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63 Cards in this Set

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*Harriet Beecher Stowe

abolitionist who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin

*The Liberator

anti-slavery newspaper, founded by William Lloyd Garrison

*Underground Railroad

network of escape routes out of the South for slaves

*Uncle Tom's Cabin

a book by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed slavery as a cruel, brutal system

*Civil War

conflict of citizens of the same country; war between the North and the South, fought over slavery and state's rights; 1861-1865

*State's rights

rights and powers independent of the federal government that are reserved for the states by the Constitution

*Electoral College

a special group of voters selected by their state legislators to vote for the President and Vice President

*Emancipation Proclamation

the proclamation, given by President Abraham Lincoln, that said that all slaves in the Southern Colonies were free; issued in 1863

*Fugitive Slave Act

required runaways to be returned to their owners; allowed for the capture and return of runaway slaves

*Kansas Nebraska Act

Passed in 1854, it allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders; served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of latitude 36 degrees 30

*Dred Scott

enslaved person who after his master died in Illinois argued that he was free

1857, legal case in the US Supreme Court that ruled that African Americans were not and could never be citizens of the US

*The Free Soil Party


influential political party in pre-Civil War period that opposed the extension of slavery into the western territories

political party of Democrats and Whigs who believed in free soil, free speech, free labor and free men

*Nat Turner


enslaved African American preacher who led a rebellion of slaves in Virginia; resulted in the deaths of 55 white men

*Jefferson Davis

president of the Confederacy during the Civil War

*John Brown

fervent abolitionist who believed insurrection was the only way to overthrow the institution of slavery in the US

killed 5 supporters of slavery

*Henry Clay

proposed the Missouri Compromise


Confederate States of America

Union of the Southern states during the Civil War, who fought against the Union for slavery

Sand Creek

a location in CO where the US volunteer militia clashed with the Cheyenne; 100 men, women and children of the Cheyenne were killed


the discovery in 1858 of a rich lode of gold bearing ore on the banks of the Carson River in Nevada

Black Kettle

leader of the Cheyenne against Custer

defeated at Sand Creek

General Custer

US commander, was killed in Battle of Little Big Horn after defeating Black Kettle at Sand Creek

Little Big Horn

battle where the Sioux and Custer's soldiers fought over land conflicts

*Missouri Compromise


Congress would admit Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state; the proposal would prohibit slavery in any property acquired in the Louisiana Purchase north of 36/30 latitude

*Fort Sumter


the bombardment and surrender of Fort Sumter, near Charleston, SC, that started the American Civil War


people who were opposed to slavery

*Dawes Act

act passed by Congress in 1887 that proposed the breaking up of reservations and to have native Americans settle down as farmers; it failed


an area of public land set aside for Native Americans

*Open Range

land not fenced or divided into lots

*Middle Colonies

fertile soil and mild climate; cash crops

lumbering/mining/small scale manufacturing

New York

New Jersey



*Southern Colonies

rich soil, warm climate, cash crops, tobacco and rice; slavery



North Carolina

South Carolina


*Wounded Knee

a creek where 300 Lakota were killed after they handed over their ammunition

*Farmers Alliance

networks of organizations that sprang up in the South and in the West in the late 1880s of farmers


alliance members that formed the people's party whose goals were rooted in the appeal to the common people

*Middle Passage

the part of the triangular trade in which Africans were captured and taken to be sold as slaves in the Colonies

*Lewis and Clark

two men who led an expedition to the Pacific Ocean through the Louisiana territory

*Seneca Falls Convention

the beginning of the Women's Rights Movement


to formally break away or leave

*Great Plains

flat grasslands in central US


the belief that a nation's power depended on expanding its trade and increasing its gold reserves

*Declaration of Independence

the document, written by Thomas Jefferson, that stated that the 13 Colonies were independent of Britain and why


plan of government for the 13 new states

*John Locke

an English scholar whose writing influenced the Constitution


the belief that a nation's power should be shared between the states and the federal government

*Executive branch

carries out the laws that Congress passes

made up of the President, Vice President and various executive offices

*Legislative branch

makes the laws; has the power to lay and collect taxes and declare war

made up of Congress (House of Representatives and Senate)

*Judicial branch

interprets the meaning of laws, applies laws to cases and decides if laws violate the Constitution

made up of various federal courts (Supreme Court)

*checks and balances

a system in which each branch of government has a check on the other 2 branches so that no one branch becomes too powerful

Bill of Rights

first 10 amendments to the Constitution

*Compromise of 1850

California would be admitted as a free state

New Mexico territory would have no restrictions on slavery

New Mexico-Texas border dispute would be settled in favor of New Mexico

Slave trade but not slavery itself would be abolished in DC

a stronger fugitive slave law

*15th Amendment

gave African Americans the right to vote

prohibits federal and state governments from denying a citizen the right to vote based on race, color or previous condition of servitude

*13th Amendment

abolished slavery

*New England Colonies

centers of trade; rich ports



Rhode island

New Hampshire

*Rocky Mountains

biggest mountain range in the US


main cash crop of Jamestown and other Southern Colonies

*Triangular Trade

Trade route between Africa, the West Indies and the American Colonies

Slaves, cash crops and manufactured goods

*Albany Plan of Union

Benjamin Franklin's plan that called for one general government for all the American Colonies

plan failed

*Articles of Confederation

America's first constitution that provided for a new central government to which the states gave little of their power

plan failed


to reject a bill and prevent it from becoming a law

president has this power


Northern Colonies who opposed slavery

*Harper's Ferry

location of John Brown's attack in 1859

John Brown was an abolitionist who led the slave revolt


Battle fought by the Union against Native Americans

*popular sovereignty

Frederick Douglas proposed the abandonment of the Missouri Compromise and letting the settlers in each territory vote on whether to allow slavery

*Marbury vs. Madison

Court case where Chief Justice John Marshall had for the first time exercised the right of the Supreme Court to review and rule on acts of the other branches of government (judicial review)