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64 Cards in this Set

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anger affects which organ?
how does anger affect QI?
Anger affects LV
Causes Qi to rise
what pathologies can arise from anger?
LV Qi/Blood stag
LV yang rising
LV fire
red blotches on the front part of the neck are included in the S/S caused by which emotion. what pulse is often associated?
Anger s/s - also HA dizzy, tinnitis, red eyes/face, thirst, bitter taste, sighing, plum pit, hypochondriac/chest pain, breast distention PMS

P- wiry or wiry rapid
what is the tx principle associated with pathologies due to anger?
drain LV Fire or smooth free flow of LV qi
how can the SP/ST be affected by anger?
LV oa/invades SP/ST
the Heart is affected by which emotion?
joy (HT)
sadness/grief (LU/HT)
thought/pensive (SP/HT)
fright/shock (KD/HT)
Joy affects which organ
what does it do to the qi?
joy affects HT
slows down QI
causes HT qi to disperse and the spirit fails to settle
what are the benefits of normal joy?
relax mid, feel at peace, benefit ying/wei harmonize qi/blood
what pathologies arise due to xs joy?
HT fire
XU HT heat
tongue ulcers and erratic behavior are most commonly associated with pathologies to to which emotion?
what happens to the pulse?
xs joy s/s also- insomnia, dream disturbed, palpitations, anxiety, incoherent speech, abnormal laugh/cry, mania

P- surging (fire) or thready/weak
what tx principles apply when there is xs heat?
nourish HT, calm shen
may have to drain fire
which organs does Sadness affect
what does it do to qi?
Sadness affects the HT/LU - makes the HT cramped/agitated and pushed toward the LU which obstructs the upper jiao/ying/wei flow causing heat
Consumes Qi
what pathologies arise due to Sadness?
Lu Qi xu
how is sadness related to women's menses/.
causes Lu Qi xu
Qi is commander of blood
causes blood xu and amenorrhea
what is the tx associated with sadness pathologies
tonify Lu and HT qi
which organ is affected by worry/anxiety
what happens to qi?
Worry/anxiety damages LU and influences the SP
Knots QI - becomes deep, blocks qi dynamic disrupting D/D T/T
contrains po
which emotion contrains po and how is it manifested physically?
worry/anxiety - breathlessness
what pathologies arise due to anxiety/worry?
SP/LU Qi xu
stiff shoulders and neck, along witha weak.forceless/choppy pulse are s/s most often associated with which emotion?
what tx principle is associated with pathologies due to worry/anxiety?
tonify SP, dry damp, transform phlgm
which emotions affect the SP?
which emotions affect the KD?
which organs does thought/pensiveness affect?
what does it do to Qi
HT/SP - thought Yi is created in the heart and emerges in SP
Knots Qi
what pathologies commonly arise due to thought/pensive?
HT Blood/SP qi xu
your px suffers from insomnia, loose stools, palipitations, and has a thin emaciated body with a lusterless complexion, her pulse is deep/thready/knotted

what is the diagnosis and associated emotion?
what is the tx?
HT Blood/Sp Qi xu due to thought/pensive
TOnify/Nourish HT/SP
Fear affects which organ.
what does it do to Qi?
fear damages KD
Descends QI- not securing/containing, causes incontinence
what pathology arises due to Fear?
KD Qi xu -> leakage in LJ
Apprehensiveness, inability to relax, suspense, incontinence are associated with which pathology and emotion
what is the pulse?
what is the tx?
KD Qi xu due to Fear
P- deep
Tx- calm shen, secure essence
calming the shen and securing essence is the tx associated with which emtion/pathology?
fear - kD Qi xu
which organs are affected by fright/shock?
what does it do to QI?
shock affects KD/HT -
Scatters Qi - suddenly depletes HT Qi and shen has no place to settle
upon shock, how does the body respond the the scatter/depletion of qi
body uses jing to supplement sudden depletion of qi
what pathologies arise from shock/fright?
HT/KD Qi xu
palpitations, panic, starring of eyes without turning, inability to speak, chaoitc spirit and uncontrolled nonsense talk are s/s associated with what emotion/pathology
what is the tx?
HT/KD Qi xu due to shock, fright

