People say that college school is just like another year of high school in relation to drama and social status. In some cases, it is but, college requires another level of maturity. In every aspect of life people grow at different paces so in college its easier for people to distinguish toxic relationships from unhealthy relationships. The way you see the maturity is by seeing who keeps unhealthy people in their life and who decides that putting energy into their goals in more important you see who is really a person you should keep around and who is the person who is using you to move up in the social or economic …show more content…
Once drugs and alcohol get involved on campuses attention to detail and being aware of your surroundings becomes more important. There are many more suicide and rape cases in college than in high school. The stress of the workload and the need for social capitol become stressful and people need to escape. Drugs and depression take a toll on a student’s focus. Rape happens and sometimes schools bribe people or even blackmail them to keep the schools name clean. In high school it’s the law that every issue has to be resolved. This causes an unsafe environment for other students. Drugs become more accessible because people come from different backgrounds and even different places. High school was just a place where a small percentage of students would be involved with drugs but college shows you