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101 Cards in this Set

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They long to have recognition and dream about the day that it will be their turn to bring home the lion (trophy).

كأس، جائزة

So, let’s start in January in the north of Scotland with the Burning of the (Clavie).

برميل مقسم لجزأين ومشتعل كجزء من عادة اسكتلندية قديمة

This is a whisky barrel which is set (alight) then carried through the streets as a (bonfire).

مشتعل - نار مشتعلة في الهواء الطلق لهدف ما

At the end of January, even further north, in the (Shetland Islands), there’s another fire festival, the Up Helly Aa.

جزر في شمال أسكتلندا

People carry (fire-lit) torches and a (Viking) boat through the streets, then set fire to the boat.

مُشْعَل بالنار - قرصان اسكندنافي

Now to the north of England. On (Shrove Tuesday) in February, otherwise known as Pancake Day, a special Pancake Bell is rung in (Scarborough).

آخر يوم قبل الصوم الكبير - مدينة في انجلترا

Everyone goes down to the road next to the beach where they (skip) – yep, they jump over long ropes, up to fifteen people to one rope.

ينط الحبل

This is quite common in the UK – running with a frying pan and (tossing) a pancake at the same time.

يرمي بلا مبالاة

In (Gloucestershire), in the south-west of England, round cheeses in round boxes are sent rolling down a hill and people run after them.

مقاطعة في جنوب غرب انجلترا

From people-racing, to animals, very tiny animals. World Championship Snail Racing takes place in a village in (Norfolk).

مقاطعة في شرق انجلترا

Contestants (bowl) three black puddings each at 21 (Yorkshire) puddings set on a six-metre platform; the winner is the one who knocks down the most.

يدحرج - مقاطعة سابقة في شمال انجلترا

Another fun contest takes place in September at the (Egremont Crab Fair) in Cumbria in the north of England.

معرض تقام فيه مسابقة أقبح وجه

The World (Gurning) Championship is a competition to pull the ugliest face.

تكشير الوجه وأعضائه للظهور بشكل قبيح أو مضحك

In Brighton there’s a Burning the Clocks Festival to celebrate the winter (solstice) on December 21st.

الانقلاب (الشتوي، الصيفي،..)

People make clock (lanterns) and (time-themed) figures of paper and wood.

فانوس -

Early, you like to have extra time ‘just in case’ something (crops up).

يظهر أو يحدث فجأة

(Dreadful). In general you don’t get on with teachers.

مروع، سيء جدا

Somewhere in the middle so you can (daydream) unnoticed.

يحلم أحلام يقظة

You really need to adjust your (outlook). You waste your time and you are at risk of finishing school without any qualifications.

توقعات، نظرة مستقبلية

If you have mostly As, you are an (exceptional) student.


I suppose (Passion) is used to mean ‘extreme (enthusiasm’ ) nowadays, and people use the word a lot.

شغف - حماس

(Haven) has a nice, safe feel to it..

ملاذ ، مأوى

Here we have (Frost), Wolf, Fox, Bear, for boys, of course. And a new name: (Ridge).

صقيع - قمة جبل

It’s seen as a tough, (outdoorsy) name for a boy.

مغامر - في الهواء الطلق

(Harmony) and (Melody) have been around for ages, but Lyric is a new one.

انسجام / تناغم - تناسق الأصوات - لحن

Lyric (came in) at number 325 in the US a couple of years ago.

أصبح شائعًا أو رائجًا

Beyoncé and Jay-Z called their daughter Blue (Ivy) – a very (distinctive) name, a colour plus the name of a plant.

نبات اللبلاب - متميز

I’ve just thought of another category. Food names, like Olive or (Clementine.)

فاكهة شبيهة بالبرتقال بحجم أصغر

Taylor, (Mason), (Cooper) are all first names from jobs.

بناء حر - صانع البراميل / صنع البراميل

I’ve just had a message (passed on) by the producer.

تمرير أو نقل معلومات

A listener has just (phoned in) with a very strange story about a family in Holland with six children.

يهاتف برنامج تلفزيوني أو إذاعي ويبدي رأيه

Their names are all (anagrams) of the letters: A, E, L and X.

