The Behavioral Leadership Theory

Superior Essays
Over the years, diverse research has been conducted to address issues pertaining to leadership. These studies have in turn triggered the development of various leadership theories that offer diverse opinions, and outlooks in relation to issues pertaining to leadership. Further, these studies have accounted for the development of diverse leadership philosophies and styles that determine the leadership patterns integrated by leaders (Northouse, 2014).
Behavioral leadership
The behavioral leadership theory evaluates the behaviors affiliated with successful and effectual leaders (DeRue et al, 2011). Behavioral leadership is directly tied to the behavioral leadership theory. Based on the theory, an individual’s behavior serves as the
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Trait based leadership is directly tied to the trait leadership theory . The theory evaluates the demographic, physical, and social, intellective characteristics. The theory also establishes that effectual leaders have abilities, interests, and personalities that differ from unsuccessful and ineffectual leaders (DeRue et al, 2011). Further, the theory establishes that emotional maturity, self-confidence, achievement drive, leadership motivation, cognitive ability, knowledge in business, honesty, and integrity are the core traits affiliated with successful and effectual leaders (DeRue et al, 2011). Moreover, the theory indicated that these traits are also a manifestation of leadership …show more content…
Her objective was to augment the achievement levels of the company, by enhancing the performance of each unit. Further, as a commander in the 63d ordinance company, Halstead made efforts to analyze, and evaluate the perspectives and the outlooks of the members in each unit (Groysberg & Bell, 2011). In this case, her objective was to motivate the members (leadership motivation) of each unit, and draw their focus and attention towards the success of the company as a whole (Groysberg & Bell, 2011). Based on the evaluation of the trait leadership theory, it is evident that leadership motivation is categorized among the most imperative traits affiliated with successful and effectual leaders. Conclusively, by depicting traits such as achievement drive and leadership motivation, Halstead manifested characteristics of a successful leader (Groysberg & Bell, 2011). These traits accounted for her success as a commander in the ordnance

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