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32 Cards in this Set

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(Just) for the hell of it spoken

for no serious reason, or only for fun:They shot people just for the hell of it

Essay n3v1 noun

2. a short piece of writing on a particular subject, written in order to be published

The book contains a number of interesting essays on women in society

Verb.to try to do sth

Grocer grouse^r n1

a person who owns, manages or works in a shop/store selling food and other things used in the home

Groser's shop.

Lous laus n2/v1 verb

Louse sth up

to make something worse rather than better, or to spoil something SYN mess up

That idiot loused up my chance of promotion.

N1.a small insect that lives on the hair or skin of people or animals

Idle adj5/v3

not working or producing anything OPP busy

2not serious, or not done with any definite intention


to spend time doing nothing important

(of an engine) to run slowly while the vehicle is not moving

Get down to do sth

to start doing something that is difficult or needs a lot of time or energy

It’s time we got down to work

Get down pha verb 4

get somebody down to make someone feel unhappy and tired

His lack of social life was beginning to get him down

Run n1/adj1

a strong alcoholic drink made from the juice of sugar cane

] a glass of rum


Hospitality haspi'taele^ti n2

1friendly behaviour towards visitors:Thanks for your hospitality over the past few weeks

2services such as food and drink that an organization provides for guests at a special event

Chic shik adj1

very fashionable and expensive, and showing good judgement of what is attractive and good style

Cabaret kaebe^'rei

entertainment, usually with music, songs, and dancing, performed in a restaurant or club while the customers eat and drink

a restaurant or club where this is performed:

Make a pass at sb

to try to kiss or touch another person with the intention of starting a sexual relationship with them

Admiral aedme^re^l n1


a high rank in the British or US navy, or someone with this rank

a group of ships, or all the ships in a navy:the US seventh fleet


2a group of vehicles that are controlled by one company

Epaulette epe^'le^t n1

a small piece of cloth attached to the shoulder of a coat or shirt, especially on a military uniform

Epaule french shoulder

Cockerel ka:ke^re^l n

a young male chicken

Beard bird noun bie

hair that grows around a man’s chin and cheeks → moustache


the front part of your face below your mouth:He rubbed his chin thoughtfully

Come over

Come over sb feeling

come over somebody if a strong feeling comes over you, you suddenly experience

’m sorry about that – I don’t know what came over me (=I do not know why I behaved in that way)

)if someone comes over, they visit you at your house

Delicate delikit someone adj6

a part of the body that is delicate is attractive and graceful

Her wrists and ankles were slim and delicate

a taste, smell, or colour that is delicate is pleasant and not strong

Get sth going

Start something, get something into full swing. For example, Once

Stinking adj3/adv stinkin emphasize

Stinking rich adv 1

stinking rich

extremely rich – used especially when you think this is unfair

used to emphasize what you are saying when you are angry

I hate this stinking boring job

having a very strong unpleasant smellSYN smelly:stinking garbage cans

Not Give a damn/****

used to say that you do not care at all about something:I don’t give a damn what you think

Make fun of sb/sth

to laugh at sb/sth or make other people laugh at them, usually in an unkind way

It's cruel to make fun of people who stammer.

Mermaid n1

(in stories) a creature with a woman's head and body, and a fish's tail instead of legs

Continuation n3 ke^ntinju'eishe^n n3

something that continues or follows something else that has happened before, without a stop or change

he present economic policy is a continuation of the earlier one

] the continuation of something is the fact that it continues to exist or happen

Splendiferous splen'dife^re^s

extremely good or pleasant

Splendiferous food .

Voil n1 voil

a very light almost transparent cloth made of cotton, wool, or silk

Incorrigible in'karid3e^bl adj1

having bad habits which cannot be changed or improved

Her husband is an incorrigible flirt

a person who flirts with a lot of people

to behave towards sb as if you find them sexually attractive, without seriously wanting to have a relationship with them

Compliment n5



praise or good wishes

This soup is delicious; my compliments to the chef.

a remark that shows you admire someone or something

All the guests paid her extravagant compliments

an action that shows you admire someone

Drenched drentst adj

covered with a lot of a liquid

Come on in – you’re drenched

drenched in/with light literary something thatis drenched with light has a lot of light shiningon it

Soveregin n2/adj2 coin noun

an old British gold coin worth one pound

a king or queen

(of a country or state) free to govern itself; completely independent

having complete power or the greatest power in the country

Cheer tsir n3/v2 v

to make someone feel more hopeful when they are worried

By late afternoon there came news that cheered them all

Dreadful adj3 dredfl

very bad or unpleasant.

What dreadful weather

What a dreadful thing to say!

used to emphasize how bad sth is

He's a dreadful snob