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38 Cards in this Set

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Define DNA

molecule that carries genetic information

Define Nucleotide

The basic unit of DNA

Define Chromosome

A condensed unit of DNA

Humans have 23 pairs/46 total

Define Genes

A segment of DNA that carries instruction and information for traits

Define Locus

Location of gene in chromosome

Asexual Reproduction Pros

- Easy

- Fast (in favourable conditions)

- Doesn't take a lot of energy (already has all the nutrient it needs)

Asexual Reproduction Cons

- greater chance that a large population will be wiped out due to identical genetics

Sexual Reproduction Pros

- Genetically diverse

- More chance of survival

Sexual Reproduction Cons

- takes lots of energy

- slow

What are the Mitosis phases?






What happens in the Interphase of Mitosis?

Cell rests and DNA begins to double

What happens in the Prophase of Mitosis?

- DNA condenses into x- shaped chromosomes (sister chromatids with identical genetic make up)

- Joined at centromere

- Centrioles at opposite ends

- Spindle fibres attach to centromeres

What happens in the Metaphase of Mitosis?

Sister chromatids line up in the middle of the cell

What happens in the Anaphase of Mitosis?

Sister chromatids separate (one copy to each side)

What happens in the Telophase of Mitosis?

Sister chromatids are at opposite sides of the cell.

Nuclear envelope begins to form (2 nuclei, 1 cell)

What is Cytokinesis?

When cytoplasm content divides at the end of Mitosis, and two identical daughter cells are formed.

Cloning cons

- hard to succeed (stress on egg and nucleus)

- not understood completely

Applications of cloning

- Insulin can be cloned and provided for people with diabetes

How many chromosomes are left compared to the parent cell after Meiosis has taken place?


When is the only time that meiosis takes place?


Two ways through meiosis to become genetically diverse

- Crossing - over: physical crossing of chromosome arms between homologs (aka. one dad chromosome takes a little bit of mom)

- Independent and random assortment: the arrangement of chromosomes during metaphase is random and independent (one child cell could get more mom than dad, etc.)

What is the whole point of meiosis?

To create genetic diversity

Phases of Meiosis 1

Prophase 1

Metaphase 1

Anaphase 1

Telophase 1

What occurs in Prophase 1

DNA condenses into x shaped chromosomes

Homologs pair up and crossing over takes place

What occurs in Metaphase 1

Homolog pairs move to centre of cell

Homolog chromosome pairs are called ______


What occurs in Anaphase 1

Homologous chromosomes are pulled apart

Sister chromatids stay together

Random arrangement

What occurs in Telophase 1

Each nucleus receives only 1 of each original pair

The two cells only have 1 set of chromosomes

What occurs in Prophase 2

Haploid Cell

One set of chromosomes with both chromatids

What occurs in Metaphase 2

Line up at centre of cell

What occurs in Anaphase 2

Sister chromatids are pulled apart

What occurs in Telophase 2

4 haploid daughter cells are created

What is a Karyotype?

Individuals chromosomes that are sorted by type and size.

Type - homologs together

Size - longest to smallest

What kind of chromosomes are Autosomes

Non - sex chromosomes

What pair are the sex chromosomes

chromosomes that differ between male and female (23rd pair)

What is non-disjunction?

Failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis to give an abnormal number of chromosomes in daughter cells.

What is Trisomy?

When there is an abnormal number of 3 chromosomes in a daughter cell.

One gamete with 24 chromosomes.

What is Monosomy?

When there is an abnormal number of 1 chromosome in a daughter cell.

One gamete with 22 chromosomes.