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79 Cards in this Set

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what 2 bact. inactivate EF-2
what is mech

ADP ribosylation of EF-2; inhibits protein synthesis
mech. of toxicity in psudeomonas and cornybacterium
inactivate EF-2 via ADP ribosylation;
inhibits protein syntheseis
what bac. has exotoxin A
mech of heat labile vs heat stable ETEC
labile (LT): activates adenylate cyclase via ADP ribosylation of Gs

stabile (ST): activates guanylate cyclase
what is mech of shiga toxin
inactivates 28s RNA via
RNA N-glycosidase
what bacteria and toxin activate adenylate cyclase via ADP ribosylation of Gs?

what about Gi?
Gs = vibrio cholera; Heat labile enterotoxin of E coli

Gi = bortadella pertussis
bortadella pertussis toxicity via what mec?
activate adenylate cyclase via ADP ribosylation of Gi
vibrio cholera mech
activate adenylate cyclase via ADP ribosylation of Gs
zinc dependent proteases cleave VAMP... what bact do you think of?
tetani - blocks release of GABA and glycine

botulinim - blocks release of Ach
bacillus antracis mech
calmodulin dependent calcium activation that inc. cAMP, lethal edema
calmodulin dependent calcium activation that inc. cAMP, lethal edema

what bacteria
bacillus anthracis
modifies cytoseleton of target cell by glucosylating RhoA
c difficile
causes disaggregation of actin filaments
name 4 bact with toxins that activate second messenger systems
E coli
Vibrio cholera
techoic acid is found in what kind of bacteria
gram +
what is only found in gram + bacteria
techoic acid
silver stain - what bacteria
what bact. DO NOT stain?
chalmydia stain
what are the gram - lactose fermenters
Club E coli

(E Coli and Klebsiella)
what are the Oxidase + vs Oxidase - NON lactose fermenting gram - bacteria
oxidase + = pseudomonas
oxidase - = SSP
shigella, salmonella, proteus
cornybacterium medium
tellurite agar
what grows on mac conkeys agar
gram - lactose fermenters (eg. e coli, klebsiella)
what bac are found in pairs and chains
M protein
virulence factor for S. pyogenes
part of cell wall that inhibits opsonization and complement activation;
host antibodies are directed against M protein;
streptolysins S and O
can cause hematopoetic cell death (ASO titer is also target forhost cell abs)
what casues scarlet fever
s. pyogenes exotoxin
fxn of streptokinases
mediate rapid spread through host tissue
sore throat
sandpaper rash starts on trunk and spreads outward. NOt on palms, face, soles.
scarlet fever; strep pyotenes
what are 2 main infxns of strep pyogenes
skin and soft tissue
(also kinda toxic shock syndrome)
impetigo? what bac can cause this
seen in children; colonization of upper epidermis characterised by perioral vesicular blistered lesions that eventually develop honey colored crust

strep pyogenes
main effect of rheumatic fever in heart
pancarditis initially, later on, valvular damage;
tx: patients placed on life long abs for prophylaxis
S pyogenes is sensitive to what drugs?
commo cause of UTI in preggers?
S. agalactiae
Main bact causing neonatal septiemia and meningitis
Group B Strep (eg. S. agalactiae);
Give Ab therapy to babies if you suspect meningitis: amoxicillin (to cover listeria and group B strep) and gentamicin or cefotaxime
women with + Grop B strep infexn are given what before going into labor
penicillin or ampicillin as prophylaxis
S viridans is resistant to what?
what bact causes dental careis
S. mutans
bact assoc with GI malignancy
S. bovis
tx for enterococci, what if they are resistant to this tx, what other three drugs can you try?
1. vancomycin

if Vancomycin Resistant Enterococci,
linezolid, synercid
Nitrofurantoin to treat VRE urintary tract infxns
mc cause of pneumonia in adults
strep pneumo
positive quellung reaction
strep pneumo
mc cause of meningitis in adults
s pneumo
what does staphlokinase do?
it dissolves fibrin clots (also called fibrinolysin)
how do superantigens work
they cause massive nonspecific overtimullation of immune system by CROSS LINKING MHC CLASS II moleculse on APCs
only food poisoning to start within hours is what bact
s. aureus
desquamating rash of palms and soles
TSST (s aureus)
nonspecific activation of T cells
what causes osteomyeltits
in normal people: s. aureus
in sickle cell pts: salmonella
what causes septic arthritis
in kids and elderly, S. aureus
in sexually active age group, N. gonorrhea
weil felix reaction, positive for what, negative for what
used to look for anti-ricketsial abs that cross reacy with Proteus antigen.

(+) in Rocky Mt Spotted Fever and Typhus,
(-) for Q fever
chlamydial cell wall is unusual in that it lacks.......
muramic acid
mc cause blindness in africa
cause of atypical walking pneymonia common in military recruit camps etc
mycoplasma pneumoniae - no cell wall so it wont staine
only protozoa std; cheezy exudate; pear shaped with flagella
trichomonas vaginalis
rural latin america - what mycoses
captains wheel appearance
tx for superficial candida,vs systemic candida
superficial = nystatin
systemic = amphoteracin B
what do you culture on Sabourads agar
latex agglutination of this fungus tests for polysaccharide capsular anigen; soap bubble lesions in brain
stains with india ink
pseudohyphae and budding yests at 20 degrees; germ tubes at 37degrees
45 degree branching septate hyphae
irregular nonseptate hyphae with wide angles
mucor; mostly affects ketoacidotic diabetics and leukemic patients; proliferate in walls of blood vessels, also cause frontal lobe abscesses
aids pt with atypical pneumonia and cyanosis
pneumocystis jiroveci
what is treatment for pneumocysitis jiroveci
TMP SMX; pentamidine; dapsone
start prophylaxis when CD4 < 200;
view with gomori meth silver stain or diret fluroescent antibody test
ascending lymphangitis; cigar shapped budding yeast
sporothrix schenckii; tx is itraconazole or potsssium iodide
premature neonate in respiratory distress; silver staining cysts and surfactant rich in exudate. what disease do you ALWAYS think of
pneumocystis jiroveci;

rich exudate due to replication of type II pneymocytes.
epitloggitis; otitis media; meningitis in UNVACCINATED kid
H flu
most common cuase otitis media and pneumonia
s. pneumo
maltese cross; northeastern US; transferred via ioxodes tick
tx is quinine, clindamycin
cysts in meat or cat feces; preggers should avoid cat litter bc of what disease
toxoplasma gondii
mc cause pseudoappendicites
yersinia enterocolityica
swimming in fresh water lakes; amoebas in spinal fluid; enter via cribriform plate; rapdily fatal due to BRAIN INVOLVEMENT
naegleria fowleri
usuall cause of intestinal amoebiasis; ingested RBCs and nuclei with central karyosomes; liver abscess; right upper quadrant pain; bloody diarrhea; invades colonic mucosa and makes shallow ulcers;
trophiosozites or cysts in stoool;
entamoeba hystolitica
tx is metronidazole and iodoquinol
tx for toxoplasma gondi
sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine
tx: quinine and clindamycin. what is oraganism
tx: metroidazole and iodoquinol
entamoeba hystolitycia
tx: sulfasalazine and pyrimethamine; Aids pt. what is bug?
toxoplasma gondii
flukes and worms, treat with
westermani, think __________
haematabulum think _____
westermani = lung
hemotabulum = bladder (cancer)
perianal pruitis
mc cause sporadic encephalitis in us