
Improved Essays
Through research, evidence supports that prosthetics are modernized. Prosthetics also significantly help amputees, making them a necessity for those who need support, according to professionals in the field. Prosthetics are created from plastic and usually have small sensors to track electrical nerves within a limb, but with developed technology, prosthetics can do so much more. Prosthetics have developed to detect certain signals, and in order to prepare an individual for prosthetics, stimulations are used. Stimulation signals get sent to the three major nerves that usually carry sensory signals from the hand to the brain: the median, ulnar, and radial nerves. This stimulation is composed of balanced current flows in successive negative and …show more content…
But since technology is so precise, it benefits the individual significantly due to specific messages that are being sent. Nerve messages communicate what needs to be done and since some messages can’t be sent to certain places (due to an amputated limb), prosthetics would result in improvements in the conveyance of the message. The conveyance of the nerve signals are important because it determines the speed of a reaction, and since prosthetics continue the nerve signals, it becomes a necessity. With this in mind, it leads an individual to function efficiently, which means tasks within the body can be accomplished. It is important that the individual completes tasks in order to resume activities without any obstacles. Regarding obstacles, some can be demolished with the help of technology. An example of overcoming obstacles through technology, by using brain-to-computer interfaces, and it enables a woman locked in her body, to guide the cursor on a computer screen, allowing her to control objects in the room via the screen (Peterson 2). A physical and mental connection is made between humans and technology; technology assisted the movements of a person and technology is helping nerve signals being …show more content…
Sensations are important due to their role with a human; it tells the brain what is being felt without sight. This is important because the loss of sensation renders an individual to become more reliant on sight than touch. As a result, the person becomes too dependent on sight which leads to issues where sight can’t be used. An example would be in the dark, where a person has no sight, and since prosthetics bring back lost feelings, it allows the person to rely more on sensations. Concerning sensations in prosthetics, a certain prosthetic "has the ability to recognize, for instance, that the person is ascending stairs, and makes the necessary adjustments" (Waldrop, Wojciechowski 1). Naturally, the human body adapts to a terrain, but it is very difficult for those who have lost limbs as well with those with less developed prosthetics- it is time- consuming for one to adjust it manually. By having technology adapt to the environment, it ends up being more efficient and helpful to an individual. Manual prosthetics aren’t as developed, prohibiting a person to do certain activities, but by using new prosthetics, a person is able to do those

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