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28 Cards in this Set

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Distribution of Zinc in the body varies from
Most Zinc is found in the
muscles and bone but is not available there
Primary form of zinc is as an
intracellular ion
Zinc has three functions as a
catalytic, structural, and regulatory mineral
Zn must first be
the best source of Zn are
animal sourse, oysters
Zn enters the
brush border and THEN cytosol THEN binds to metallothionein (zinc pool)
metallothionein acts as an
explandable Zn pool & NOT as a transporter, it regulates further Zn absorbtion
To enhance Zn Absorbtion
deficient (like all nutrients), pregnant, lactating, and human milk better abosrbtion, animal sources
to inhibit Zn absorbtion
phylate, oxalate and fiber, high dose of Ca, Fe is supplemented, Cu supplementation
major route for excretion is
with normal intake about
80% of intake will end up in feces
the catalytic function of Zn is to
carbonic anhydrase in acid-base balance, DNA polymerase
Zn is needed for
Zn is needed structuraly for
stabilizing biomembranes and help proteins fold up ZN FINGERS
Zn is needed in regulatory purposes for
stimulator of trans-acting factors that regulate gene expression
Zn fingers motives
enable small polypeptides to fold into more stable configuration by binding with Zn
average nutrient density for a mixed diet is
5.1 mg Zn/1000kcal
mild Zn deficiency leads to
imparied immune function and wound healing, dematitis, sore throat
severe Zn deficiency leads to
all teh above plus anorexia (from loss of taste), dwarfism, hypogonadism, and nigh blindness
The inherited disease in which the body does not produce enzyme to shuttle Zn across intestine is
Acrodermatitis Enteropathica
Acromodermatits Enteropathica is treated with
large oral doses of Zn
Zn toxicity is rare but can occur when
food is prepared in galvanized containers or when Zn is inhaled
High doses of Zn can interfere with
Fe and Cu absorbtion
Zn status can be assesed by
WBC Zn levels, light dark test, metallothionen and serum zinc
metallothionen levels ______ during deficency
Zn along with vitamin A are used in
light-dark adaptation
the At risk population for Zn def. are
anorexia, poor food choices, low protein dies and strict vegetarians