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163 Cards in this Set

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fishes are aquatic vertebrate with _____,_____, and usually a skin covered with ________

gills; fins; scales

fish _________ the world’s seas, lakes, and streams


many animals that are called fish, really are not. examples that are not fish include ___________, cuttlefish, _________, crayfish, and shellfish.

jellyfish; starfish

likewise, many animal that are fish do not have the word fish in their name. some that are fish include, _________,____, sharks, rays, and skates

seahorses; eels

fish are thought to be the most primitive _________


unlike today’s fish, extinct fish had no scales, paired fins, or _________


means “no jaw”


advanced jawed fish, many were large predators and are no extinct:


paired fins increased fishes ________ and maneuverability in the water


in the theory of evolution, the denovian period is nicknamed the “_____ of ______” became of the abundance and diversity of fishes during this period

age; fish

all ____-______-______ of fish and the three subclasses of osteichthyes were established by the mid-denovian


homeostasis: maintain concentrations of _____ and _______ that ______ from their surroundings

salt; water; differ

however, many species of fish that lived during the denovian are now ________, such as placoderms(_________ fish)

extinct; armored

dinichthys herzeri is an extinct, giant, marine arthrodire placoderm from the late denovian of _____ and tennessee


body shape: _____________ which allows them to move rapidly in water


coloration: most are __________ in which the dorsal surface is ________ than the ventral surface

countershaded; darker

____: membranous, wing-like or paddle-like organs attached to the body of fish and some other aquatic animals; used for propulsion, steering, or balancing


which fins are considered paired fins?

pelvic fins and pectoral fins

buoyancy: bony fish store _____ (in their swim bladder) and cartilaginous fish store ______ (in their liver) to maintain their vertical position in the water

gases; lipids

circulation: have a ____-chambered heart and ______-loop blood circulation

two; single

efficient respiration: have internal ____ for gas exchange. gills fan out water and have a lot of _______ area

gills; surface

marine bony fishes are ___________ __________

hypoosmotic regulators

the tissues of marine fish are ____ salty then the surrounding water, so water continually leaves through its skin and gills


to avoid dehydration, a marine fish _______ large amounts of water and produces a small amount of _____________ urine

drinks; concentrated

freshwater fish are ______________ ___________

hyperosmotic regulators

the tissues of a freshwater fish are saltier than it’s environment, so water is continually entering the body of a freshwater fish through its skin and gills. to overcome this, freshwater fish do not drink water and they produce large amounts of ________ ________

dilute urine

most fish do not have ________; many sharks do


sound: have _______ ears from which they receive vibrations from water through their body


fish have ________ and _______ ____. taste buds may be found in their mouth or on lips, fins, skin and ________ (whisker-like organs)

nostrils; taste buds; barbels

________ _____ system: fish have a system of canals in their skin that allow them to sense __________ in the water

lateral line; vibrations

the lateral line system is composed of __________ (receptor organs highly sensitive to vibration and water currents)


jawless fish- super class ________


class agnatha _____ jaws, internal ossification, scales, and paired fins


pore-like gill opening and an ____-like body form class ________ which includes 70 species of hagfish

eel; myxini

hagfish are marine, bottom dwelling __________ or predators that feed on dead or _______ fish

scavengers; dying

hagfishes are blind and quickly attracted to dead/dying fish by their keen senses of _____ and touch


ampullae of lorenzini: organs located in a cartilaginous fish’s head and can detect the __________ fields generated by living animals (muscles)


temperature control: poikilothermic ___________


poikilotherms: body temperature ________ depending on the environment


ectotherms are animals that primarily gain ______ through the environment


fish belong to

kingdom animalia

phylum __________

subphylum __________

chordata; vertebrata

osteichthyes- ______ fish (about 90% of all fish species)


chondrichthyes- cartilaginous fish (_______ and their relatives)


myxini- ________


petronyzontida- _________


a hagfish enters a dead or dying animal through an ________ by digging into the body and rips and eats pieces using 2 toothed, keratinizing plates on its tongue that fold together in a pincher-like action


nonparasitic lampreys do not _____ after emerging as adults. their digestive tract degenerates to a nonfunctional strand of tissue


class chondrichthyes: _______, _____, slates, and chimeras

sharks; rays

almost all chondrichthyes are ________; only 27 species live primarily in freshwater


chondrichthyes have skeletons made of __________


although calcification may be extensive in their skeletons, bone is entirely _______ throughout the class


chondrichthyes have skin covered with small tooth-like sounds called _______ scales


cartilaginous fish use _________ fertilization


males have modified pelvic fins called _________, used in copulation to transfer sperm to female


hagfish produce enormous quantities of _______


hagfish release the milk liquid through _______ along its body. when in contact with _________, the fluid forms slime so slippery that it is almost impossible to grasp

glands; seawater

class petromyzontida includes 88 species of


lampreys can be marine or __________, and _____-living or parasitic

freshwater; free

parasitic lampreys attach themselves to their host with a _____-shaped mouth and feed on the ________ and body fluids or other fish. they inject an _____________ into the wound to promote blood flow

disc; blood; anticoagulant

marine forms are ___________: leave the season where they spend their adult lives to swim up streaks to spawn


at _________, the female lamprey attaches to a rock to maintain her position over a nest she makes


the male lamprey _________ to the dorsal side of her head and as the eggs she’d into the nest, they are __________ by the male

attaches; fertilized

lamprey eggs hatch in about 2 weeks, releasing small larvae that look _________ like their parents. larvae are suspension feeders who grow slowly for 3-7 years


