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31 Cards in this Set

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this is a condition that has painful, crampy menstruation


what is the difference between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea

1- absence of pelvic pathology (typical 17-22 yr olds)
2- dt identifiable organic diseases (more common w/ age - late 20/30)

this usually starts 1-2 days before menses and lasts over 12-72 hours., improves with advancing age and after childbirth

primary dysmenorrhea

what are some sx of primary dysmenorrhea

nausea and vomiting
normal pelvic exam
suprapubic or lower abdominal area

what has the pathophysiology of dysmenorrhea been a/w?

uterine contractions with ischemia
sloughing of endometrial cells release PGF2/PGE2 --> uterine ischemia via myometiral contraction and vasoconstriction

elevated levels of prostaglandins have been noted in pts

what are some tx of primary dysmenorrhea

exercise, OMT, acupuncture
behavioral intervention

NSAIDS (decrease PG)
Oral contraceptives

Transdermal patch, pill

when does secondary dysmenorrhea occur

-may present after menarche
-Can occur before, after, or during menses

what are some symptoms of secondary dysmenorrhea

heavy /irregular menses
vaginal discharge

what are some common causes of secondary menses

ovarian cysts
pelvic congestion

what is adenomyosis

endometrial glands & stroma are present in the myometrium causing hypertrophy and hyperplasia of surrouding myometrium

***BOGGY and GLOBULAR uterus *** found on bimanual exam

pelvic congestion is typical of what demographic

multiparous women who have pelvic vein varicosities.

gets worse with fatigue, standing, and sex

what are benign monoclonal tumors arising from smooth muscle cells of the myometrium called

leiomyomata (fibroids)

this type of cyst has teeth, hair, and sebum. usu occurs in younger pts


where can you can growth of endometrial tissue occur with endometriosis?

pelvic cavity
uterosacral ligaments
pouch of douglas

what is the demographic that endometriosis usu hit

tall thin non blacks and non asians
~30 yo nulliparous and infertile

what are some RF for endometriosis

early menarche/late menopause
short menstrual cycles
prolonged menses

what is the classic triad of endometriosis

dyspareunia (pain with sex)
dysmenorrhea (recurrent painful periods)
dyschezia (painful defecation)

what are some things you may find on PE of endometriosis

tenderness of adnexal masses/pouch of douglass/uterosacral ligaments

palpable tender noduels
tender enalrged adnexal mass
thickening & induration of uterosacral ligaments

tenderness on bimanual exam*

what is the ONLY DX TEST that can reliably rule out endometriosis. this is GOLD STANDARD


looks like gun shot lesions--> chocolate like material

what are things you must consider when tx endometriosis
severity of sx
extent of dz
desire for future fertility
age of pt
threat to GI and urinary tract or both
what are some pharmacologic tx

oral contraceptives
danazol (androgen agents)
gnrh analogues (suppress menses--> atrophy of endometriotic implants)

surgical tx of endometriosis?

laparoscopy or open abd procedures
hysterectomy or bilateral oophoretectomy
laser/thermal ablation

*surgical excision of endometriosis

When in the menstrual does PMS & PMDD occur?

during luteal phase of menstrual cycle

How is PMS diagnosed?

*pt has 1 of the affective & somatic symptoms during the 5 days before menses in 3 prior menstrual cycles

*sx relieved w/i 4 days of onset of menses w/o reoccurence until day 12

*exclusion of other diagnoses (drugs, alcohol, prior depression or anxiety)

*pt suffers from social/economic dysfunction resulting from sx

What are the affective & somatic sx?

affective: (psychological, behavioral sx)

depression, angry outbursts, irritability, anxiety, confusion, social withdrawl

somatic: (physical sx)

breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, headache, extremity swelling

DSMV criteria for PMDD:

5 total symptoms, including 1 of the following;

-mood swings, sudden saddness, inc sensitivity to rejection

-hopelessness, depressed, self critical

-tension, anxiety, on edge

-anger, irritability


To diagnose PMDD, the pt cannot suffer a psychiatric disorder


PMDD can occur superimposed, but NOT PMDD if it is an exacerbation of the disorder

Both PMS & PMDD sxs are monthly cyclitic, have mood sx & physical sx.

How can PMDD be differentiated?

PMDD also has marked social impairment

Tx for moderated PMS

SSRIs--> fluoxetine (sarafem), sertralline (zoloft)

during luteal phase only

(may add oral contraceptives (OC))

Tx for PMDD

(add progressively if sx don't improve)

1. SSRI (can add OC)

2. GnRH agonist

3. oophorectomy

OMT can also be used to help w/ pain & sx in PMS/PMDD

What techniques?

sacral rock (parasympathetic inhibition)

pelvic diaphragm release

pelvic diaphragm direct doming

HVLA (T10-L2)

direct doming of diaphragm (resp diaphragm)

supine thoracic inlet release

lymphatic drainage