كلمة لها نفس حروف كلمة أخرى ولكن بترتيب مختلف

First there’s Liam Parker, who is a keen (BMX) biker and does a lot of work at a sports centre.

دراجة سباق خاصة يمكن القفز بها

It used to be a (shipbuilding) (hangar), but the company (went bust) years ago.

بناء السفن - حظيرة الطائرات - يعلن إفلاسه

The building was taken over and completely (renovated) and (repurposed) about five years ago.

مرمم، مجدد - معاد استخدامه لأغراض أخرى.

Now we have facilities for all kinds of urban sports like skateboarding, (breakdancing), (Parkour), kick scooter…

رقص غربي - رياضة تتضمن الجري خلال شوارع المدينة والقفز بين المباني.

A kick scooter is just a normal scooter with a (handlebar), (deck) and wheels.

مقود الدراجة (الطارة) - سطح شيء ما

But now we have (stunt) scooters and special ones for racing.

ألعاب بهلوانية - عمل مثير

Todd flew over the city in a hot-air balloon as a (publicity stunt).

حيلة دعائية / إعلانية

Parkour involves climbing, running, (vaulting), jumping, (swinging) and stuff like that.

تأرجح - رياضة من الرياضات

I sometimes cook in the (burger van) too.

شاحنة صغيرة تبيع البرغر.

Now I have no problem giving safety (inductions) to people.

( مقدمة استهلالية / تعريفية (في وظيفة جديدة مثلا

I had to learn sports-specific first aid in case anyone hurts themselves, cooking (hygiene) for the burger van, maths for taking money at the (till).

علم الصحة / النظافة - درج الكاشير

I spent a year helping with an online sports volunteering (bureau).

مكتب / دائرة رسمية (فرع).

I volunteered at various events including a (half marathon).

سباق نصف مسافة الماراثون

I wrote my (dissertation) on the (retention) and recruitment of volunteers.

رسالة علمية / أطروحة - الإحتفاظ بشيء أو شخص ما / القدرة على الحفظ

The organisation I help is (non-profit-making) and it couldn’t really afford to pay all the volunteers.

غير ربحي

I’m living with my parents and they are paying (my keep). In the future I’ll have to look for paid work.


What interesting (techie)-topic would you like to talk about today?

خبير في الكمبيوتر والالكترونيات

One of the reasons for this is a phenomenon known as (circular reporting).

نقل (معلومات) بناء على نقل سابق، وليس أدلة ثابتة

(In a nutshell), it’s the confirmation of false information by more than one publication.


And sometimes it’s not just one newspaper article that (cites) the false information. Several (publications) may include it.

يستشهد بـ - منشور (كتاب، جريدة،..) / نشر

He spotted what he believed to be an (aardvark), but which was in fact a type of Brazilian (raccoon) called a (coati).

خنزير الأرض - الراكون(حيوان أمريكي) - القوطي(حيوان أمريكي)

(Before long), everyone was talking about the ‘Brazilian aardvark’ as if it were factual information.

قريبًا (بعد مدة قصيرة)

when information (makes its way) from a Wikipedia page into a published article, the article could be spreading false information without even realising it?

يذهب إلى

It makes you wonder how many (hoaxes) initiated by people in this way have ended up as truths in many people’s minds just because people copy and paste (vandalised) Wikipedia pages.

خدعة - يخرب / يدمر

That’s not to say that all information on Wikipedia is false (by any means).

بأي طريقة ممكنة

There’s (a ton of) really valid information there and it is constantly being updated.

الكثير من

Many people consider it to be the most up-to-date and (unbiased) encyclopaedia in the world.

عادل، غير منحاز

It is the open structure of Wikipedia which makes it a target to be (tampered with).

يعبث بـ

So we just have to be aware that there may be a certain amount of (inaccuracies) on Wikipedia?

عدم دقة

Some time ago, claims that certain vaccines could cause (autism) in children were published in a (prestigious) medical publication by a British surgeon.

التوحد - ذو مقام أو اعتبار

The problem was that the unsupported claims were picked up by the media and the news (spread like wildfire).

ينتشر بسرعة رهيبة

(Soon enough) the general public were understandably concerned about the risks and huge numbers of parents refused to vaccinate their children.

