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56 Cards in this Set

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The act of getting rid of wastes, stool, gastrous secretions, etc from the body?
Organs involved in elimination?
Kidneys, ureters, bladder
Bean-shaped organs about the size of a fist located near the middle of the back, just below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine
The main function of the kidneys?
Filter wastes and extra fluid from the blood
The kidneys process about ____ quarts of blood a day.
The kidneys sift out about ____ quarts of waste/water products a day.
The wastes and extra water become urine, which flows to the bladder through tubes called ________.
The ¬¬¬¬¬_______stores urine until releasing it through urination.
The adult bladder can hold up to ___ oz. of urine comfortably for ___ to ___ hrs?
16; 2, 5
Tubes that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body during urination?
How long is the male urethra?
8 in.
How long is the female urethra?
1.5 in.
UTI is more common in males or females?
What part of the urinary tract do UTIs mostly occur?
Bladder & urethra
Main cause of UTI?
Escherichia coli (E-coli)
In females, what are you at risk of getting with waste elimination?
What will ↑ the risk of getting UTIs in women?
Wiping back to front after bowel movement
In males, what is the problem pertaining to elimination?
Enlarged prostate causes urinary retention
Prostate enlargement is common among men of what age?
> 50
In newborns, what is the very 1st stools called?
Bed wetting is called?
Nocturnal enuresis
capillary tuft (tubes) that performs the first step in filtering blood to form urine?
a series of organized muscle contractions that occur throughout the digestive tract
refers to the increase in size of the prostate in middle-aged and elderly men?
What does BPH stand for?
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Some dietary things we can tell the pts to be more regular?
Eat more fiber, drink more water, drink caffeine
By just increasing your fiber intake, it decreases the risk of?
Colon cancer & diverticulosis/diverticulitis
Diverticulitis develops from ___________, which involves the formation of pouches on the outside of the colon.
In what 2 ways does psyllium work on the body?
Absorbs water during diarrhea & softens stools during constipation
Why does seafood have a diuretic effect?
Has a high water content
Name some food that have a laxative effect?
Bran, prunes, figs, chocolate, alcohol
Name some gas producing foods?
Cabbage, onions, bananas, cauliflower, apples
Average urine output for adults?
About 1.5 L or 6.3 cups/day
How much water is lost through breathing, sweating and bowel movements?
1 L
Food accounts for about ___% of the total fluid intake.
What type of Pt may have problems w/ elimination?
Bedridden/Immobile pts & spinal injury pts
Name some foods that ↑ constipation?
Cheese, eggs, pasta, lean meat
On average, how many bowel movement should a person have?
3 types of diuretics?
Thiazide, loop, potassium sparing
If ketones are present in urine output what does that indicate?
Kidneys are not filtering properly
Another name for a nursing Dx?
NANDA label
Specific gravity of urine in adults
1.020 to 1.028
This test helps evaluate your body's water balance and urine concentration?
Specific gravity of urine
The upper portion of the urinary tract include what organs?
Kidneys and ureters
The lower portion of the urinary tract includes what organs?
Bladder and urethra
The inability to control one’s bowels or urination?
The involunarty and unpredictable passage of urine?
Functional incontinence
Loss of urine during laughing, coughing, sneezing, lifting, or sudden movement?
Stress incontinence
A person has a strong urge to void and has an involunatary passage of urine?
Urge incontinence
When your bladder is holding too much urine and urination does not completely empty the bladder?
Overflow Incontinence
Involuntary loss of urine occurring at predictable intervals based on volume?
Reflex Incontinence
A weakened musculature of the bladder that comes w/ age?
Bladder Incontinence
(T or F) Inserting a foley catheter in a non-sterile procedure?
Blood, protein, or white blood cells in urine may indicate what?
injury, inflammation, or infection
Possible life threatening infection of the kidney and the ureters?
Pyelonephritis is most often caused by?