, and muscle imbalances

What percent of adults get low back pain during their lifetime

60 - 80%

Fitt for back pain

Aerobic- fast walking daily, build up to 30 minutes per day, resistance- curl ups and bridging, two to three times a week, High Reps, low loads, flexibility- limit exercise to unloaded flexion/ extension

Lower back pain special considerations

Morning exercise should be avoided because of disc hydration, high impact loading exercises should be avoided

Stages of core stabilization

1 small deep stabilizing muscles 2 Co contraction of deep recruiting muscles + movement of extremities 3 both above stages + recruiting a larger stabilizer and more functional positions

Medication for overuse injuries

Analgesics may be used to decrease pain and inflammation, some analgesics make calls and GI bleeding with chronic use, multiple studies document the adverse effects of fascial or tendon degeneration and or rupture resulting from injections

Chronic conditions

Prolonged, don't resolve spontaneously, rarely cured completely, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

What percent of healthcare costs are due to Chronic conditions


Rheumatoid arthritis

Autoimmune chronic inflammatory disease affecting the synovial lining of joints and other connective tissues

Ra symptoms

Severe joint pain and inflammation, reduce muscle mass, decreased muscular strength and endurance, and decreased mobility, and impaired physical activity


A relatively common chronic degenerative joint disease that is more prevalent with age, deficient and articular cartilage of a synovial joint, bone remodeling and overgrowth at the Joint margins

Fitt for arthritis

Aerobic- walking and rolling 3 to 5 days per week 60 to 80% maximum 5 minutes and build to 30 minutes, resistance- weight machines 2 to 3 days per week, pain tolerance, 2 - 3 reps and build to 10 to 12 reps, 1 set and build to 3 sets


Characterized by low bone density or bone mass and deterioration of the bone microarchitecture and or geometry

How is osteoporosis

Bmd score of -2.5, standard deviations from the mean

Primary osteoporosis


Secondary osteoporosis

Due to other factors

What years are critical for lifestyle behaviors

Pre-pubertal years from 10 to 12

Modifiable risk factors for osteoporosis

Physical inactivity, low calcium intake 500 to 800 milligrams/dl, vitamin D deficiency, soda consumption, low strength, low body weight, low testosterone in males

How does exercise prevent osteoporosis

By increasing bone formation osteoblast cell activity and reducing bone reabsorbing osteoclast activity

Strategies to enhance bone health

Maximize bone mass, maximize Peak bone mass, reduce age-related bone loss, prevent Falls, avoid other risk factors for osteoporosis and Fracture, reduce pain, reduce disability

Fitt for osteoporosis

Aerobics 3 to 5 days per week, 40 to 60% hrr, 30 - 60 minutes, Resistance- 2 to 3 days per week moderate-intensity no high impact

Children body size

Both weight and height increase with age, accelerated growth period during puberty at 12 for girls and 14 for boys, females have 30% less skeletal muscle mass than men

Factors that determine Peak bone mass

Genetics 80%, fetal, hormonal, dietary, physical

Children's CRF

Heart rate at rest is between 100 to 110 BPM, children recover faster from acute exercise, have greater oxygen cost than adults

Children muscular strength and flexibility

Increase with age, related to body weight and muscle mass increases, girls outperform boys and flexibility measures and balance

Do children or adults rate perceived exertion lower


Children thermoregulation

Children can't cool themselves as effectively, threshold temperature is higher, sweat gland count is higher, but gland output is lower

Fitt for children

Aerobics- 60 Minutes of moderate to vigorous activity per day, 3 days per week, 15 minutes bouts, resistance- 1-3 sets, 6 to 15 reps, nonconsecutive days start with light weights and progressed by 5 - 10%

Pregnancy- relaxin

Increase of this hormone, raises threshold of mechanoreceptors AKA

What happens to Q SV HR O2 uptake and Vascular resistance

All increase except for vascular resistance

What happened to sub Max HR and VO2 response

Both increase

Exercise benefits during pregnancy

Improve circulation, decreased edema, reduces the risk of gestational diabetes

What type of exercise to avoid during third trimester


How much water should a pregnant woman consume

One pint prior to exercise and one cup every 20 minutes during exercise

Fitt for pregnancy

Five to seven days per week, 30 minutes, moderate intensity of 40 to 60% hrr, resistance- large muscle groups, 12 to 15 reps or to fatigue

Older adults body changes

Increase percent fat and body weight, decrease Titian body water content, decreasing neuromotor function

Older adults CRF and thermoregulation

Vessels become stiffer and elasticity is lost in cardiac tissue, higher ve and BP and lower VO2 difference, lower overall Exercise capacity, number and activity of sweat glands decreases

Fitt for older adults

Aerobic- general adults with frequency over duration/intensity. Resistance- 2-3 days/week, hold for 10-30 seconds. Neuromotor- improves balance, agility, gait, & proprioception

what are balance and postural stability affected by

Sensory and motor system changes

Balance in the elderly is affected by

Muscle weakness inflexibility degradation of neuromuscular function obesity in Visual and vestibular deterioration

What percent of people with spirits of all over age 65 and 75

30% + 50%

Neuromuscular training

Includes balance agility and proprioceptive training, has been demonstrated to decrease risk of Falls

Orr, Raymond & fiatarone study

The benefits of exercise a company with balance training is more beneficial for older adults

When is balance maintained

When the Cog remains over the BOS

What's the general technique for balance training

Narrowing base of support for the body, displacing the center of gravity to the limits of Tolerance, removing contributions of visual vestibular and proprioceptive pathways

Nitrates and cholesterol lowering drugs

Seem to have very little effect on heart rate and contractility

Statins alone or in combo with fibric acid

Associated with unusual muscle soreness


Increases contractility slows rate and mediate arrhythmias


Trigger the kidney to excrete water lowers volume, less preload, and increased heart rate