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51 Cards in this Set

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the os coxa bone is made up of the fusion of what 3 bones?
name the three "lines" that form the pelvic brim and what bones they're on
-sacral promontory (posteriorly)
-arcuate line on ilium
-pectinate line on pubis (anteriorly)
where do the false and true pelvis' lie in relation to the pelvic brim?
true(lesser) pelvis = below pelvic brim
false(greater) pelvis - above pelvic brim
what ligament forms covers the greater sciatic notch to form the greater sciatic foramen? the lesser sciatic notch and foramen?
greater: sacrospinous ligament

lesser: sacrotuberous ligament
what foramen and in what order does the pudendal n. go through?
the greater --> lesser sciatic foramen
what 2 mm form the lateral walls of the pelvis?
the obturator internus and piriformis m.
what 2 mm form the floor of the pelvis?
levator ani and coccygeus mm
name the four main mm of the pelvis
the levator ani and coccygeus mm make up the floor of the pelvis and the piriformis and obturator internus mm's make up the lateral walls
which 2 mm of the pelvis exit through a foramen? which m. exits through which foramen?
obturator internus m. - lesser sciatic foramen

piriformis m. - greater sciatic foramen
Piriformis m

O: sacrum -- passes laterally to exit through the greater sciatic forament
I: great trochanter of the femur
A: abduct and laterally rotate the thigh
N: SW1-S2
Obturator internus m.

O: obturator membrane and brim of the obturator foramen -- passes inferiorly to exit the pelvis through the lesser sciatic foramen
name the 10 main branches of the internal iliac a.
1) superior gluteal a., 2) inferior gluteal a., 3) iliohypogastric a., 4) lateral sacral a., 5) uterine a., 6) umbilical a., 7) obturator a., 8) superior vesical a., 9) internal pudendal a., 10) inferior vesical a.
branches of the internal iliac:

__________ a. goes to the iliac fossa and deep lumbar region
iliolumbar a.
branches of the internal iliac:

__________ a. goes to structures in the sacral canal
lateral sacral a.
branches of the internal iliac:

__________ aa. go to the gluteal region (2)
superior gluteal a. & inferior gluteal a.
branches of the internal iliac:

__________ a. goes to the perineum, gives off the inferior rectal aa., and becomes the perineal a.
the internal pudendal a.
branches of the internal iliac:

__________ a. goes to the urinary bladder, seminal vesicle, prostate, and vas deferens
inferior vesical a.
branches of the internal iliac:

__________ a. to superior portion of urinary bladder and forward as the median umbilical ligament; terminates as the superficial vesical a.
umbilical a.
branches of the internal iliac:

__________ a. goes to the region of the obturator canal
obturator a.
branches of the internal iliac:

__________ a. goes to the rectum
middle rectum comes directly from internal iliac a.
branches of the internal iliac:

__________ a. goes to the uterus, gives off the vaginal a. inferiorly and anastomoses with the ovarian a.
uterine a.
the ___________ extends from the rectosigmoidal junction (S3) to the anal canal
the rectum
the the rectum or anal canal longer?
is the internal anal sphincter composed of longitudinal fibers or of circular fibers?
circular - it's the termination of the inner m layer of the intestines
is the corrugator cutis ani m composed of longitudinal or circular fibers?
longitudinal - it's the termination of the outer longitudinal layer of intestines (aka taenia coli)
_______ are formed by veins deep to mucous membranes in the area between the rectum and anus, and ________ are the depressions between the columns
anal columns

anal sinuses
the __________ line is composed of the mucous membrane valves connecting the anal columns
name the aa or the rectum and where they originate from
superior <-- IMA
middle <-- internal iliac a.
inferior <-- internal pudendal a.
name the 3 big IDing factors of the large intestine
taenia coli
epiploic appendages
the pelvic splanchnic nn are composed of what type of fibers? what spinal segements do they come from?

S2,3,4 keeps your stuff off the floor
name the veins of the rectum and what they drain
inferior rectal --> drains distal to the pectinate line
middle rectal --> drains lower 1/3 of rectum
superior rectal --> from anal column superiorly to the IMV (internal hemorrhoids)
the ________ lig runs from the apex of the bladder to the umbilicus
median umbilical ligament
the _____________ is the smooth area between openings of the urethra and ureters
trigone of the urinary bladder
what is the arterial supply to the bladder? (2)
superior and inferior vesical aa.
what is the venous drainage of the bladder to the IVC?
vesical venous plexus --> prostatic venous plexus --> internal iliac v. --> IVC
autonomics of bladder: for micturition
-parasymp stimulation from _______ to brain via ____________
-they are inhibitory to ___________ and motor to _______
-from stretch receptors in the body wall
-to brain via pelvic splanchnic nn.
-back through the PSn to be
-inhib: internal urethral sphincter
-motor: detrusor m.
autonomics of bladder: for micturition
-sympathetic down to what spinal level? to innervate what?
-external urethral sphincter
what joins with duct from seminal vesicle to from the ejaculatory duct? where does it open to?
the ductus deferens

opens to the prostatic urethra
what produces alkaline fluid that mixes with but does not form sperm?
seminal vesicles
______________ has openings for ejaculatory ducts and prostatic ducts
urethral crest (
the _____________ ducts open into the prostatic sinus alongside of the urethral crest
prostatic ducts
the posterior surface of the prostate is separated from the rectum by ____________ (_________________).
rectovesicle fascia (Denonvilliers)
presence in surgery indicates back of prostate and stopping here prevents entering rectum
the upper smaller portion of the posterior prostate, above the depression on the posterior surface where the ejaculatory ducts enter is the _____________ lobe
middle lobe
the _______ lobe enlarges the most and obstructs the internal urethral orifice
the _____________ lobe is smaller and superior posteriorly while the _______________ lobes are larger and inferior and separated by a median furrow.
middle lobe = smaller, superior
L and R lateral lobes = larger, inferior
prostatic ducts open into the prostatic sinus on wither side of the ____________
seminal colliculus
the _____________ is enveloped by a thin, fibrous capsule, which is enveloped by a plexus of veins (Batson's plexus)
Batson's plexus can empty into the vertebral plexus, and thus, prostate cancer can be linked to brain cancer
the prostate empties lymphatics into which nodes?
internal iliac and sacral lymph nodes

-one vessel from posterior surface ends in external iliac nodes
prostatic innervation:
parasymp nn. and fxn
symp nn. and fxn
parasymp: pelvic splanchnic nn (S2-S4) "pointing" - erection
symp: inferior hypogastric plexus "shooting" - ejaculation

prostate surgery may lead to sexual dysfunction