___________: some sharks and all skates ____ large, yolky _____ immediately after fertilization

oviparious; lay; eggs

sharks have a ______ _______ to help revive excess sodium and chloride ions from the body

rectal gland

sharks may initially detect prey from a kilometer or more away using large precise ________ organs and the lateral line system


at closer range, a shark switches to _______ as the primary method of tracking prey


during the final stage of attack, sharks are guided to their prey by the _________ fields that surround all animals (ampullae of ___________)

bioelectric; lorenzini

3 sharks responsible for most human attacks: ______ ______ sharks, ______ sharks, and ____ ______

great white; tiger; bull

not all sharks are predators; some of the largest sharks (_____ shark and ________ shark) are filter feeders and use gill ______ to filter the water for microorganisms

whale; basking; rakers

smallest shark:



dwarf lantern shark; whale shark; short fin mako

the spiny ______ shark can live more than _____ years (avg of most species is 20 years)

dogfish; 100

rays and skates are cartilaginous fish with _________ bodies and flexible wing-like ________ fins and often long _____

flattened; pectoral; tails

rays are ___________

skates are _________ and use the “mermaids purse”

viviparous; oviparious

some deposit their eggs in a horny capsule called a “__________ purse”


rays have a diamond or disk shaped body while skates have _________-shaped bodies


rays are ________ than skates. skates have _____ teeth

larger; small


embryos are nourished from the ______ for a long period before hatching as miniature replicas of adults


______________: many shark species which retain developing young in the ________ whole they are nourished by yolk sac until born

ovoviviparous; uterus

___________: reproduction in which the embryos receive nourishment form the maters bloodstream through a placenta, or from “uterine _____” secretions produces by the mother

viviparous; milk

some sharks, including sand tigers, exhibit a gruesome type of reproduction in which embryos receive additional nutrition by _________ eggs and _________

eating; siblings

_________ body shape- like a torpedo, shark bodies are designed to reduce water resistance


sharks posses a heterocercal caudal fun, in which the dorsal position is usually _______ than the ventral position to provide forward thrust and some upward lift as it sweeps back and forth


sharks have a hard time breathing and maintaining buoyancy when they _____ swimming


sharks also store large amounts of _______ in the large lobes of the _______. lipids are less dense than water and will help aid in their buoyancy

lipids; liver

rays and skates are primarily _______ dwellers feeding on mollusks and crustaceans


rays and skates draw water into their gills through ________ (2 large openings on top of the head, behind the eyes). gills opening are on the underside of the head but the large spiracles are on the top.


respiratory water enters through these spiracles to prevent _________ the gills, because the most is often buried in sand


pacific _________ ray is one of 14 described species of electric rays


stingrays come in two different general types

1. _______: bottom dwelling

2. _________: swimming

benthic; pelagic

benthic rays, such as the atlantic stingray, are often found ________ in the sand


stingrays have ________ spines along or near the base of the tail which can be lashed about quickly in defense


what should you do when walking on the beach to avoid getting “spined” by stingrays

shuffle your feet when you walk


embryos are nourished from the ______ for a long period before hatching as miniature replicas of adults


the _______ ray is the largest ray reaching up to ____ _______ in width. this ray feeds on ________ and small fish and are completely harmless to humans .

manta; 9 meters; plankton

who is the manta ray lady? why have manta ray populations gone down?

andrea marshal; the chinese kill them for their gill rakes and they only have 1 baby every 2-3 years


know as:

lay eggs in distinctive _________-shaped egg cases

ghost sharks, ray fish, spookfish, rabbit fishes; spindle

class: osteichthyes includes more than 28,000 species of _____ fish


osteichthyes have skeletons made of _____ and ________

bone; cartilage

osteichthyes skeletons are very _______ and provides a strong site attachment


fish secrete a layer of _______ that covers its entire body. the _________ mucus layer helps protect the fish from infection and disease

mucus; antiseptic

many species of bony fishes have a gas-filled bladder called a ______ ________

swim bladder

the swim bladder helps the fish control __________


_________-composed of bony plates attached to muscles that cover the gills on each side of the head


movements of the operculum allow the fish to _____ water over the gills. this enables them to pump water without having to swim(unlike sharks) and ________ ______

pump; conserve energy

most have a homocercal tail (fin appears _________)


most species are protected by a layer of light, thin, flexible _______


the scales _______ from head to tail which helps reduce _____ while swimming

overlap; drag

bony fish scales

1. _________: circular and smooth

2. _________: toothed edge

3. _________: diamond shaped, shiny, and hard

cycloid; ctenoid; ganoid

growth is _________ dependent


___________: reproduction in which the embryos receive nourishment form the maters bloodstream through a placenta, or from “uterine _____” secretions produces by the mother