calm shen
which emotion is associated with a moving/stirred pulse?
shock/fright (feels slippery,rapid, forceful, short, like a jumping bean)
what causes food damage?
what causes food accumulation?
damage- overeating/food stag damages sp/st
accumulation- weak t/t + food damage
ab full/distention that is better after BM, foul belching and foul diarrhea with a slippery/forceful pulse are s/s associated to which diet related pathology?
what is the tx?
food damage
disperse food stag
your px is a robust eater, but she has noticed that she is starting to form hardenings and lumps, she has ab pain that is worse with pressure and constipation, foul belching and acid regurg. Her pulse is slippery and rapid
what is the pathology?
what is the tx?
food accumulation
disperse accumulation
what causes Gan accumulation?
malnurishment in children due to lack of/unclean food/drink that causes SP/ST xu
what are s/s of gan accumulation
what is the pulse
what is the tongue
thin emaciated body, whithered yellow complxn, dull hair and spirit, irritably, crying, restless sleep, irreg diet/stools, distended ab w prominent veins or sunken ab. slow devlpmnt, lo grade fever
p- thready, rapid, weak
t-sl yellow dry or greasy
what is the tx for gan accumulation?
disperse food stag, tonify sp/st qi, nourish yin, clear heat
Tetany in adults is known as ___ in children.
what causes it?
Umbilical wind

causes by skin damage that is attacked by wind
what is the incubation period for tetanus?
4-14 days
possibly 24hrs or 1-2months
stiffness int he masseter muscle of face with difficulty speaking and swallowing, a forced smile and clonic convulsions are s/s of what pathology?
what is the pulse?
what is the tx?
dispel wind, settle tetany, clear heat, Release the Exterior
Frostbite can affects the yin or the yang?
what pulse may be exhibited with frostbite?
Frostbite can cause Yang collapse is severe enough
P- deep, thready, weak
what is the tx for
mild frostbite?
severe frostbite?
isolated areas?
mild- warm area, drink sweet ginger tea
severe- warm yang, disperse cold, harmonize ying/wei
isolated- move qi/blood using a wash
your px was bitten by a snake on a camping trip. there is no swelling around the bite, but she is dizzy and her eyelids are drooping and she has rigid eye mvt

what is the likely toxin?

wind/nerve toxin
you are bitten by a snake, it soon starts ozzing and pouring blood, it is extremely red and swollen and your pulse becomes skipping and forceless.

what is the likely toxin?
fire/blood toxin
your friend was bitten by a cobra
this snake is know to have blood and nerve toxins. what s/s will arise if she does not get treated fast?
the TM will turn purple/red/black, and become numb in the center and blister on the edges. her eye sockets will start shrinking, and jaundice will occur
what is the tx for snakebites
burning, expanding, or sucking methods to remove toxins
bind the proximal end of the wound to prevent absoprtion
treat w medicinal agents
senstation of ants crawling on the skin and fear of light sound and water are prominant s/s of ___
what is the tx?
rabid dog bite

dispel wind, resolve toxin, calm tetany
what is the tx/protocol for worm damage?
Expel worms
Tonify Sp and disperse accumulation
Nourish yin, clear hear, harmonize LV, disperse accumulation
these worms manifest in the SI
These worms manifest in the LI
pain around the umbilicus, white patches on face, blue patches on sclera, and small kernal protruding int he lower lip are classic s/s of which worm?
the constitution and which organ are most affected if the mother experiences severe shock during pregnancy?
how is it manifested?
causes bluish tinge on forehead
what are some classic indications of constitutional weakness?
whooping cough
very small ears/short lobes
LU weakness shown on T, P
longterm use of ___ damages ___ and leads to ___
over exertion/use of qi damages
leads to Yin Xu
which organs are most affected by mental overwork
SP/ST Qi/Yin, eventually KD yin
Physical overwork primarily depletes ___
SP Qi - dominates muscles
xs lifting weakens ___
xs use of eyes weakens ___
lfting - KD, lo back
eye- HT blood via internal pathway
xs Lying down injures___
xs sitting injures__
xs standing injures___
xs xercise injures ___
lying- LU Qi
sitting- muscles SP Qi
standing- Bones KD
exercise- sinews LV
Mens sexual activity is most closes related to ____ and ____

Womens sexual activity is most closely related to ___ and ____
Men- KD, room of essence
Women- blood, uterus which is directly related to KD
what is weakened due to to too many childbirths in a short time?
KD Yin
lack of sexual desire is due to ___
xs sexual desire w/o satisfaction is due to ___
lack desire- kd yang xu

xs desire- kd yin su