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48 Cards in this Set

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How do the 6 excesses enter the body?
Skin (cold)
Mouth (heat)
what loathes heat
what loathes cold?
HT - Heat
LU - Cold
What loathes damp
What loathes dry?
SP - damp
KD - dry
what loathes wind
T/F the 6 xss can not all be transformed into each other?
F- they can be transfrmsd into each other
WC to heat
Damp to heat
Heat to fire to dry to xtreme heat to wind
what are the emotions that can cause disease?
anger, joy, worry, pensiveness, sad, fear, shock
Wind aka ____ belongs to which season>
The Chief of 100 diseases
what does wind invade/attack?
what does wind injure?
Invades upper body, skin and lungs
causes itching
injures blood and yin
which wind disorders have sweating?
wind water and wind damp
what is the difference between wind damp and wind water
wind damp - itchy rashes, uticaria, heavy, swollen joints, superficial.slippery pulse

wind water -edema esp face/eyes, cough w profuse sputum, mucus, superficial pulse (yang edema)
what happens when wind invades channels of the face?
deviation of mouth/brows, facial paralsis/bell's palsy
interior wind is related to which disharmonies?
LV - aggravated by emotions
what kind of wind disorder causes severe dizzy, vertigo, HA, irritability?
LV yang rising - wind
what can occur when extreme heat enters the blood?
lv wind - fever, convulsions, delerium, coma
what can occur with LV blood xu
wind - dizzy blurry vision, tics, tremors
what is the nature of cold and what does it govern?
nature is congealing and stagnating
governs contraction, pain, watery discharg
what does the cold injure?
injures yang - or can be caused by yang xu
Cold evil settling in the exterior is related to what kind of 6 stage damage?
tai yang cold damage
cold directly attacking the zang fu usually occurs in which organs?
ST - xs, epigastric pain (severe) vomit
Intestines- ab pain, diarrhea
Uterous- dysmenorrhea
long term xs cold particularly damages which organ?
SP yang - causes xu cold - chronic dull pain
yang xu causing cold generally affects which organs?
Which xternal cause of disease is the qi of fire heat?
summer heat
what is the nature of summer heat?
upbears, scatters, damages fluids, yin and consumes qi
what are the s/s of summer heat warmth?
what is the T/P
hi fever, copious sweat, palpitations, thirst, HA, red face, SOB, scanty dark urine,
T-red w yellow coat
P-surging rapid
what is the tx for summer heat warmth?
drain heat
your px has decreased urination, ab oppression, heavy body, thirst and a hi fever
their tongue is red with greasy yellow coat and the pulse is surging and big
what is the pathology and tx?
summer heat damp in MJ
tx- clear yang ming heat and transform damp
your px has a hot body and deafness, watery diarrhea and a cough w bloody sputum. she has dark scanty urine
what is the diagnosis and tx?
summer heat damp in SJ
tx- clear heat and resolve damp
yin summer heat is AKA _____
what is the tx?
Summer Heat Damp complicated by cold
tx- release xterior, disperse cold, clear summer heat, resolve damp
your px has chills and fever, a HA, no sweat, ab oppression and vomiting like a st flu
her tongue has a white coat
what is the diagnosis?
yin summer heat- summer heat damp complicated by cold
what are some characteristics of summer heat stroke
what is the tx?
sudden dizzy, HA, chest opprssn, nausea, vomit, dry mouth, thirst fatigue,
sudden collapse, panting, hot body cold extremities, copious or no sweat, surging large pulse

tx- clear heat, tonify qi, generate fluids
which pathologies have surging and large pulses?
summer damp heat in mj
summer heat stroke
what season belongs to DAmp?
late summer
what does damp damage?
yang qi and blocks qi mechanism (slowing it down)
your px has chills and fever, sweat, muzzy head, bland taste, loose stools with phlegm, cloudy urine, edema, and vag discharge
her tongue is greasy white
her pulse is forceful and slippery
what is the diagnosis and tx?
exterior damp
release exterior, resolve damp
Damp impediment is aka _____
what are the s/s
what is the tx?
Painful obstruction
ss- heavy painful joints and dull aches
tx-dispel wind, resolve damp
what is the tx for interior damp/?
strengthen SP
resolve damp
which pathogen is the governing qi for autumn?
what does dryness injure?
Blood, Yin
what does the tongue look like for internal dryness?
slightly peeled but NOT yet red
what are some differences between external cool dryness vs warm dryness?
cool- no sweat, HA nasal congestion, thin white dry tongue

warm- sl sweat, thirst, palpitations, dry cough w scanty/blood streaked sputum, chest pain w cough, scanty dark urine, dry stool, red tongue thin dry yellow coat
The tx for cool dryness is ____
The tx for warm dryness is ___
cool; release exterior, moisten dry

warm; clear heat, moisten dry
what qi transforms into fire?
5 qi transforms into fire (all pathogens can turn into fire)
What is the nature of fire?
Fire depletes ____ and affects ____
inflamed, rise, scorch fluids, generate wind, stir blood

Depletes QI and affects the mind
what organs are most likely to be affected by Fire?
ST LV HT KD LU intestines
what tongue and pulse are associated with fire?
T- crimson, w dry yellow coat and prickles

P- rapid, forceful
what tongue and pulse are associate with xu fire?
T- red peeled
P- thready rapid
what is the tx for fire?
clear heat, drain fire, resolve toxicity
Name some s/s for fire?
irritable, hi fever, thirst,sweat, red face/eyes, scanty dark urine, delirium, constipation, bleeding, convulsions, eruptions, mouth/tongue ulcers, insomnia, restless, mental agitation/illness, bleeding gums, vomit blood