Beowulf Book Vs Movie

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Have you read, or watched the movie Beowulf? It’s a must you see it,
The movie is a very great movie its telling you about the battle Grendel and Beowulf had.
Beowulf battled giant sea monsters and he battled them with his bare hands, you need to read the book to find out more about it because it’s very interesting. It shows how brave and fearless Beowulf was, Beowulf didn’t mind putting up a fight with anyone. Beowulf is an epic hero who killed both Grendel and the dragon, Grendel the water monster hated the singing and the joyful Danes, so he started attacking them while they were asleep. The movie and the textbook played different roles because in the textbook it had different information then in the movie. You would have to watch or read the book about Beowulf to know more about this information. Grendel bursts into Herot. He tears the door from its hinges with his bare hands and
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In the movie Grendel reached out to snatch up Beowulf, he is stunned to find his arm gripped with greater strength than he knew possible. Beowulf rips Grendel’s arm completely out of its socket. Fatally wounded, Grendel went back to his swampy home to die. In the text book Beowulf fought Grendel without weapons because the weapons didn’t harm him, he bewitched them. In the movie Beowulf lies about killing Grendel’s mother, but in the textbook Beowulf killed her. Beowulf geats Grendel head and brings it back to the Danes and they celebrated. In the textbook Beowulf said fate will unwind as it must which means he die fighting

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