viviparous; milk

sharks posses a heterocercal caudal fun, in which the dorsal position is usually _______ than the ventral position to provide forward thrust and some upward lift as it sweeps back and forth


sharks have a hard time breathing and maintaining buoyancy when they _____ swimming


sharks also store large amounts of _______ in the large lobes of the _______. lipids are less dense than water and will help aid in their buoyancy

lipids; liver

___________: some sharks and all skates ____ large, yolky _____ immediyoy after fertilization

oviparious; lay; eggs

sharks have a ______ _______ to help revive excess sodium and chloride ions from the body

rectal gland

sharks may initially detect prey from a kilometer or more away using large precise ________ organs and the lateral line system


at closer range, a shark switches to _______ as the primary method of tracking prey


during the final stage of attack, sharks are guided to their prey by the _________ fields that surround all animals (ampullae of ___________)

bioelectric; lorenzini

3 sharks responsible for most human attacks: ______ ______ sharks, ______ sharks, and ____ ______

great white; tiger; bull

not all sharks are predators; some of the largest sharks (_____ shark and ________ shark) are filter feeders and use gill ______ to filter the water for microorganisms

whale; basking; rakers

smallest shark:



dwarf lantern shark; whale shark; short fin mako

the spiny ______ shark can live more than _____ years (avg of most species is 20 years)

dogfish; 100

rays and skates are cartilaginous fish with _________ bodies and flexible wing-like ________ fins and often long _____

flattened; pectoral; tails

rays are ___________

skates are _________ and use the “mermaids purse”

viviparous; oviparious

some deposit their eggs in a horny capsule called a “__________ purse”


rays have a diamond or disk shaped body while skates have _________-shaped bodies


rays are ________ than skates. skates have _____ teeth

larger; small

rays and skates are primarily _______ dwellers feeding on mollusks and crustaceans


rays and skates draw water into their gills through ________ (2 large openings on top of the head, behind the eyes). gills opening are on the underside of the head but the large spiracles are on the top.


respiratory water enters through these spiracles to prevent _________ the gills, because the most is often buried in sand


pacific _________ ray is one of 14 described species of electric rays


stingrays come in two different general types

1. _______: bottom dwelling

2. _________: swimming

benthic; pelagic

benthic rays, such as the atlantic stingray, are often found ________ in the sand


stingrays have ________ spines along or near the base of the tail which can be lashed about quickly in defense


what should you do when walking on the beach to avoid getting “spined” by stingrays

shuffle your feet when you walk


embryos are nourished from the ______ for a long period before hatching as miniature replicas of adults


the _______ ray is the largest ray reaching up to ____ _______ in width. this ray feeds on ________ and small fish and are completely harmless to humans .

manta; 9 meters; plankton

who is the manta ray lady? why have manta ray populations gone down?

andrea marshal; the chinese kill them for their gill rakes and they only have 1 baby every 2-3 years


know as:

lay eggs in distinctive _________-shaped egg cases

ghost sharks, ray fish, spookfish, rabbit fishes; spindle

class: osteichthyes includes more than 28,000 species of _____ fish


osteichthyes have skeletons made of _____ and ________

bone; cartilage

osteichthyes skeletons are very _______ and provides a strong site attachment


fish secrete a layer of _______ that covers its entire body. the _________ mucus layer helps protect the fish from infection and disease

mucus; antiseptic

many species of bony fishes have a gas-filled bladder called a ______ ________

swim bladder

the swim bladder helps the fish control __________


_________-composed of bony plates attached to muscles that cover the gills on each side of the head


movements of the operculum allow the fish to _____ water over the gills. this enables them to pump water without having to swim(unlike sharks) and ________ ______

pump; conserve energy

most have a homocercal tail (fin appears _________)


most species are protected by a layer of light, thin, flexible _______


the scales _______ from head to tail which helps reduce _____ while swimming

overlap; drag

bony fish scales

1. _________: circular and smooth

2. _________: toothed edge

3. _________: diamond shaped, shiny, and hard

cycloid; ctenoid; ganoid

growth is _________ dependent


some bony fishes may have just some scales and some species have ___ scales (_____ and catfish)

no; eels

most have ________ fertilization and external development of their eggs and embryos


_______ and _______ are ovoviviparous

guppies; mollies

_________: lay large amounts of eggs because most young fish get eaten


_________: the egg laying behavior varies widely.

1. some build _____

2. some _______ the eggs in their mouths

3. some come together in ________

4. some _______

5. some _______ their eggs

spawning; nests; carry; schools; migrate; guard

catadromous fish spend most of their lives in ___________ but migrate to the sea to spawn such as freshwater _____

freshwater; eels

anadromous fish spend their adult lives at ____ but return to freshwater to spawn, such as ________

sea; salmon

lobe fish ex:


coelacanth; sarcopterygii

ray finned: no ________ within the fins; muscles in the body move the fins


lion fish- _______ species.

florida _____ owners are blamed. dna evidence traces all lion fish in the atlantic back to only ___-___ female lion fish. they have ___ known predators. they ____ __________ by eating too much

invasive; pet; 6-8; no; kill themselves