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25 Cards in this Set

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The DC-ML-TC tract has how many neurons overall?
1. DRG
2. Gracilis/Cuneus
3. VPL
What tract carries accurate sensory information like fine touch, 2-point discrimination, and proprioception?
DC-ML-TC tract
In the DC-ML-TC tract, where does the nerve fibers cross in the spinal cord?
a. 3 segments above input level
b. lower medulla
c. upper medulla
d. lower pons
e. midbrain
b. lower medulla
In the DC-ML-TC tract, sensory input from the lower body enter the _______ nucleus and input from the upper body enters the ________ nucleus.
Gracilis nucleus - lower body
Cuneal nucleus - upper body
What is the third neuron in the DC-ML-TC tract?
The 3 cerebellar tracts all send what kind of information to the cerebellum? (hint: type of proprioception)
unconscious proprioception
What peduncle does the DC-cuneal cerebellar tract enter?
inferior peduncle
The upper body's unconscious proprioception uses what tract? Where does it cross at?
DC-Cuneal cerebellar tract

It does NOT cross. Tricky tricky.
Name the 2 neurons in the DC-Cuneal Cerebellar tract.
1. DRG
2. Lateral (accessory) cuneatus nucleus
The Clark nucleus of the Dorsal Spinal Cerebellar tract crosses the spinal cord.
False - only Clark's unnamed brother crosses
Name the 3 tracts that give unconscious proprioception to the cerebellum, and name special features about each.
1. DC Cuneal Cerebellar tract (upper body)
2. Dorsal Spinal Cerebellar Tract (lower body - has Clark's nucleus)
3. Ventral Spinal Cerebellar tract (lower body - crosses twice)
Unconscious proprioception for the lower body comes partially from the ventral spinal cerebellar tract
The Ventral Spinal Cerebellar tract crosses twice, once in the spinal cord and once in the lower midbrain.
The Ventral Spinal Cerebellar tract crosses twice, once in the spinal cord and once in the lower medulla.
False - once in spinal cord, once in lower midbrain
What sensory tract contains C-fibers and A-delta fibers?
Anterolateral Spinal ThalamoCortical tract (ALS TC)
Name the three places that release ENK
1. Substansia Gelatinosa
2. Periaqueductal Gray Matter
3. Hypothalamus
What releases ENK throughout the body, not just locally?
Hypothalamus - releases in the blood system
Does the Paleo ALS TC have a major input to the post-central gyrus?
No - very little somatosensory input
Does the Neo ALS TC have a major input to the post-central gyrus?
Yes - major somatosensory input
What nucleus in the thalamus does the Paleo ALS-TC use to get to the cortex?
MD (medial dorsal)
The paleo ALS-TC tract activates the MD thalamic nucleus. What 2 places does this go, and what does each do?
1. Prefrontal cortex - cognition/behavior
2. Cingulate gyrus - emotional response
What cortex of the thalamus sends a wide and varied signal, activating all the areas of the cortex?
ILTN - Intralaminar thalamic nucleus
When you can't sleep due to chronic pain, what thalamic nucleus is being activated?
ILTN - intralaminar thalamic nucleus
What area of the ALS-TC tract gives off serotonin, and what is serotonin's target location?
Raphe Nucleus gives off serotonin which makes the Substantia Gelatinosa (target) give off more ENK to block pain.
What level of the brain stem/spinal cord is the Locus Coerulus located at?
Upper pons