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50 Cards in this Set

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Name two communist states in SE Asia
Vietnam, Cambodia
Throughout the 1950's-1960's, the Soviet Union gave technological and economic aid this Middle Eastern Country
In 1978, this man became the pro-Soviet leader of Afghanistan
Mohammed Taraki
The policies of the aforementioned monarch were...
Revolts against this government were started by...
Muslim villagers and nomadic clans
What was the capital of Afghanistan
Who was the president that resigned in 1973?
Richard Nixon
Who replaced the aforementioned president?
Gerald Ford
Who became president in 1976?
Jimmy Carter
How did the president of the U.S protest the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan?
Carter refused to send athletes to the Moscow olympics
Who is the leader that replaces Taraki?
Babrak Karmal
After Karmal comes to power, what does to U.S commence to do?
They start to aid the Afghan rebels because they want to defeat communism
Who is the Russian leader at this time?
Mikhail Gorbachev
During this year, Gorbachev pulls out Afghanistan troops
In 1992, in Afghanistan this group captures _________
Taliban, Babrak Karmal
Soviets try to spread their ideologies to...
The Middle East and Africa, specifically Angola
These two countries supported the Angolan government
Cuba and U.S.S.R
As a response, the U.S...
CIA gave money to pro-U.S guerilla forces in Angola
Eastern Europe in the 1980's begun...
disliking Soviet control
Poland starts
an independent labor movement that challenged the communist government
Nixon established good relations with...
Nixon did this by using...
Ping-Pong diplomacy, he sent a ping-pong team to China to open Chinese relations
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties
What do the SALTS's do?
Establishes normal relations with the Soviets
Period of easing of tensions
"Detante Period" 1970-1980's
presidential election of 1980 between...
Carter and Reagan
1979, this country has a revoloution
1979, explain Iran Hostage Crisis
The Shah of Iran was exiled and he came to America. The Iran people demanded his return and when Carter refused to do this, the Iran people take American hostages from the American embassy.
Why does Carter lose the 1980 election?
He was unable to get the hostages back.
Who campaigned for "Returning pride to America"?
"the Evil Empire" was a term to describe the Soviet Union. Who created the term?
The VP of Reagan
1983, America was worried about this island giving a base to the ___________
Grenada, Soviet Union
who did what in Grenada then?
Reagan sent troops there and crushed the government
1980's Reagan gives lavish aid to...
El Salvador, Napoleon Duarte
This dictator of Nicaragua was supported by the U.S
Who overthrew him?
Daniel Ortega and the Sandanista
Now, we support....
the Contras
During this year, ___________ proposed a peace plan
1987, President Arias of Costa Rica
The peace plan said...
Nicaragua should have free elections and all foreign powers should get out
1990, this new leader of Nicaragua comes to power
Violeta Chamorro
Reagan sends missiles to _____, threatening the Soviets
Star Wars
Arms race with Soviet Union
Reagan vs...
This treaty is formed by Reagan and Gorbachev and it bans the testing of nuclear weaponry
The Test Ban Treaty
The Cold War ends...
The Soviets lose control of this area first
East Germany
What were reforms made by Mikhail Gorbachev after the end of the Cold War?
1. Free elections
2. Permits European countries to become independant
Reasons for the end of the Soviet Union...
1. Economically weak, the Soviet system couldn't keep up with capitalism. They couldn't have 'guns and butter'
2. Popular opposition to a coercive government
3. Nationalism
4. Reagan's policies
5. Reforms made by Mikhail Gorbachev