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51 Cards in this Set

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Treaty of Paris 1763

ended the French and Indian War

Treaty of Paris 1783

ended the American Revolution

Northwest Ordinance

principles and procedures for expanding the United States westward

Mayflower Compact

1620; social contract signed by pilgrims to set up laws and rules in Plymouth

Federalist Papers

series of essays written to defend the Constitution; Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison

Common Sense

pamphlet written by Thomas Paine to convince colonists that is was time to be independent from England

Bill of Rights

first 10 amendments to the Constitution

Gettysburg Address

speech given by Abraham Lincoln to dedicate a cemetery for soldiers during the Civil War

Emancipation Proclamation

issued by Abraham Lincoln in 1863 setting all the slaves free in the Confederate States

Lincoln's first inaugural address

pledged there would be no war unless the South started it

Lincoln's second inaugural address

given to help heal and restore the country after 4 years of fighting the Civil War

Great Compromise

created 2 houses in Congress; the Senate with equal representation and the House of Representatives based on population

Samuel Adams

member of the Sons of Liberty

Benjamin Franklin

inventor and politician; signed Declaration of Independence; post office

King George III

King of England during American Revolution

George Washington

first President of the United States; General of the Continental Army

Thomas Jefferson

wrote the Declaration of Independence; 3rd President of the United States; Louisiana Purchase

Thomas Paine

wrote Common Sense and The Crisis to encourage American independence and resolve to stay in the war

Andrew Jackson

leader of the original democratic party; Age of the Common Man; Trail of Tears; Indian Removal Act;

John C Calhoun

Nullification Crisis; justified slavery for the South;

South Carolina

Henry Clay

congressman and senator; compromise of 1850

Daniel Webster

spoke for the North and the preservation of the Union

Jefferson Davis

president of the Confederate States of America

Ulysses s Grant

general of the Union Army; won the Civil War for the North

Robert E Lee

General of the Confederate Army

Abraham Lincoln

16th president of the United States; Civil War President; assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

Alexander Hamilton

leader of Federalist party; first Secretary of Treasure; creator of the first Federal Bank; killed in duel by V.P.Aaron Burr

Patrick Henry

patriot; "Give me liberty or give me death"

James Madison

wrote the Constitution

Frederick Douglas

former slave; abolitionist; North Star

James Monroe

author of Monroe Doctrine

Harriet Tubman

escaped slave; conductor of underground railroad

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

proponent of women's rights; Seneca Fall Convention

first amendment

freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition

second amendment

right to bear arms

third amendment

quartering of soldiers

fourth amendment

search and seizure

fifth amendment

due process of law; self-incrimination

sixth amendment

speedy criminial trial by jury

seventh amendment

right to civil trial by jury

eighth amendment

cruel and unusual punishment

ninth amendment

rights of the people

tenth amendment

powers of the states

thirteenth amendment

abolished slavery

fourteenth amendment

citizenship and rights for born and naturalized

fifteenth amendment

right to vote

Marbury vs Madison

judicial review

Dred Scott vs Sanford

slaves are property

Plessy vs Ferguson

separate but equal reinforced segregation

cotton gin

Eli Whitney; removed seeds from cotton; increased need for slaves


Robert Fulton; revolutionized transportation and trade