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44 Cards in this Set

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What is known as the 'homicidal agent' and why?
Thalium sulfate
- Odorless
- Tasteless
- Colorless
What is Thalium Sulfate nicknamed?
Homicidal Agent
Which tissues does Thalium sulfate affect?
- Pantropic
How does Thalium sulfate elicit its effects?
Follows and replaces K+
Peracute sign of Thalium sulfate toxicity
Primarily neurological
Acute sign of Thalium sulfate toxicity (3)
- Lacrimation
- Bright red MM
- Erythema
Chronic signs of Thalium sulfate toxicity
Mange-like skin with pustules
Tx of Thalium sulfate toxicity (2)
- Prussian Blue (ferric cyanoferrate)
- KCl
How does Prussian Blue treat Thalium sulfate toxicity?
Stays in GIT and binds thalium as it's excreted
Which two types of Phosphorus are the most toxic?
- Yellow
- White
What's important to keep in mind about recovery from Phosphorus toxicity?
Biphasic recovery
4 clinical signs of Phosphorus toxicity
- Vomit that smells like wet matches
- GI irritation
- Convulsions
- Death
Which rodenticide has vomitus that smells like wet matches?
Lesions of Phosphorus toxicity
Fatty liver
Tx of Phosphorus toxicity
Evacuate stomach with activated charcoal and follow with mineral (not vegetable) oil
What rodenticide is also a grain fumigant?
Zinc phosphide
What's important about using Zinc phosphide as a grain fumigant?
Use it 48 hours prior to feeding the grain
MoA of Zinc phosphide
Phosphine release
Clinical signs of Zinc phosphide (3)
- Pulmonary edema/congestion
- Bloody vomit
- Multiple organ failure
Dx of Zinc phosphide
Odor of acetylene upon opening stomach
Tx of Zinc phosphide
There is none.
What is cholecalciferol AKA?
Vitamin D3
MoA of Cholecalciferol
Mobilizes Ca++ from bones into blood
Primary clinical sign of Cholecalciferol
Acute sign of cholecalciferol
Heart stops
Chronic sign of cholecalciferol
Calcification of tissues
Tx of Cholecalciferol (2)
No real good one, but can try:
- Corticosteroids (increase Ca++ excretion)
- Calcitonin
Dx of Cholecalciferol
MoA of Bromethalin
Uncouples Oxidative phosphorylation by dissipating H+ gradient
Two rodenticides that are anticoagulants
- Dicoumarol
- Warfarin
What is the number one source of cat and dog intoxification?
Anticoagulant rodenticides
Which generation of anticoagulant rodenticides is more toxic?
2nd generation
MoA of anticoagulant rodenticides
Blocks Vitamin K epoxide reductase which prevents reduction of Vitamin K epoxide to Vitamin K
- Vitamin K is involved with the synthesis of various clotting factors
Which clotting factor has the shortest half-life?
VII (6 hours)
Several small doses of anticoagulant rodenticides can equal one large dose
Several small doses of anticoagulant rodenticides can equal one large dose
Why is owner compliance mandatory in treating anticoagulant rodenticides?
Relapses are more difficult to treat
How long should you treat anticoagulant rodenticides toxicity to prevent relapse?
A month
Tx of anticoagulant rodenticides (2)
- Fresh whole blood
- Vitamin K-1
What should be kept in mind in regards to the Vitamin K-1 vets have access to versus that which is OTC?
Medicine Vitamin K-1 has a much higher concentration
MoA of strychnine
Blocks Glycine receptors
Cause of death in strychnine intoxication
Hypoxia due to respiratory depression
Symptom of strychnine intoxication in dogs and cats
Has a full stomach but cannot vomit
- Opposite of Sodium fluoroacetate poisoning
Symptoms of strychnine intoxication
- Spinal convulsant
- Rigid extension of limbs
- Convulsions
Tx of strychnine intoxication
- Activated charcoal
- Stomach emptying
- Pentobarb (to control seizures)