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8 Cards in this Set

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Repeal (n)

The act of removing legal force of a law

Abort (v)

To cause st to stop or fail before it begins or before it is complete

Compatible (adj)

Able to exist, live or work successfully with st or someone else

Such policies are not compatible with the democratic government.

Dire (adj)

Very serious or extreme

He gave a dire warning that an earthquake was imminent.

Imminent (adj)

Coming or likely to happen very soon.

Imminent disaster

A strike is imminent.

Associate (v)

- Connecting st to st else or someone to someone else.

- Most people associate this brand with high quality.

Associated (adj)

Có liên quan

Nomination (n)

The act of officially suggesting someone or st for a job, a position or prize

There have been two nominations for a new job.