قريبا جدا / من دون تأخير

Consequently, in recent years we have seen an increase in the number of children suffering childhood diseases such as (measles).

مرض الحصبة

(It just goes to show) how difficult it is sometimes for the truth to be heard.

هذا الأمر يثبت / يوضح ....

It’s not always (viable) to spend time checking the sources of information, even though we should.

قابل للتطبيق

We often (take things at face value) and don’t really take the time to think critically about them.

يأخذ الأمور على ظاهرها بدون تفكير

I’ve been in the music (biz) for quite a number of years now.


So here are my tips, (for what they’re worth).

تعبير يستخدمه المتحدث عندما لا يكون متأكدا من ما إذا كان ما سيذكره مفيدا أم لا.

I know a lot of you are thinking about further degrees, but forget the (MBA). This business is much more about experience than qualifications.

الماجستير في إدارة الأعمال

As you know, it’s a very competitive industry, but the bigger companies certainly do (take on) people.

ينافس / يبدأ في توظيف ...

And if you (get your foot in the door) at a big place you’ve really got to (prove your worth).

يدخل في مجال ما أو مكان كمبتدئ - يثبت للآخرين أن لديه مايقدمه

And if you (get your foot in the door) at a big place you’ve really got to (prove your worth).

يدخل في مجال ما أو مكان كمبتدئ - يثبت للآخرين أن لديه مايقدمه.

Show (the higher-ups) that you have some kind of unique skill or knowledge.

شخص ذو مكانة عالية في منظمة ما.

If you possibly can, let them see that you have something special to offer, and (with any luck), they’ll (keep you on).

أتمنى أن ... - يستمر في توظيف شخصا ما.

Remember that companies often want interns because they’re young and (have their finger on the pulse).

يكون على علم بآخر المستجدات في مجال ما.

People are often willing to give younger people the benefit of their experience and, of course, we’re all (susceptible to) a bit of (flattery).

عرضة، سريع التأثر، قابل لـ ... - مداهنة، تملق.

It’s also good to chat to anyone who shares your passion for music, people (on the door) in clubs, band members.

من يعمل على مداخل الكافيهات، ..الخ

Oh, and one other point about networking, (bear in mind) that nowadays the personal and professional lines are sometimes blurred.

ضع في اعتبارك (حط في بالك)

Working in A&R "that stands for Artists and (Repertoire)".

مجموعة الألحان أو الأدوار التي يتقنها فنان

discovering new talent and (matching artists up) with musical (collaborators).

يجمع - متعاون.

You could be managing a website or blogging for a (label). Or social media manager for a band.

شركة تصنع أشياء للبيع (غالبا ملابس ) - ماركة مسجلة ".

Things are changing so fast – a lot of the music (portals) we use today have only been in existence a short time.

بوابة، بوابة إليكترونية

The main thing is not to be (star-struck), just treat them as clients, it’s a business relationship.

المبالغ في توقير والإعجاب بالمشاهير.

If you get (tongue-tied) and (clam up), everyone will feel awkward.

عاجز عن التحدث - يتوقف عن التحدث.

Our (household) is made up of my father, my mother and me.

أهل البيت / سكان البيت

Her (intent) is to visit Italy next summer.


The man (loaded) the boxes into a truck.

حمَّل / شحن

The boy was very polite: he behaved very (thoughtfully).


The teacher (remarked on) how quickly the students were learning.

أبدى رأيًا , قدم ملاحظة

Anna wasn’t anxious to walk through the (chilled) landscape.

بارد باعتدال

The teacher (counseled) the girl about her troubles.


An explosion is a violent (burst), usually with a loud sound.


The (parachutist) landed safely on the ground.

المظلي (جندي المظلات)

We saw a (meteor) in the sky last night.


Steam is water that has become hot and has turned into a (misty) gas.


The people visited the (temple) to pray.


A home’s (attic) is at the upper part of the structure.

غرفة او مساحة مسقفة في أعلى المبنى تستخدم عادة لحفظ الأغراض.

The people sent a boy to ask for help from a wise old man. He (resided) in a temple.

يقيم / يسكن

When something is rough, it is not (even) or smooth.

مستوٍ / منتظم